1. |
2024/12/07 |
Learning SDGs in CLIL courses: An investigation into connections between cultural diversity awareness and critical thinking skills through learning English(The 7th JAAL (Japan Association for Applied Linguistics) in JACET)
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2021/11 |
Teacher Agency in in-house textbook development: A narrative inquiry(Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) 2021)
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2021/09/26 |
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2020/12 |
Teacher agency in curriculum development: A socio-material perspective(JAAL in JACET 2020)
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2019/11 |
Advanced English Learners’ Responses to English Debate: Insights from a Pilot Debate Class(JAAL in JACET 2019)
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2018/05 |
The role of involvement load and list learning(JALT PanSIG 2018)
7. |
2017/10 |
Curriculum Amendment in a University-Level English Language Program: Theory and Practice(第15回 日本英文学会関東支部)
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2015/05 |
A case study on initial L2 vocabulary size differences in deliberate vocabulary learning strategies(The Fifth Annual Asian Conference on Language Learning (ACLL2015))
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2012/11 |
「包括的な留学準備教育の構築をめざして ―東洋英和女学院大学の試み―」(JII 2012 Conference)
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2012/10 |
Deliberate vocabulary list learning strategies: A case study of Japanese university students(38th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Expo)
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2011/08 |
Effectiveness of using vocabulary list learning to promote Japanese university students’ breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge(The 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics)
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2010/11 |
Fostering the depth of academic vocabulary(36th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Expo)
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2009/11 |
Fighting against vocabulary loss(35th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Expo)
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2009/09 |
Possible selves analysis of Japanese university study abroad students(15th IAICS, World Conference 2009)
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2008/10 |
A course designed to prepare learners for success in academic environments abroad(2008 JALT Hokkaido Language Teaching Conference)
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2008/08 |
TEFL in Japan: Where it’s at, where it’s headed(The 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics)
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2008/03 |
Are they really myths among Japanese learners?(The 2nd Joint Conference On English Lexicography & Vocabulary)
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2008/02 |
English vocabulary size changes of Japanese university students(TUJ Applied Linguistics Colloquium 2008)
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2006/09 |
Designing EAP textbooks for Japanese university students(2006 JALT Hokkaido Language Teaching Conference)