1. |
2024/09/27 |
Independent control of the valence band maximum and conduction band minimum of amorphous Cd-In-Ga-O thin film by adjustment of Cd and Ga concentration (Transparent Conductive Oxides–Fundamentals and Applications(TCO2024))
2. |
2024/09/27 |
p-type Cu2O films deposited by RF sputtering usig Cu or Cu2O targets (Transparent Conductive Oxides–Fundamentals and Applications(TCO2024))
3. |
2023/12/13 |
Changes in electrical and optical properties of NiOx and NdNiO3 films by electrochromic reactions (Materials Research Meeting 2023)
4. |
2023/12/13 |
Direct Observation of Weak In-gap States of Cu2O and CuO Thin Films Studied via Constant Final State Yield Spectroscopy (Materials Research Meeting 2023)
5. |
2023/12/13 |
Gas sensing properties of WO3 films deposited by reactive rf sputtering (Materials Research Meeting 2023)
6. |
2023/12/13 |
Optical, electrical and thermophysical properties changes by UV irradiation for yttrium oxyhydride films (Materials Research Meeting 2023)
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2023/12/13 |
Structural and optical properties of niobium oxide films deposited by the specially designed reactive sputtering system (Materials Research Meeting 2023)
8. |
2023/12/13 |
Structural and optical properties of niobium oxide films deposited by the specially designed reactive sputtering system (Materials Research Meeting 2023)
9. |
2023/12/13 |
Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity of amorphous aluminum oxide thin films with different densities (Materials Research Meeting 2023)
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2023/12/12 |
Changes in electrical and thermal conductvities of Sm film by gasochromic hydrogenation and dehydrogenation (Materials Research Meeting 2023)
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2023/12/12 |
Electrical, thermophysical and structural properties change for Gd hydrides thin films controlled by gasochromic hydro-/dehydrogenation (Materials Research Meeting 2023)
12. |
2023/12/12 |
Fabrication of all-solid-state thin film thermal switches using hydro-/dehydrogenation reactions of Y-Mg or Ni-Mg switchable mirror films (Materials Research Meeting 2023)
13. |
2023/12/12 |
Hydrogen-gasochromic properties of Y-Mg, Ni-Mg, Mn-Mg and Gd switchable mirror films (Materials Research Meeting 2023)
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2023/12/12 |
Reversible electrical and thermal conductivities change of Pd-catalyzed Co-Mg films by gasochromic hydrogenation using N2-H2 (3%) gas (Materials Research Meeting 2023)
15. |
2023/12/12 |
Thermal conductivity changes of electrochemically hydrogenated and dehydrogenated Pd-catalyzed Ni-Mg alloy thin film (Materials Research Meeting 2023)
16. |
2023/09/13 |
Large thermal conductivity switching ratio of Gd hydrides thin film with hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions (22nd European Conference on Thermophysical Properties (ECTP2023),)
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2023/09/13 |
Thermal conductivity changes of yttrium oxyhydride thin films induced by UV light photo-reduction (22nd European Conference on Thermophysical Properties (ECTP2023),)
18. |
2022/09/26 |
Contribution of free electrons to thermal conductivity changes for Pd-catalyzed Mg-Ni alloy films by the hydrogenation (The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC 2022))
19. |
2022/09/26 |
Electrical and thermal character changes for Gd thin film by Gaschromic method using a H2/Ar mixed Gas. (The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC 2022))
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2022/09/26 |
Heat transport properties for amorphous and polycrystalline WO3 films (The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC 2022))
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2022/09/26 |
Study on the Zn-In-O-N films deposited by sputtering (The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC 2022))
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2022/09/26 |
The effect of film structure on the thermal conductivity for Al2O3 thin films prepared by sputtering method (The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC 2022))
23. |
2022/09/26 |
Thermal and structural characters for Y-Mg alloys thin film in hydrogenation and dehydrogenation states (The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC 2022))
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2021/12/16 |
Characteristic Modification of TCO thin films by Flash Lamp Irradiation (Materials Research Meeting 2021)
25. |
2021/12/14 |
All-solid-state electrochromic devices using switchable mirror films (Materials Research Meeting 2021)
26. |
2021/12/14 |
Crystallization of In2O3-based amorphous thin films and its influence on electrical properties (Materials Research Meeting 2021)
27. |
2021/12/14 |
Density and thermal conductivity of amorphous Al2O3 films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering under the total gas pressure from 0.5 to 8.0 Pa (Materials Research Meeting 2021)
28. |
2021/12/14 |
Development of flexible photocatalytic sheet with the retentional photo-induced hydrophilicity (Materials Research Meeting 2021)
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2021/12/14 |
Electrical and thermal conductivity changes of hydro- and dehydrogenated Y-Mg alloy thin film controlled by 3% H2 in Ar gas (Materials Research Meeting 2021)
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2021/12/14 |
Gas sensing properties of SnO2 films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering (Materials Research Meeting 2021)
