1. |
2025/01/24 |
2. |
2024/10/29 |
3. |
2024/10/29 |
4. |
2024/10/29 |
5. |
2024/10/29 |
6. |
2024/10/29 |
7. |
2024/09/27 |
Independent control of the valence band maximum and conduction band minimum of amorphous Cd-In-Ga-O thin film by adjustment of Cd and Ga concentration(Transparent Conductive Oxides–Fundamentals and Applications(TCO2024))
8. |
2024/09/27 |
Observation of in-gap state in Cu2O thin films using constant initial and final states yield spectroscopy(Transparent Conductive Oxides–Fundamentals and Applications(TCO2024))
9. |
2024/09/27 |
p-type Cu2O films deposited by RF sputtering usig Cu or Cu2O targets(Transparent Conductive Oxides–Fundamentals and Applications(TCO2024))
10. |
2024/07/07 |
Emerging Thermal Switching Materials(Chinese Materials Conference 2024 and World Materials Conference 2024 (CMC2024 & WMC2024))
11. |
2024/07/07 |
High-performance very-thin thermochromic VO2 films deposited by magnetron sputtering(Chinese Materials Conference 2024 and World Materials Conference 2024 (CMC2024 & WMC2024))
12. |
2024/07/07 |
Various functional oxide films with high performances deposited by reactive sputtering(Chinese Materials Conference 2024 and World Materials Conference 2024 (CMC2024 & WMC2024))
13. |
2024/06/26 |
14. |
2024/01/26 |
15. |
2023/12/13 |
Changes in electrical and optical properties of NiOx and NdNiO3 films by electrochromic reactions(Materials Research Meeting 2023)
16. |
2023/12/13 |
Direct Observation of Weak In-gap States of Cu2O and CuO Thin Films Studied via Constant Final State Yield Spectroscopy(Materials Research Meeting 2023)
17. |
2023/12/13 |
Gas sensing properties of WO3 films deposited by reactive rf sputtering(Materials Research Meeting 2023)
18. |
2023/12/13 |
Optical, electrical and thermophysical properties changes by UV irradiation for yttrium oxyhydride films(Materials Research Meeting 2023)
19. |
2023/12/13 |
Structural and optical properties of niobium oxide films deposited by the specially designed reactive sputtering system(Materials Research Meeting 2023)
20. |
2023/12/13 |
Structural and optical properties of niobium oxide films deposited by the specially designed reactive sputtering system(Materials Research Meeting 2023)
21. |
2023/12/13 |
Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity of amorphous aluminum oxide thin films with different densities(Materials Research Meeting 2023)
22. |
2023/12/12 |
Changes in electrical and thermal conductvities of Sm film by gasochromic hydrogenation and dehydrogenation(Materials Research Meeting 2023)
23. |
2023/12/12 |
Electrical, thermophysical and structural properties change for Gd hydrides thin films controlled by gasochromic hydro-/dehydrogenation(Materials Research Meeting 2023)
24. |
2023/12/12 |
Fabrication of all-solid-state thin film thermal switches using hydro-/dehydrogenation reactions of Y-Mg or Ni-Mg switchable mirror films(Materials Research Meeting 2023)
25. |
2023/12/12 |
Hydrogen-gasochromic properties of Y-Mg, Ni-Mg, Mn-Mg and Gd switchable mirror films(Materials Research Meeting 2023)
26. |
2023/12/12 |
Reversible electrical and thermal conductivities change of Pd-catalyzed Co-Mg films by gasochromic hydrogenation using N2-H2 (3%) gas(Materials Research Meeting 2023)
27. |
2023/12/12 |
Thermal conductivity changes of electrochemically hydrogenated and dehydrogenated Pd-catalyzed Ni-Mg alloy thin film(Materials Research Meeting 2023)
28. |
2023/11/07 |
29. |
2023/11/07 |
30. |
2023/09/13 |
Large thermal conductivity switching ratio of Gd hydrides thin film with hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions(22nd European Conference on Thermophysical Properties (ECTP2023),)
31. |
2023/09/13 |
Thermal conductivity changes of yttrium oxyhydride thin films induced by UV light photo-reduction(22nd European Conference on Thermophysical Properties (ECTP2023),)
32. |
2022/12/05 |
Amorphous In-Ga-Mg-O thin film: Optical, Electrical Properties and TFT characteristics(第32回日本MRS)
33. |
2022/12/05 |
H2 gas sensing at room temperature by transparent conductive oxide films (2); Al-doped ZnO (AZO) films top-coated with Pt or Pd deposited by magnetron sputtering(第32回日本MRS)
34. |
2022/12/05 |
H2 gas sensing at room temperature by transparent conductive oxide films(1); Pt/SnO2 films deposited by magnetron sputtering(第32回日本MRS)
35. |
2022/12/05 |
Hydrogen-gasochromic properties of Y-Mg and Ni-Mg switching mirror films(第32回日本MRS)
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2022/12/05 |
Study on thermal switches using the “switching mirror materials”; Hydrogenation/dehydrogenation of Ni-Mg alloy films using a 3% H2 in N2 gas(第32回日本MRS)
37. |
2022/12/05 |
The all-solid-state thermal switches controlled by the hydro/dehydrogenations(第32回日本MRS)
38. |
2022/10/26 |
Ar-H2(3%) ガスによる Y-Mg 合金薄膜の水素化・脱水素化に伴う可逆的な 熱輸送キャリア変化(Ⅱ)XAFSによる Y 原子周囲の局所構造(第43回日本熱物性シンポジウム)
39. |
2022/10/26 |
40. |
2022/10/26 |
41. |
2022/10/26 |
42. |
2022/10/26 |
43. |
2022/10/26 |
44. |
2022/10/26 |
異なる密度のアモルファスAl2O3 薄膜における熱伝導率の温度依存性(第43回日本熱物性シンポジウム)
45. |
2022/10/26 |
46. |
2022/09/26 |
Contribution of free electrons to thermal conductivity changes for Pd-catalyzed Mg-Ni alloy films by the hydrogenation(The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC 2022))
47. |
2022/09/26 |
Crystallization behavior of amorphous MoO3 films by post-annealing or flash-lamp irradiation(The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC 2022))
48. |
2022/09/26 |
Electrical and thermal character changes for Gd thin film by Gaschromic method using a H2/Ar mixed Gas.(The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC 2022))
49. |
2022/09/26 |
Heat transport properties for amorphous and polycrystalline WO3 films(The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC 2022))
50. |
2022/09/26 |
Study on the Zn-In-O-N films deposited by sputtering(The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC 2022))
51. |
2022/09/26 |
The effect of film structure on the thermal conductivity for Al2O3 thin films prepared by sputtering method(The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC 2022))
52. |
2022/09/26 |
Thermal and structural characters for Y-Mg alloys thin film in hydrogenation and dehydrogenation states(The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC 2022))
53. |
2022/09/20 |
54. |
2022/09/20 |
55. |
2022/09/20 |
56. |
2022/04/26 |
Characteristic and Structural Modifications of TCO thin films by the Flash-lamp Annealing Process(The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC 2022))
