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2024/11/29 |
Proximity-field nanopatterninng及びスピンコート法により作製したZnO周期的ナノ構造体の熱伝導率評価(薄膜材料デバイス研究会第21回研究集会)
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2024/11/29 |
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2024/11/28 |
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2024/11/14 |
Aqueous solution based TiO2 films for perovskite solar cells(The 35th international Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC35))
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2024/11/14 |
Band-bending-induced enhancement of perovskite solar cell performance via vitamin A-based passivation(The 35th international Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC35))
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2024/11/14 |
Defects evaluation of perovskite solar cells using electrical and optical characterization methods(The 35th international Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC35))
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2024/11/14 |
Effect of post-annealing treatment on lead-free BiI3-based solar cells(The 35th international Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC35))
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2024/11/14 |
TiO2/SnO2 electron transport bilayer prepared by chemical bath deposition for perovskite solar cells(The 35th international Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC35))
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2024/11/12 |
Investigation of reflectance reduction structure using RCWA method for encapsulant-less Si photovoltaic module(The 35th international Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC35))
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2024/11/12 |
Optoelectrical design of thin Cr/Au electrode for 4-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells(The 35th international Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC35))
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2024/11/12 |
Precise quantitative evaluation of series resistance mapping of crystalline solar cells in electroluminescence method(The 35th international Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC35))
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2024/09/18 |
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2024/09/18 |
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2024/09/18 |
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2024/09/18 |
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2024/09/18 |
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2024/09/18 |
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2024/07/11 |
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2024/07/11 |
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2024/07/11 |
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2024/07/11 |
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2024/06/10 |
A model of degradation mechanisms in perovskite solar cells aided by a modified tandem ANN(52nd IEEE Photovoltaic specialists conference (PVSC52))
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2024/01/22 |
Narrow Band gap Bismuth Tri-iodide via Cesium Tin Iodide Doping for Lead-free Solar Cells Application(Asia-Pacific International Conference on Perovskite, Organic Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics (IPEROP24))
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2023/11/09 |
A prediction model of outdoor degradation rates of 2-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells using machine learning(The 34th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-34))
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2023/11/06 |
TiO2/SnO2 Electron Transport Bilayer for Large-Area Low-Temperature Fabrication of Perovskite Solar Cell(The 34th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-34))
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2023/09/22 |
Defect Passivation of Perovskite Solar Cells using Alkalamine-functionalized Reduced Graphene Oxide-based Additive(第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2023/09/22 |
Effect of CsSnI3 doping on the Performance of BiI3-based Solar Cell(第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2023/09/22 |
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2023/09/19 |
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2023/09/19 |
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2023/09/19 |
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2023/06/29 |
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2023/06/29 |
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2023/06/29 |
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2023/06/29 |
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2023/06/29 |
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2023/03/18 |
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2023/01/24 |
Hysteresis-free perovskite solar cells under LED illumination(Asia-Pacific International Conference on Perovskite, Organic Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics (IPEROP23))
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2023/01/10 |
Hysteresis Reduction in Perovskite Solar Cells under Low Illumination Conditions Using SAM as Hole Transport Layer(2023 International Conference on Hierachical Green Energy Materials)
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2022/11/18 |
Ti錯体水溶液を用いたペロブスカイト型太陽電池の電子輸送層に関する検討(薄膜材料デバイス研究会 第19回研究集会)
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2022/11/16 |
Stabilization of FAPbI3 films using formamide based additive(the 33rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
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2022/11/15 |
TiO2/SnO2 Electron Transport Layer by Evaporation Method for Perovskite Solar Cell Application(the 33rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
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2022/10/25 |
Effect of Pressure and Temperature on RF-Sputtered Perovskite Films on Textured Silicon Substrate(Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MAT-SUS22))
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2022/09/20 |
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2022/06/28 |
ペロブスカイト型太陽電池応用へ向けた蒸着法によるTiO2/SnO2二層構造電子輸送層の作製(第 2 回日本太陽光発電学会学術講演会)
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2021/10/19 |
Characterization of Converted MAPbI3 thin-films from Sputtered PbS under Different Deposition Pressures(nanoGe Fall Meeting 2022)
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2021/01/14 |
Formamide Derivative as an Additive for Perovskite Solar Cells(2021 International Conference on Hierachical Green Energy Materials)
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2020/12/05 |
Formamide Based Additive for Improving the Performance of FAPbI3 Based Perovskite Solar Cells(Optics&Photonics Taiwan International Conference)
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2020/11/08 |
Bandgap Tuning toward High Performance Perovskite Solar Cells under Ambient Lighting(The 11th Asian Conference on Organic Electronics)
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2020/01/21 |
Preparation of 2D/3D hybrid perovskite films via low pressure vapor assisted solution process and its optical characterization(Asia-Pacific International Conference on Perovskite, Organic Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics (IPEROP20))
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2019/11/24 |
Perovskite Solar Cells for Energy Harvesting(The 10th Asian Conference on Electrochemical Power Sources)
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2018/07/13 |
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2018/07/12 |
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2018/06/17 |
Low-illuminance characteristics of triple cation perovskite solar cells(Grand Renewable Energy 2018 International Conference and Exhibition)
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2017/10/09 |
Effect of Cation Substitution for Low-Illuminance Characteristics of Perovskite Solar Cells(11th Aseanian Conference on Nano-Hybrid Solar Cells)
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2017/10/04 |
Development of Sputter Processed Perovskite Films Toward Tandem Solar Cells(232nd ECS MEETING)
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2017/09/06 |
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2017/07/20 |
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2017/02/03 |
Fabrication of perovskite solar cells using sputter processed perovskite films(Asia Pacific Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics Conference)
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2017/01/16 |
Fabrication of Perovskite Films by Sputtering and its Application(The 3rd Best-Efficiency Engineering Research Workshop for Perovskite Photovoltaics and Byond)
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2016/12 |
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2016/10/05 |
TiO2 Coated Graphene/ Mesoporous TiO2 Composite Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells Produced By Supramolecular Protein(Pacific Rim Meeting On Electrochemical And Solid-State Science)
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2016/08/20 |
Investigation of Perovskite Solar Cells for Indoor Applications(The 2nd Best-Efficiency Engineering Research Workshop for Perovskite Photovoltaics and Beyond)
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2016/07/08 |
Internal Resistance of Perovskite Solar Cells under Low Illuminance Conditions(The 23rd international conference on active-matrix flatdisplays and devices)
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2016/06/29 |
Characteristics Change of Perovskite Solar Cells by Device Structure under Low Illuminance Conditions(International conference on hybrid and organic photovoltaics)
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2016/06/24 |
Potential of Perovskite Solar Cells for Power Sources of IoT Applications(The 2016 Internal Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
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2016/05/19 |
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2016/05/19 |
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2016/03/20 |
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2015/09/13 |
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2015/06/04 |
Characteristics of Perovskite Solar Cells under Low Illuminance Condition(The 2015 International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)