(Last updated : 2024-04-26 21:10:46)
  YUKI Masami
   Department   Aoyama Gakuin University  Department of English, College of Literature
   Position   Professor
Introduction to American Culture Ⅰ, II; Reading I; Lecture on Global Literature Ⅰ, II; Seminar in Global Literature Ⅰ, II; Lecture in American Novels E (Ⅰ)(II); Advanced Lecture in American Novels E Ⅰ, II
■ Specialization and related fields
environmental literature, ecocriticism, American literature (Key Word:Ecocriticism, American Literature, Environmental Humanities)  Link
■ Academic background
1. Hiroshima University〔Doctorial Course〕 Accomplished credits for doctoral program
2. Kanazawa University〔Master Course〕 Completed
3. Kanazawa University Graduated
■ Business career
1. 2020/04~ Aoyama Gakuin University College of Literature Department of English Professor
2. 2016/04~2020/03 Kanazawa University Faculty of Letters / School of International Studies Professor
3. 2012/01~2016/03 Kanazawa University Foreign Language Institute Professor
4. 2003/05~2011/12 Kanazawa University Foreign Language Institute Associate Professor
5. 2000/08~2003/04 Toyohashi University of Technology Language Center Lecturer
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■ Belonging society
1. 1994/05~ The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment Link
2. 2016/09~2020/11 ∟ President
3. The American Literature Society of Japan
■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 2020/10~2023/09  Asia-Norway Environmental Storytelling Network (ANEST)  (Key Word : ) Link
2. 2020/04~2023/03  Possibility and Promise of DisasterLiterature  (Key Word : )
3. 2014~2014  Preliminary Research on Environmental Humanities in Scandinavia  (Key Word : )
■ Book and thesis
1. Book Ecocriticism in Japan   (Collaboration) 2018/01 Link
2. Book Ishimure Michiko's Work in Ecocritical Perspective: Between Sea and Sky   (Collaboration) 2016 Link
3. Book Literature and Art after Fukushima: Four Approaches   (Collaboration) 2014/02
4. Article "Eating Contamination in Japan's Anthropocene Fiction" Literature and Environment (25),pp.5-15 (Single) 2022/06
5. Article "Rethinking Nature Writing: Towards Anthropocenic Imagination" Thought Current in English Literature (94),pp.155-172 (Single) 2021/12
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■ Lecturer and lecture
1. 2022/07/24 More-Than-Human: Conversation with Ohkojima Maki (Sezon Museum of Modern Art, Karuizawa) Link
2. 2022/01/12 Ecocriticism in Japan (University of Cologne, online) Link
3. 2021/10/24 North and the Planetary (NIAV NishiAizu International Art Village)
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2023/10/13 "Kinship, Skinship, and Learning to Think Like Trees" (A workshop of the Asia-Norway Environmental Storytelling Network (ANEST))
2. 2023/08/04 Thinking Like a Mountain, Yes, But What ABout a Tree or Even Uranium? (Colby Summer Institute in Environmental Humanities)
3. 2022/06/05 comments on presentations at Workshop A "Queer Futurities: Utopias, Dystopias, and Disruptive Transnationalism" (JAAS 2022 Annual Conference)
4. 2021/10/23 Towards a “Culture of Survival” in the Anthropocene: Agency and Scale in the Work of Ishimure Michiko (The 7th International Symposium on Literature and Environment in East Asia)
5. 2021/08/04 Redefining Survival in the Anthropocene: Literary and Artistic Interventions on Nuclear Waste Disposal Issues (STREAMS: Transformative Environmental Humanities)
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