57. |
2022/03/24 |
58. |
2021/12/16 |
Characteristic Modification of TCO thin films by Flash Lamp Irradiation(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
59. |
2021/12/14 |
All-solid-state electrochromic devices using switchable mirror films(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
60. |
2021/12/14 |
Amorphous WO3 Electrochromic Films with controlled high-rate deposition by Reactive-gas-flow sputter deposition(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
61. |
2021/12/14 |
Crystallization of In2O3-based amorphous thin films and its influence on electrical properties(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
62. |
2021/12/14 |
Density and thermal conductivity of amorphous Al2O3 films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering under the total gas pressure from 0.5 to 8.0 Pa(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
63. |
2021/12/14 |
Development of flexible photocatalytic sheet with the retentional photo-induced hydrophilicity(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
64. |
2021/12/14 |
Electrical and thermal conductivity changes of hydro- and dehydrogenated Y-Mg alloy thin film controlled by 3% H2 in Ar gas(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
65. |
2021/12/14 |
Gas sensing properties of SnO2 films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
66. |
2021/12/14 |
Modal analysis of spectral thermal conductivity of amorphous oxide alloys(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
67. |
2021/12/14 |
n-type and p-type SnOx thin films deposited by reactive sputtering(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
68. |
2021/12/14 |
Preparation of Pd-catalyzed Mg-Ni films and thermal conductivity changes by the hydrogenation using Ar-H2 gas(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
69. |
2021/12/14 |
Structural Control and Characterization of Molybdenum oxide thin films by post-treatment processes(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
70. |
2021/12/14 |
Thermal Conductivity Changes of Gd-Based Thin Films by Electrochemical Hydrogenation/Dehydrogenation(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
71. |
2021/12/14 |
Thermal conductivity of amorphous and polycrystalline WO3 films(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
72. |
2021/12/14 |
Transparent Thin Film Heaters For Anti-fogging Window Applications(Materials Research Meeting 2021)
73. |
2021/10/27 |
Ar-H2(3%) ガスによる Y-Mg 合金薄膜の水素化・脱水素化に伴う可逆的な熱輸送キャリア変化(第42回日本熱物性シンポジウム)
74. |
2021/10/27 |
Gd 系薄膜の電気化学的水素化/脱水素化状態の熱特性(第42回日本熱物性シンポジウム)
75. |
2021/10/27 |
ITO と AgPd を積層した車載用透明薄膜ヒーターの開発(第42回日本熱物性シンポジウム)
76. |
2021/10/27 |
Pd 触媒を有する Mg-Ni 合金薄膜のガスクロミック反応による電気伝導率および熱伝導率の挙動(第42回日本熱物性シンポジウム)
77. |
2021/10/27 |
78. |
2021/10/27 |
様々な局所構造を有する WO3 薄膜の熱輸送特性に関する研究(第42回日本熱物性シンポジウム)
79. |
2021/05/25 |
80. |
2020/12/11 |
81. |
2020/10/30 |
Allen-Feldman 理論に基づいたアモルファスAl2O3の熱伝導率の密度依存性評価(第41回日本熱物性シンポジウム)
82. |
2020/03/12 |
Ioffe-Regel 境界定義がアモルファスAl2O3 熱伝導率の計算値に及ぼす影響(第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
83. |
2020/03/12 |
84. |
2020/03/12 |
85. |
2020/03/12 |
86. |
2020/01/17 |
87. |
2020/01/17 |
88. |
2020/01/17 |
89. |
2019/12/12 |
Approaches to fabricate the all-solid-state electrochromic windows(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
90. |
2019/12/12 |
Crystallization Behavior of Doped Amorphous Indium Oxide Films(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
91. |
2019/12/12 |
Deposition of stoichiometric MgF2 films by rf magnetron sputtering(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
92. |
2019/12/12 |
Development of electrochromic thin films for thermal switching devices(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
93. |
2019/12/12 |
Dielectric Function of Slightly-reduced Molybdenum Oxide (MoO3-x) Films Diposited by Reactive Sputtering(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
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2019/12/12 |
Electrical and Optical Properties of Nb-doped TiO2 Films Deposited by Reactive Sputtering Using Ni-Ti alloy target with impedance control systems(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
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2019/12/12 |
Electrochromic properties of doped IrO2 films deposited by co-sputtering(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
96. |
2019/12/12 |
Evaluation of gas barrier properties for amorphous AnSnOx and SiNx using transparent conductive oxide films(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
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2019/12/12 |
Gas sensing properties of SnO films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
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2019/12/12 |
Gd and Gd-Mg alloy films deposited by sputtering for all-solid state switchable mirror devices(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
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2019/12/12 |
H2 gas sensing properties of Al-doped ZnO films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
100. |
2019/12/12 |
Optical properties of TiO2, TiO2-x and Nb-doped TiO2 films analyzed by scanning ellipsometry(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
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2019/12/12 |
Piezoelectric properties of the doped ZnO and AlNx films deposited by rf co-sputtering(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
102. |
2019/12/12 |
Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
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2019/12/12 |
Study of MoO3 thin film with low thermal conductivity(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
104. |
2019/12/12 |
Thermal conductivity of polycrystalline rutile Ti1-xSnxO2 films(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
105. |
2019/12/12 |
Thermal Conductivity of Ti or W-doped Diamond-like carbon thin films(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
106. |
2019/12/12 |
Thermophysical and optical properties of Al2O3-based amorphous complex oxides films deposited by co-sputtering(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
107. |
2019/12/12 |
Thermophysical property of Y-Mg alloy switchable mirror thin films(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
108. |
2019/12/12 |
TiO2/WO3 multi-layered photocatalyst with the metallic nano-particles as co-catalyst(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
