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2024/03/15 |
Wind Direction in the Anthropocene Era: Political Conditions of Breaths in Art since 1960s(International Conference Anthropocene Calling: Human, Philosophy, Technology and Arts in the Age of Anthropocene)
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2023/12/02 |
Ripensare l’estetica futurista della macchina: l’uomo-macchina negli anni venti(Tra modernità e avanguardia: un contesto italianoIII Leggere manifesti futuristi)
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2023/11/10 |
Encounter with the Worlds: Mono-ha and Lee Ufan’s Artistic Practices(Chorologies: Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogue. Classical Interpretation and Emerging Didactic Approaches)
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2023/08/20 |
Okamoto Tarō’s Re-evaluation of Jōmon pottery(EAJS Conference 2023)
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2023/06/19 |
Figures of Breathing in Contemporary Art: The Artist as a Bricoleur(International Conference Respiratory Philosophy A Paradigma Shift)
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2023/03/11 |
変身の系譜——現代芸術にみる人間と動物のあいだ(ヒトと動物の関係学会 第29回学術大会)
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2020/12/26 |
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2019/03/18 |
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2018/12/01 |
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2018/11/11 |
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2018/08/25 |
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2018/03/18 |
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2018/02/17 |
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2017/09/24 |
The Disappearance of Body: Art and Technology in Postwar Italy(Mechanization and Anatomization of Representations of Body in the 20th Century Art)
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2017/09/23 |
Carlo Carrà: Between Primitivism and Classicism(Avant-garde Art and Classicism from 1880 to 1945)
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2016/05/27 |
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2015/03/03 |
Volo e caduta: l’immaginazione cartografica nell’arte contemporanea(International Congress, Eyes and Gazes in Philosophy and Arts/ Occhi e sguardi nella filosofia e nelle arti)
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2013/10/08 |
Dal ‘vedere’ all’‘essere’: il Mono-ha e la logica della ‘relazione’(International Seminar, Who is Afraid of Experimentation?: Art and Theory in Postwar Japan)
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2013/09/23 |
The Two-dimensional Objects: ‘Plastic Poem’ by Kitasono Katué(International Workshop, Artistic Experimentations for a New Society: Continuities and Ruptures in Japan before and after the War)
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2012/07/08 |
「Con-temp-l’azione 観想=行動」──アルテ・ポーヴェラによる「プラクシス」についての一考察(表象文化論学会第7回大会)
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2010/11/13 |
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2010/03/06 |
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2009/10/11 |
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2007/07/07 |