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2021/12/14 |
Modal analysis of spectral thermal conductivity of amorphous oxide alloys (Materials Research Meeting 2021)
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2021/12/14 |
n-type and p-type SnOx thin films deposited by reactive sputtering (Materials Research Meeting 2021)
33. |
2021/12/14 |
Preparation of Pd-catalyzed Mg-Ni films and thermal conductivity changes by the hydrogenation using Ar-H2 gas (Materials Research Meeting 2021)
34. |
2021/12/14 |
Structural Control and Characterization of Molybdenum oxide thin films by post-treatment processes (Materials Research Meeting 2021)
35. |
2021/12/14 |
Thermal Conductivity Changes of Gd-Based Thin Films by Electrochemical Hydrogenation/Dehydrogenation (Materials Research Meeting 2021)
36. |
2021/12/14 |
Thermal conductivity of amorphous and polycrystalline WO3 films (Materials Research Meeting 2021)
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2021/12/14 |
Transparent Thin Film Heaters For Anti-fogging Window Applications (Materials Research Meeting 2021)
38. |
2018/10/21 |
Control on the interface between thin film TiO2 photocatalyst and PET, PI substrates (ACSIN-14& ICSPM26)
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2018/10/21 |
IrOx based Electrochromic films deposited by rf suputtering (ACSIN-14& ICSPM26)
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2018/10/21 |
Switchable mirror materials based on Gd-Mg alloy deposited by sputtering (ACSIN-14& ICSPM26)
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2018/10/14 |
Effects of the Al doping on thermal conductivity for heteroepitaxially grown Al-doped ZnO films (7th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials (IS-TCMs))
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2018/10/14 |
Local structure of Nb and/or N doped TiO2 film formed by reactive sputtering (7th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials (IS-TCMs))
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2018/10/14 |
Optical properties of niobium oxide films deposited by reactive sputtering with the plasma emission feedback system (7th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials (IS-TCMs))
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2018/07/29 |
High Quality TiO2 Photocatalyst Deposited on PET or PI Polymer Films by Reactive Sputtering for Flexible Photocatalytic Sheet (The 22nd International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS-22))
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2018/04/02 |
Fabrication of p-type SnOx Thin Films and its Defect Structure (MRS Spring Meeting 2018)
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2017/11/26 |
Experimental Investigation on Structural Evolution of Amorphous Indium-Based Oxide Films During Annealing by In Situ XRD and EXAFS Measurements (2017MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit)
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2017/11/26 |
Structural Characterization of Functional ZnO-InN Alloy Films (2017MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit)
48. |
2017/11/26 |
Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Zn3N2 Films Deposited by dc or rf Magnetron Sputtering (2017MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit)
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2017/10/01 |
Electrochromic WO3 Films with controlled high-rate deposition by Hollow Cathode Gas Flow Sputtering (The 232nd Electrochemical Society (ECS) MEETING)
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2017/09/03 |
Thermal Conductivity of Epitaxial VO2 Film at The Metal-Insulator Phase Transition (European Conference on Thermophysical Properties (ECTP 21st 2017))
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2017/08/27 |
Characterization of heteroepitaxial grown ITO films deposited by sputtering (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Characterization of Layered In2O3(ZnO)m Films (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
53. |
2017/08/27 |
Characterization of Si or Ti-doped diamond-like carbon films (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
54. |
2017/08/27 |
Crystal structure control of TiO2 films deposited by reactive sputtering (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Deposition of Niobium Oxide films by reactive sputtering with the plasma emission monitoring system (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Dielectricconstant and work function of tungsten oxide (WO3-x) films (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Electrical and thermal conductivity change for epitaxial VO2 film at the metal-insulator phase transition (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
58. |
2017/08/27 |
Experimental investigation on crystallization of In2O3 based amorphous transparent conductive oxide films (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Fabrication of graphene and molybdenum oxide hybrid films for transparent conductive films (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Gd and Mg-Y switching mirror materials deposited by sputtering (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Optical, electrical, and thermophysical properties of heteroepitaxial grown Al-doped ZnO (AZO)” K. Honda (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Phase Stability of Sn doped TiO2 studied by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and First-Principles DFT Calculations (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Photocatalytic TiO2 films deposited on flexible polymer substrates by reactive sputtering (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Reactive sputter deposition of n-type and p-type SnOx films (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