109. |
2019/12/12 |
Transparent diamond-like carbon films deposited by sputtering(Materials research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019))
110. |
2019/11/29 |
3 Layered SiO2/TiO2/ZTO Films Deposited on PET or PI Substrates for the Flexible Photocatalytic Sheet with the Retentional Photo-induced Hydrophilicity(The 3rd International Symposium on Recent Progress of Energy and Environmental Photocatalysis (Photocatalysis 3))
111. |
2019/11/29 |
Co-catalyst Loaded WO3, TiO2/WO3 Multi-Layered Photocatalysts Deposited by Reactive Sputtering(The 3rd International Symposium on Recent Progress of Energy and Environmental Photocatalysis (Photocatalysis 3))
112. |
2019/10/30 |
113. |
2019/10/30 |
114. |
2019/10/30 |
115. |
2019/10/30 |
116. |
2019/10/29 |
Y-Mg スイッチングミラー薄膜のその場サーモリフレクタンス測定(第40回日本熱物性シンポジウム)
117. |
2019/10/07 |
Doping Effects on Anodic Electrochromic IrO2 and NiO Films(11th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-11))
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2019/10/07 |
Experimental Observation on Crystallization of Amorphous ITO, IZO, and IGZO Films using Synchrotron Radiation(11th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-11))
119. |
2019/10/07 |
Fabrication of the Photocatalytic Sheet; How to Deposit High Quality TiO2 Photocatalyst on PET or PI Polymer Films by Reactive Sputtering(11th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-11))
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2019/10/07 |
Metallic Nanoparticle Loaded WO3, TiO2/WO3 Photocatalytic Films for Visible-Light Activities(11th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-11))
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2019/10/07 |
Optical and Mechanical Properties of The Transparent Diamond-Like Carbon Films(11th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-11))
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2019/10/07 |
Small Polaron Sbsorption of Slightly-Reduced Amorphous WO3-x, MoO3-x and WyMo1-yO3-x Films(11th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-11))
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2019/10/07 |
Structure, Stoichiometry and Optical Properties of MgF2 Films Deposited by Sputtering(11th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-11))
124. |
2019/10/07 |
The new Method to Characterize Gas Barrier Properties using Transparent Conductive Oxide Films(11th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-11))
125. |
2019/09/20 |
126. |
2019/09/20 |
127. |
2019/09/20 |
128. |
2019/09/20 |
反応性スパッタリングで成膜したNb, N添加TiO2膜の局所構造(第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
129. |
2019/09/19 |
130. |
2019/09/19 |
ITO, IZO, AZOを用いたガスバリア膜特性の評価(第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
131. |
2019/09/19 |
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2019/09/19 |
133. |
2019/09/19 |
134. |
2019/09/18 |
135. |
2019/09/04 |
136. |
2019/01/18 |
137. |
2019/01/18 |
138. |
2018/12/18 |
Optical properties of amorphous Cd-In-O film evaluated by ellipsometry method.(第28回日本MRS年次大会)
139. |
2018/12/18 |
140. |
2018/12/18 |
141. |
2018/12/18 |
142. |
2018/12/18 |
143. |
2018/12/18 |
144. |
2018/12/18 |
145. |
2018/12/18 |
146. |
2018/12/18 |
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2018/12/18 |
148. |
2018/12/18 |
149. |
2018/11/13 |
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2018/11/13 |
151. |
2018/11/13 |
152. |
2018/11/13 |
153. |
2018/11/13 |
154. |
2018/11/13 |
155. |
2018/10/21 |
Control on the interface between thin film TiO2 photocatalyst and PET, PI substrates(ACSIN-14& ICSPM26)
156. |
2018/10/21 |
IrOx based Electrochromic films deposited by rf suputtering(ACSIN-14& ICSPM26)
157. |
2018/10/21 |
Switchable mirror materials based on Gd-Mg alloy deposited by sputtering(ACSIN-14& ICSPM26)
158. |
2018/10/14 |
Effects of the Al doping on thermal conductivity for heteroepitaxially grown Al-doped ZnO films(7th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials (IS-TCMs))
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2018/10/14 |
Local structure of Nb and/or N doped TiO2 film formed by reactive sputtering(7th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials (IS-TCMs))
160. |
2018/10/14 |
Optical properties of niobium oxide films deposited by reactive sputtering with the plasma emission feedback system(7th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials (IS-TCMs))
161. |
2018/09/18 |
162. |
2018/09/18 |
163. |
2018/09/05 |
「反応性スパッタによるITO並びにIZO透明導電膜の高速成膜」(VACUUM2018 真空展)
164. |
2018/09/03 |
「反応性スパッタリングによりNb,N ドープしたTiO2 膜の局所構造」(第21回XAFS討論会)
165. |
2018/07/29 |
High Quality TiO2 Photocatalyst Deposited on PET or PI Polymer Films by Reactive Sputtering for Flexible Photocatalytic Sheet(The 22nd International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS-22))
166. |
2018/04/02 |
Fabrication of p-type SnOx Thin Films and its Defect Structure(MRS Spring Meeting 2018)
167. |
2018/03/17 |
168. |
2018/03/17 |
169. |
2017/12/05 |
170. |
2017/11/26 |
Experimental Investigation on Structural Evolution of Amorphous Indium-Based Oxide Films During Annealing by In Situ XRD and EXAFS Measurements(2017MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit)
171. |
2017/11/26 |
Structural Characterization of Functional ZnO-InN Alloy Films(2017MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit)
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2017/11/26 |
Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Zn3N2 Films Deposited by dc or rf Magnetron Sputtering(2017MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit)
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2017/11/07 |
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2017/11/07 |
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2017/11/07 |
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2017/11/07 |
177. |
2017/10/01 |
Electrochromic WO3 Films with controlled high-rate deposition by Hollow Cathode Gas Flow Sputtering(The 232nd Electrochemical Society (ECS) MEETING)
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2017/09/05 |
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2017/09/05 |
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2017/09/05 |
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2017/09/05 |
182. |
2017/09/05 |
183. |
2017/09/03 |
Thermal Conductivity of Epitaxial VO2 Film at The Metal-Insulator Phase Transition(European Conference on Thermophysical Properties (ECTP 21st 2017))
