(Last updated : 2024-03-30 11:51:27)
   Department   Aoyama Gakuin University  Department of International Communication, School of International Politics, Economics and Communication
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Specialization and related fields
■ Academic background
1. International Christian University Graduated
2. Nagoya University〔Master Course〕 Completed
3. The University of Tokyo Ph. D.
■ Business career
1. 2010/04~2015/03 Aichi Shukutoku University Lecturer
2. 2015/04~2020/03 Iwaki Meisei University / Iryo Sosei University Associate Professor
3. 2020/04~ Aoyama Gakuin University School of International Politics, Economics and Communication Department of International Communication Associate Professor
■ Belonging society
1. 2001/04~ Phonological Society of Japan
2. 2015/04~ Linguistic Society of Japan
3. 2019/04 Phonetic Society of Japan
■ Book and thesis
1. Article Denasalization of Moraic Nasals in Sino-Japanese the Proceedings of the 25th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference 25 (Single) 2019
2. Article Phonological Optionality in Japanese Loanwords JELS : papers from the Conference and from the International Spring Forum 35,pp.110-116 (Single) 2018
3. Article Rendaku Contrast and Word Faithfulness in Reduplication Phonological Studies 14 (Single) 2014
4. Article Morphophonology of Japanese Compounding   (Single) 2013
5. Article Rendaku and morphological correspondence 音韻研究 (10),pp.21-30 (Single) 2007
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