65. |
2017/08/27 |
Reactive sputter deposition of Nb-doped TiO2 films using Ni-Ti alloy target with impedance control systems (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Structural characterization of GaN films deposited by rf sputtering using He, Ne, Ar, and Kr as sputtering gases (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Study on the Zn-In-O-N(SION) films deposited by dc or rf sputtering (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
68. |
2017/08/27 |
Tailoring Crystal Structural of Sputtered TiO2 Film by Impurity Doping (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Thermal conductivity of Ti-doped diamond-like carbon thin fims (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
70. |
2017/08/27 |
Zn3N2 films deposited by dc or rf magnetron sputtering (IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
71. |
2017/07/03 |
Dielectric function of Nb-TiO2 and TiO2-x films by reactive sputtering (10th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-10))
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2017/07/03 |
n-type and p-type SnOx films deposited by reactive sputtering with the impedance control system (10th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-10))
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2017/07/03 |
Niobium Oxide films with precisely controlled various stoichiometry deposited by reactive sputtering with the plasma emission monitoring system (10th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-10))
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2017/07/03 |
Structural, optical and electrical properties of sputtered (ZnO) x (InN) 1−x Films (10th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-10))
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2017/04/17 |
Thermal conduction in homologous In2O3(ZnO)m films (2017 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit)
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2017/04/17 |
Thermal conductivities of epitaxial Al-doped and ZnO thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering (2017 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit)
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2017/04/17 |
TiO2 Film as Visible-Light Active Photocatalyst by Designing the Multilayer Structure with WO3 Film (2017 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit)
78. |
2016/12/19 |
Deposition of Niobium Oxide films by reactive sputtering with the plasma emission feedback system in the transition region (26th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2016 (MRS-J))
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2016/12/19 |
High rate diposition of n-type and p-type SnOx films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering with unipolar pulsing and impedance control system (26th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2016 (MRS-J))
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2016/12/19 |
Selective deposition of polycrystalline anatase TiO2 films by reactive sputtering with Nb or N dopings (26th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2016 (MRS-J))
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2016/12/19 |
Selective deposition of polycrystalline rutile TiO2 films by reactive sputtering with controlling deposition parameters or Sn-doping (26th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2016 (MRS-J))
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2016/12/19 |
Study on ZnO-InN(ZnInON) films as the functional oxynitride materials (26th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2016 (MRS-J))
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2016/12/19 |
Synthesis of Zn3N2 fils by DC and RF magnetron sputtering (26th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2016 (MRS-J))
84. |
2016/11/27 |
Thin-Film WO3 Photocatalyst with Visible Light Activity; (1) Deposition by the conventional reactive sputtering (2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit)
85. |
2016/11/27 |
Thin-Film WO3 Photocatalyst with Visible Light Activity; (2) Deposition by the hollow cathode gas flow sputtering (2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit)
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2016/09/12 |
Visible-light active thin-film WO3 photocatalyst deposited by low-damage hollow-cathode reactive-gas-flow sputtering (15th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE2016))
87. |
2016/05/02 |
Deposition of indium-oxide based transparent conductive films by reactive sputtering using alloy targets (European Materials Research Society(E-MRS) 2016 Spring Meeting)
88. |
2016/05/02 |
Effect of V and Ga dopant on the structural and electrical properties of ZnO films (European Materials Research Society(E-MRS) 2016 Spring Meeting)
89. |
2016/05/02 |
In-situ Brouwer analysis on defects in homologous In2O3(ZnO) films (European Materials Research Society(E-MRS) 2016 Spring Meeting)
90. |
2016/05/02 |
Pt-loaded WO3 photocatalyst with visible light activity deposited hollow-cathode reactive gas-flow sputtering (European Materials Research Society(E-MRS) 2016 Spring Meeting)
91. |
2016/05/02 |
Thermal conductivity of polycrystalline VO2 thin films across Metal-Insulator Transition (E)
Display 5 items
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