184. |
2017/08/27 |
Characterization of heteroepitaxial grown ITO films deposited by sputtering(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Characterization of Layered In2O3(ZnO)m Films(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
186. |
2017/08/27 |
Characterization of Si or Ti-doped diamond-like carbon films(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
187. |
2017/08/27 |
Crystal structure control of TiO2 films deposited by reactive sputtering(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
188. |
2017/08/27 |
Deposition of Niobium Oxide films by reactive sputtering with the plasma emission monitoring system(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Dielectricconstant and work function of tungsten oxide (WO3-x) films(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Electrical and thermal conductivity change for epitaxial VO2 film at the metal-insulator phase transition(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Experimental investigation on crystallization of In2O3 based amorphous transparent conductive oxide films(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Fabrication of graphene and molybdenum oxide hybrid films for transparent conductive films(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Gd and Mg-Y switching mirror materials deposited by sputtering(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Optical, electrical, and thermophysical properties of heteroepitaxial grown Al-doped ZnO (AZO)” K. Honda(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
195. |
2017/08/27 |
Phase Stability of Sn doped TiO2 studied by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and First-Principles DFT Calculations(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
196. |
2017/08/27 |
Photocatalytic TiO2 films deposited on flexible polymer substrates by reactive sputtering(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Reactive sputter deposition of n-type and p-type SnOx films(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Reactive sputter deposition of Nb-doped TiO2 films using Ni-Ti alloy target with impedance control systems(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Structural characterization of GaN films deposited by rf sputtering using He, Ne, Ar, and Kr as sputtering gases(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
200. |
2017/08/27 |
Study on the Zn-In-O-N(SION) films deposited by dc or rf sputtering(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Tailoring Crystal Structural of Sputtered TiO2 Film by Impurity Doping(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Thermal conductivity of Ti-doped diamond-like carbon thin fims(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/08/27 |
Zn3N2 films deposited by dc or rf magnetron sputtering(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium B-1 (3rd Bilateral MRS-J / E-MRS symposium))
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2017/07/03 |
Dielectric function of Nb-TiO2 and TiO2-x films by reactive sputtering(10th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-10))
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2017/07/03 |
n-type and p-type SnOx films deposited by reactive sputtering with the impedance control system(10th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-10))
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2017/07/03 |
Niobium Oxide films with precisely controlled various stoichiometry deposited by reactive sputtering with the plasma emission monitoring system(10th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-10))
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2017/07/03 |
Structural, optical and electrical properties of sputtered (ZnO) x (InN) 1−x Films(10th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-10))
208. |
2017/07/03 |
「スイッチングミラー材料Gd, Mg-Yを用いたスマートウィンドウの開発」(第6回JACI/GCSシンポジウム)
209. |
2017/07/03 |
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2017/07/03 |
211. |
2017/04/17 |
Thermal conduction in homologous In2O3(ZnO)m films(2017 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit)
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2017/04/17 |
Thermal conductivities of epitaxial Al-doped and ZnO thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering(2017 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit)
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2017/04/17 |
TiO2 Film as Visible-Light Active Photocatalyst by Designing the Multilayer Structure with WO3 Film(2017 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit)
214. |
2017/03/14 |
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2017/03/14 |
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2017/03/14 |
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2017/01/27 |
218. |
2016/12/19 |
Deposition of Niobium Oxide films by reactive sputtering with the plasma emission feedback system in the transition region(26th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2016 (MRS-J))
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2016/12/19 |
High rate diposition of n-type and p-type SnOx films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering with unipolar pulsing and impedance control system(26th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2016 (MRS-J))
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2016/12/19 |
Selective deposition of polycrystalline anatase TiO2 films by reactive sputtering with Nb or N dopings(26th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2016 (MRS-J))
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2016/12/19 |
Selective deposition of polycrystalline rutile TiO2 films by reactive sputtering with controlling deposition parameters or Sn-doping(26th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2016 (MRS-J))
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2016/12/19 |
Study on ZnO-InN(ZnInON) films as the functional oxynitride materials(26th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2016 (MRS-J))
223. |
2016/12/19 |
Synthesis of Zn3N2 fils by DC and RF magnetron sputtering(26th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2016 (MRS-J))
224. |
2016/12/19 |
Transparent conductive ITO films deposited by reactive sputtering with plasma emission feedback system(26th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2016 (MRS-J))
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2016/12/19 |
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2016/12/19 |
