(Last updated : 2024-03-30 11:51:27)
   Department   Aoyama Gakuin University  Department of Cultural and Creative Studies, School of Cultural and Creative Studies
   Position   Professor
■ Specialization and related fields
marketing, consumer behavior, tourism, event marketing, esports, Stigma product marketing (Key Word:Marketing,Consumer Behavior, Anime, Manga, Content, Tourism, event marketing) 
■ Business career
1. 2017/04~ Aoyama Gakuin University School of Cultural and Creative Studies Department of Cultural and Creative Studies Professor
■ Belonging society
1. 2020/09~ Japan Institute of Tourism Research Link
2. 1999/09~ The Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution Link
3. 1996/09~ Japan Academy of Advertising Link
4. 1995/05~ Japan Association for Consumer Studies Link
■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 2021/04~  Research on promoting social acceptance of games/e-sports through Megamarketing  (Key Word : ) Link
2. 2021/01~  Research on the possibility of using video gaming to solve social issues  (Key Word : video gaming, gamification, intellectual properties) Link
3. 2018/07~2020/03  Exploratory study on sportification of eSports  (Key Word : ) Link
4. 2017/04~2020/03  Research on Information searching behavior of British, French and German tourists to Japan in case of Contents Tourism  (Key Word : )
5. 2015/04~2018/03  Research on Process of Development and Evolution of Content (Cultural Resource) Event  (Key Word : )
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■ Book and thesis
1. Article Practical Report and Interview : Lecturing in English at the School of Cultural and Creative Studies and Using the Academic Writing Center of Aoyama Gakuin University  pp.17-37 (Collaboration) 2023/03 Link
2. Article Symposium, The Realities of High School Esports Clubs": Exploring the Forefront of Esports in Education Aoyama Journal of Cultural and Creative Studies 14(1),pp.99-135 (Collaboration) 2023/03 Link
3. Article Where Esports Meets Education : Considering the Social Value of Esports with Puyo Puyo High School Athletics (Lecture Event, December 18, 2021) Aoyama journal of cultural and creative studies pp.63-94 (Collaboration) 2022/03 Link
4. Article Information Search Behaviours of British and French Potential Tourists Seeking Information on Japanese Pop Culture Aoyama journal of cultural and creative studies pp.71,73-91 (Collaboration) 2021/03 Link
5. Article The Process of Development and the Evolution of Japanese Pop Culture Event: Case of World Cosplay Summit (Nagoya, Japan) Proceedings: the EURAM 2020 Conference  (Collaboration) 2020/12
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2020/12/05 The Process of Development and the Evolution of Japanese Pop Culture Event: Case of World Cosplay Summit (Nagoya, Japan) (the EURAM 2020 Conference)
2. 2019/11/26 The Process of Development and the Evolution of Japanese Pop Culture Events: Case of the Japan Expo (Paris, France) and World Cosplay Summit (Nagoya, Japan) (Cfest: International Workshop on Cultural Festivals Organization and Management)
3. 2019/11/22 The Process of Development and the Evolution of Japanese Pop Culture Events
4. 2018/09/07 The Process of Development and the Evolution of Japanese Pop Culture Events: Case of the World Cosplay Summit (10th Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association Research Networks Sociology of the Arts (RN2) & Sociology of Culture (RN7))
5. 2017/08/31 A Comparative Study on the Development Process and Evolution of Japanese Pop Culture Events (13th Conference of the European Sociological Association)
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