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2016/12/02 |
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2016/12/02 |
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2016/12/02 |
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2016/11/28 |
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2016/11/28 |
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2016/11/28 |
233. |
2016/11/27 |
Thin-Film WO3 Photocatalyst with Visible Light Activity; (1) Deposition by the conventional reactive sputtering(2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit)
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2016/11/27 |
Thin-Film WO3 Photocatalyst with Visible Light Activity; (2) Deposition by the hollow cathode gas flow sputtering(2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit)
235. |
2016/09/13 |
• 「ヘテロエピタキシャル成長したVO2薄膜の熱伝導率と金属絶縁体相転移」(第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
236. |
2016/09/13 |
• 「ホモロガス構造をもつIn2O3(ZnO)m薄膜の熱物性」(第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2016/09/13 |
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2016/09/13 |
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2016/09/13 |
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2016/09/13 |
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2016/09/13 |
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2016/09/13 |
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2016/09/13 |
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2016/09/13 |
245. |
2016/09/12 |
Visible-light active thin-film WO3 photocatalyst deposited by low-damage hollow-cathode reactive-gas-flow sputtering(15th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE2016))
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2016/09 |
247. |
2016/05/02 |
Deposition of indium-oxide based transparent conductive films by reactive sputtering using alloy targets(European Materials Research Society(E-MRS) 2016 Spring Meeting)
248. |
2016/05/02 |
Effect of V and Ga dopant on the structural and electrical properties of ZnO films(European Materials Research Society(E-MRS) 2016 Spring Meeting)
249. |
2016/05/02 |
In-situ Brouwer analysis on defects in homologous In2O3(ZnO) films(European Materials Research Society(E-MRS) 2016 Spring Meeting)
250. |
2016/05/02 |
Pt-loaded WO3 photocatalyst with visible light activity deposited hollow-cathode reactive gas-flow sputtering(European Materials Research Society(E-MRS) 2016 Spring Meeting)
251. |
2016/05/02 |
Thermal conductivity of polycrystalline VO2 thin films across Metal-Insulator Transition(E)
252. |
2016/03/19 |
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2016/03/19 |
254. |
2016/01/29 |
アモルファスのIGO,IZO,IGZO薄膜の結晶化挙動(第70回研究会(日本学術振興会 透明酸化物光・電子材料第166委員会)(共同))
255. |
2015/12/10 |
Change in Structure and TFT Performances of IZO, IGO and IGZO Films by Crystallization(The 22nd International Display Workshops (IDW’15)(共同))
256. |
2015/12/08 |
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2015/12/08 |
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2015/12/08 |
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2015/12/08 |
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2015/12/08 |
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2015/12/08 |
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2015/12/08 |
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2015/12/08 |
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2015/12/08 |
265. |
2015/10/19 |
Change in the structure and optical properties of IGZO films by crystallization(The 9th symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-9)(共同))
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2015/10/19 |
Characterization of a-IGZO by Raman spectroscopy using total-internal-reflection technique(The 9th symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-9)(共同))
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2015/10/19 |
Defect Mechanism of Homologous In2O3(ZnO)5 Films(The 9th symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-9)(共同))
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2015/10/19 |
Deposition of ITO and IZO transparent conductive films by reactive sputtering in “transition region”(The 9th symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-9)(共同))
269. |
2015/10/19 |
Engineering the TIO anode interface in organic photovoltaics for improving charge carrier extraction(The 9th symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-9)(共同))
270. |
2015/10/19 |
High-rate deposition of visible-light active thin-film WO3 photocatalyst by low-damage reactive-gas-flow sputtering(The 9th symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-9)(共同))
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2015/10/19 |
Optical and Electrical properties of Zn-In-O-N Films deposited by reactive sputtering(The 9th symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-9)(共同))
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2015/10/19 |
Sn-doping Induced Structural Changes for Sputtered TiO2 Films(The 9th symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-9)(共同))
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2015/10/19 |
Structural and optical properties of Nb-, N-doped and Nb-N co-doped TiO2 films(The 9th symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-9)(共同))
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2015/10/19 |
Thermophysical Properties of Tungsten Oxide Films with Different Crystallinity(The 9th symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-9)(共同))
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2015/10/19 |
TiO2/WO3 Multi-layer Films for Visible Light-active Photocatalyst(The 9th symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-9)(共同))
276. |
2015/10/19 |
Tuning the transition temperature of VO2 films deposited by reactive sputtering(The 9th symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-9)(共同))
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2015/10/19 |
ZnNx films deposited by reactive sputtering using He, Ne, Ar gases(The 9th symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TOEO-9)(共同))
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2015/10/19 |
279. |
2015/08/21 |
280. |
2015/07/08 |
GaN and InGaN films deposited by reactive sputtering(The 13th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes(ISSP2015)(共同))
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2015/07/08 |
Study on the crystallization of amorphous IGZO thin films deposited by dc magnetron sputtering(The 13th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes(ISSP2015)(共同))
282. |
2015/07/08 |
Thermophysical properties of epitaxial GaN films deposited by reactive sputtering using a Ga target(The 13th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes(ISSP2015)(共同))
283. |
2015/07/08 |
Transparent conductive ITO and IZO films deposited by reactive sputtering using alloy targets with the plasma emission feedback system(The 13th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes(ISSP2015)(共同))
284. |
2014/12/12 |
285. |
2014/12/10 |
Al or Ga doped ZnO Films with High Conductivity and Transparency Deposited by Off-axis Sputtering(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(単独))
286. |
2014/12/10 |
Analysis on Carrier Density of the ITO Nanoparticles using Scanning Ellipsometry(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
287. |
2014/12/10 |
Comparative study on the Long-term durability for the various TAOS films(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
288. |
2014/12/10 |
Crystallization of amorphous IGZO thin films(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
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2014/12/10 |
Effect of the buffer layer on the properties of Al doped ZnO films deposited by reactive sputtering(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
290. |
2014/12/10 |
High-rate reactive sputter deposition for Transparent Conductive Oxide Films(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
291. |
2014/12/10 |
n-type or p-type SnOx Films Deposited by Reactive Sputtering(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
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2014/12/10 |
Optical constants of Nb-doped TiO2 films(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
293. |
2014/12/10 |
Structure-property correlation of a-IGZO(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
294. |
2014/12/10 |
Ta-doped SnO2 films deposited by off-axis dc magnetron sputtering(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
295. |
2014/12/10 |
Temperature dependence of Phonon or Free Electron Contribution on Thermal Conductivity of VO2 Thin Films across Metal-Insulator Transition(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
296. |
2014/12/10 |
The effect of impurity doping on crystal structure of TiO2 films deposited by reactive sputtering(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
297. |
2014/12/10 |
Thermal conductivities of Tungsten Oxide Thin films with Different Crystallinity(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
298. |
2014/12/10 |
Thermal diffusivity of epitaxial GaN thin films deposited by reactive sputtering(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
299. |
2014/12/10 |
Transparent conductive Nb-doped TiO2 films deposited by reactive sputtering(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
300. |
2014/12/10 |
Tuning of the transition temperature of VO2 films by external-stress impression(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
301. |
2014/12/10 |
Very high rate deposition of WO3 Films Deposited by Hollow Cathode Gas Flow Sputtering for Electrochromic Applications(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(単独))
302. |
2014/11/22 |
303. |
2014/11/22 |
304. |
2014/11/22 |
305. |
2014/10/12 |
Nitrogen induced crystallization in indium-tin-zinc-oxide thin film(5th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials(TCMs2014)(共同))
306. |
2014/10/12 |
Potential gradients at surfaces, interfaces and grain boundaries of degenerately doped transparent conducting oxides(5th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials(TCMs2014)(共同))
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2014/10/12 |
Work function engineering of transparent conductive electrodes at the nanoscale(5th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials(TCMs2014)(共同))
308. |
2014/09/17 |
309. |
2014/09/17 |
310. |
2014/09/17 |
311. |
2014/09/17 |
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2014/09/17 |
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2014/09/17 |
314. |
2014/03/19 |
315. |
2013/09/29 |
Observation on Thermal Conductivity Change of VO2 Thin Film an Metal-semiconductor Transition(The 10th Asian Termophysical Properties Conference (ATPC2013)(共同))
316. |
2013/09/29 |
Thermal Diffusivity of WO3-x Films Deposited by dc Reactive Magnetron Sputtering(The 10th Asian Termophysical Properties Conference (ATPC2013)(共同))
317. |
2013/09/29 |
Thermophysical Properties of Various TCO Films: ITO, IZO, AZO, and NTO films(The 10th Asian Termophysical Properties Conference (ATPC2013)(共同))
318. |
2013/09/17 |
Carrier transport in polycrystalline Al doped ZnO films(2013-JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia(共同))
319. |
2013/09/17 |
Deposition of VO2 by Reactive Sputtering with Impedance Control System(2013-JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia(共同))
320. |
2013/09/17 |
Energy distribution of O-ions during the IGZO sputtering process(2013-JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia(共同))
321. |
2013/09/17 |
High-temperature durability of Ta doped SnO2 films deposited by rf sputtering(2013-JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia(共同))
322. |
2013/09/17 |
In-free Transparent Conductive Films Deposited by Reactive Sputtering with a Sintered Metal Powder Target using Ne, Ar or Kr(2013-JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia(共同))
323. |
2013/09/17 |
Long-term durability on the electrical properties of various TAOS materials(2013-JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia(共同))
324. |
2013/09/17 |
Optical constants of transparent conductive Nb-doped TiO2 films(2013-JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia(共同))
325. |
2013/09/17 |
The study on crystal growth of TiO2 films deposited by reactive sputtering(2013-JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia(共同))
326. |
2013/09 |
Thermal transport properties of ITO, IZO, AZO, TTO and NTO films(2013-JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia(共同))
327. |
2013/07/10 |
Fabrication and characterization of Al doped ZnO films using reactive magnetron sputtering(The 12th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma processes(ISSP2013)(共同))
328. |
2013/05/13 |
Atomic forced microscopy and transmission electron microscopy observations on the early stages of Sn-doped In2O3+ film growth deposited on a-SiO2 Surface by dc magnetron sputtering(8th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-8)(共同))
329. |
2013/05/13 |
Comparative study on long-term durability of In-Zn-O, In-Zn-Ga-O and Zn-Sn-O films as TAOS(8th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-8)(共同))
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2013/05/13 |
Crystal structures of TiO2 films deposited by reactive sputtering under various deposition parameters(8th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-8)(共同))
331. |
2013/05/13 |
Electronic states of a-In-Zn-O films analyzed by x-ray photoelectron and reflected electron energy loss spectroscopies(8th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-8)(共同))
332. |
2013/05/13 |
In-situ analyses on the reactive sputtering process to deposit amorphous In2O3+-ZnO films using an In-Zn alloy target(8th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-8)(共同))
333. |
2013/05/13 |
Nb-doped TiO2 films deposited by reactive dc magnetron sputtering using Ni-Ti alloy target with impedence control systems(8th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-8)(共同))
334. |
2013/05/13 |
Optical constants of Nb-doped TiO2 films analyzed by scanning ellipsometry(8th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-8)(共同))
335. |
2013/05/13 |
Optical, electrical and thermophysical properties of amorphous and polycrystalline WO3+-x films deposited by dc reactive magnetron sputtering(8th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-8)(共同))
336. |
2013/05/13 |
Sputter deposition of Ta-doped SnO2 films using various oxide targets(8th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-8)(共同))
337. |
2013/05/13 |
Ta-doped SnO2 films deposited by reactive sputtering with a sintered Sn and Ta metal powder target using Ne, Ar or Kr(8th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-8)(共同))
338. |
2013/05/13 |
Thermal conductivity of VO2 thin films across metal-semiconductor transition(8th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-8)(共同))
339. |
2013/05/13 |
Thermochromic VO2 Films Deposited by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering Using a V-metal Target with Impedance Control Method(8th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-8)(共同))
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2013/05/13 |
Transparent Conductive Al or Ga doped ZnO films deposited by off-axis sputtering(8th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-8)(共同))
341. |
2012/10/21 |
Al-doped ZnO films deposited by reactive sputtering using slightly reduced buffer layer(4th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials(TCM 2012)(共同))
342. |
2012/10/21 |
Amorphous Indium-Tin-Zinc-Oxide (a-ITZO) films deposited by DC sputtering with O2, H2O, N2, oe N2 introduction(4th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials(TCM 2012)(共同))
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2012/10/21 |
high quality Al or Ga doped ZnO films deposited by off-axis sputtering(4th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials(TCM 2012)(共同))
344. |
2012/10/21 |
Nb-doped TiO2 films deposited by reactive dc magnetron sputtering using Ni-Ti alloy target with impedance control systems(4th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials(TCM 2012)(共同))
345. |
2012/10/21 |
Optical properties of polycrystalline or amorphous In2O3-based transparent conductive films(4th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials(TCM 2012)(共同))
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2012/10/21 |
Thermophysical properties of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc-oxide thin films(4th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials(TCM 2012)(共同))
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2012/10/03 |
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2012/10/03 |
349. |
2012/09/11 |
O2, H2O, N2, またはN2O導入DCスパッタリング成膜アモルファスIn-Sn-Zn酸化物(a-ITZO)薄膜(第73回応用物理学会学術講演会(共同))
350. |
2012/09/11 |
Off-axis スパッタ法による低比抵抗AZO, GZOの成膜(第73回応用物理学会学術講演会(共同))
351. |
2012/09/11 |
352. |
2012/09/11 |
353. |
2012/09/11 |
分光エリプソメトリによる多結晶ITO, アモルファスIZO薄膜の解析(第73回応用物理学会学術講演会(共同))
354. |
2012/07/22 |
Fermi level shift of polycrystalline ITO and amorphous IZO thin films(The Twentieth Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering(ICCE)(共同))
355. |
2012/06/24 |
Electrochromic WO3 Films Deposited by Hollow Cathode Gas Flow Sputtering with Very High Deposition Rate(9th International Conference on Coatings on Glass and Plastics(ICCG-9)(共同))
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2012/06/24 |
High performance electrochromic WO3 films deposited by hollow cathode gas flow sputtering(9th International Conference on Coatings on Glass and Plastics(ICCG9)(共同))
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2012/06/24 |
How work function depends on carrier density and optical band gap various TCO films(9th International Conference on Coatings on Glass and Plastics(ICCG9)(共同))
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2012/06/24 |
Nb-doped TiO2 films deposited by reactive dc magnetron sputtering using Ni-Ti alloy target(9th International Conference on Coatings on Glass and Plastics(ICCG9)(共同))
359. |
2012/06/24 |
Visible-light active photocatalytic Pt/WO3 films deposited by hollow cathode gas flow sputtering(9th International Conference on Coatings on Glass and Plastics(ICCG9)(共同))
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2012/04/09 |
Carrier Transport Properties of Sb- and Ta-doped SnO2 (ATO and TTO) Films(2012 MRS Spring Meeting(共同))
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2012/04/09 |
Comparative Study on Electrical and Optical Properties between Polycrystalline ITO, AZO and Amorphous IZO Films(2012 MRS Spring Meeting(共同))
362. |
2012/04/09 |
Experimental Observation of Fermi Level Shift in Aluminum Doped ZnO Films(2012 MRS Spring Meeting(共同))
363. |
2012/04/09 |
Nb-doped TiO2 Films with Low Resistivity Deposited by Reactive dc Magnetron Sputtering with Impedance Control Systems(2012 MRS Spring Meeting(共同))
364. |
2012/04/09 |
Sputter Deposition of WO3 Films as Visible Light-active Photocatalyst(2012 MRS Spring Meeting(共同))
365. |
2012/03/15 |
Investigation on Band –gap Shrinkage Phenomenon for ZnO:Al Films(第59回応用物理学会関係連合講演会(応用物理学会)(共同))
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2012/03/15 |
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2012/03/15 |
368. |
2011/12/19 |
Dependence of Film Thickness on Photocatalytic TiO2 films Depositied by Rf Reactive Sputtering(The 21st MRS-Japan Academic Symposium(共同))
369. |
2011/12/19 |
Effects of Mesh on The Reactive Sputtering Process to Deposit TiNX and TiOX Films Using Ti Target(The 21st MRS-Japan Academic Symposium(共同))
370. |
2011/12/19 |
Electrical Properties and Structure of Amorphous Zn-Sn-O Films(The 21st MRS-Japan Academic Symposium(共同))
371. |
2011/12/19 |
Study on Polycrystalline WO3 Films as Visible Light-active Photocatalyst(The 21st MRS-Japan Academic Symposium(共同))
372. |
2011/12/19 |
The Early Stages of ZnO, Al-doped ZnO, Ga-doped ZnO Films Deposited by dc magnetron sputtering(The 21st MRS-Japan Academic Symposium(共同))
373. |
2011/12/10 |
Amorphous Indium-Tin-Zinc-Oxide (a-ITZO) films deposited by DC sputtering using various reactive gases(The 1st E-MRS/MRS-J Bilateral Symposia(共同))
374. |
2011/11/21 |
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2011/11/21 |
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2011/11/21 |
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2011/11/21 |
378. |
2011/10/23 |
Effects of high energy particles bombarding on growing film surface during reactive sputtering deposition of TiNx films(BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Nano-S&T(共同))
379. |
2011/10/23 |
Formation of nano-crystallites in amorphous Zn-Sn-O films as transparent oxide semiconductors(BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Nano-S&T(共同))
380. |
2011/10/23 |
Study on Shifted Fermi Level of indium-free Transparent Conductive Oxide(BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Nano-S&T(共同))
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2011/10/23 |
Thermal properties of nano-size interface between oxide and metallic films -Thermal boundary resistance between Al2O3 and W films-(BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Nano-S&T(共同))
382. |
2011/09/21 |
Electrical Properties of New In-free Transparent Conductive Oxide Films; Nb-doped TiO2(E-MRS 2011 Fall Meeting(共同))
383. |
2011/09/21 |
Reactive Gas Flow-Sputter deposition of amorphous WO3 Films for electrochromic devices(E-MRS 2011 Fall Meeting(共同))
384. |
2011/09/21 |
Sb-or Ta-doped SnO2 (ATO or TTO) Films Deposited by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering(E-MRS 2011 Fall Meeting(共同))
385. |
2011/09/21 |
Study on Work Function of Al-doped ZnO Films Surface(E-MRS 2011 Fall Meeting(共同))
386. |
2011/09/21 |
Thermal Diffusivities of Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide (a-IGZO) Films(E-MRS 2011 Fall Meeting(共同))
387. |
2011/09/21 |
Thermophysical Properties of Pure and Nb-doped TiO2 Films(E-MRS 2011 Fall Meeting(共同))
388. |
2011/09/21 |
Zn-Sn-O Films as Transparent Oxide Semiconductors Deposited by Sputtering(E-MRS 2011 Fall Meeting(共同))
389. |
2011/03/24 |
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2011/03/24 |
391. |
2011/03/14 |
Carrier density dependence of work function for Al-doped ZnO(AZO) films(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
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2011/03/14 |
Characterization of a-IGZO Films by Raman Spectroscopy(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
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2011/03/14 |
Dependence of Total gas pressure on Thermal and Mechanical properties and Internal Structures in Indium Zinc Oxide Thin Films(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
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2011/03/14 |
Electrochromic Properties of Mg-doped NiOx Thin Films Sputtered with H2O Introduction(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
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2011/03/14 |
High Rate Deposition of Electrochromic WO3 Films by Hollow Cathode Gas Flow Sputtering(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
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2011/03/14 |
High Rate Deposition of Ta-doped SnO2(TTO) by Reactive Sputtering with Plasma Emission Intesity or Impedance Feedback systems(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
397. |
2011/03/14 |
In-situ analyses on sputtered fragments in the reactive sputtering process to deposit amorphous IZO films using IZ target(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
398. |
2011/03/14 |
In-situ analyses on the reactive sputtering process to deposit TiNx films(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
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2011/03/14 |
In-situ analyses on the reactive sputtering processes to deposit AZO films using an Al-Zn alloy target(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
400. |
2011/03/14 |
Photocatalytic activity of WO3 films crystallized by post-annealing in air(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
401. |
2011/03/14 |
Photocatalytic TiO2 film depositied by rf reactive aputterin(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
402. |
2011/03/14 |
Study on the initial film growth of ZnO transparent conductive films(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
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2011/03/14 |
Thermal boundary resistance between aluminum oxide and tungsten films(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
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2011/03/14 |
Thermal diffusivity measurement of TiO2 and Nb-doped TiO2 thin films(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
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2011/03/14 |
Thermophysical properties of Alq3 and α-NPD films(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
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2011/03/14 |
Thermophysical properties of amorphous IGZO films deposited by dc magnetron sputtering(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
407. |
2011/03/14 |
Transparent conductive Nb-doped TiO2 films deposited by reactive dc magnetron sputtering with impedance control systems(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
408. |
2011/03/14 |
Visible-light Active Photocatalytic WO3 Films Deposited by Reactive Gas-Flow Sputtering(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))
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2011/03/14 |
Zn-Sn-O films as transparent amorphous oxide semiconductors(7th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide Thin Films for Electronics and Optics(TOEO-7)(共同))