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2012/12/01 |
サイコパシーは適応的戦略と見なせるか:Life History戦略及びホルモンとの関連から(若手ポスター賞受賞)(第5回 日本人間行動進化学会大会)
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2012/12/01 |
協力者・非協力者見極め時の注視部位の探索的分析(第5回 日本人間行動進化学会大会)
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2012/12/01 |
外集団spite(意地悪)行為はデフォルトの意思決定戦略か?:最小条件集団状況を用いた実験研究(第5回 日本人間行動進化学会大会)
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2012/12/01 |
遅延割引率が利他行動に与える影響:対象別利他行動尺度による検討(第5回 日本人間行動進化学会大会)
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2012/11/17 |
搾取の要因が存在しないStag Hunt Game状況下で、集団操作が協力の期待と意地悪に対する恐れに与える影響:最小条件集団を用いた大教室実験研究(日本社会心理学会第53回大会)
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2012/09/22 |
最小条件集団における外集団に対する意地悪行動生起の有無:Stag Hunt Gameを用いた実験研究(日本グループ・ダイナミクス学会第59回大会)
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2012/06/15 |
Group-based cooperation and defection in the Stag Hunt Game: a matter of fear or spite?(the 24th Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society)
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2011/11/19 |
インセスト・タブー:社会契約か予防措置か?(第4回 日本人間行動進化学会大会)
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2011/11/19 |
出生順位と人間の向社会性(第4回 日本人間行動進化学会大会)
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2011/11/19 |
異性の利他性への好み:対象による検討(第4回 日本人間行動進化学会大会)
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2011/09/19 |
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2011/09/16 |
マキャベリアニズム尺度日本語版の作成とその信頼性・妥当性の検討(日本心理学会 第75回大会)
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2011/09/13 |
なぜ人は助け合うのか?―援助行動・協力行動進化の不思議―(ヒューマン・インターフェース・シンポジウム2011 WS3 「「助ける」ためのコミュニケーションインタフェース」)
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2011/07/07 |
Defectors who fail to cooperate in both Prisoners' Dilemma game and Stag Hunt game can be detected by third-party only when they have no incentives to deceive others.(the 14th International Conference on Social Dilemmas)
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2011/07/01 |
Defectors can pretend t be nice but their Machiavellian nature are revealing.(the 23rd Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society)
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2010/12/04 |
他者を騙す意図を持った相手の協力傾向を見極めることはできるか?(第3回 日本人間行動進化学会大会)
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2010/12/04 |
新しい利他主義尺度の開発(第3回 日本人間行動進化学会大会)
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2010/09/22 |
向社会性とビッグファイブパーソナリティの関係(日本心理学会 第74回大会)
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2010/09/18 |
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2010/06/20 |
No place to hide: when shame causes proselfs to cooperate.(the 22nd Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society)
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2010/06/18 |
Male with stress-induced cortisol elevation are judged to be cooperators.(the 22nd Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society)
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2009/12/13 |
「罰と報酬を支える心理メカニズムと協力行動に関する実験的研究」大会企画シンポジウム『社会的規範の進化的側面』招待話者(第2回 日本人間行動進化学会大会)
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2009/10/11 |
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2009/09/01 |
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2009/08/22 |
Detecting defectors when they have incentives to manipulate their impressions.(the 13th International Conference on Social Dilemmas)
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2009/05/28 |
Can people discriminate cheaters from cooperators when they have incentives to manipulate their impressions?(the 21st Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society)
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2008/06/08 |
Trust, preferences, and social dilemmas: does the hormone Oxytocin interact with gender and social value orientation to affect cooperation?(the 20th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society)
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2008/06/05 |
Does intention matter? A comparison between Public Good and Common Resource Dilemma Games with positive and negative sanctions in one-shot interactions.(the 20th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society)
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2008/01/25 |
Perception of interpersonal relationship affects rejection rates in the Ultimatum Game.(the 3rd ICEG-workshop)
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2007/07/10 |
Do people support punishers as norm enforcers?(the 12th International Conference on Social Dilemmas)
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2007/06/01 |
Sensitivity to Perception of Interpersonal Relationship Can Affect Rejection Rate in an Ultimatum Game.(the 19th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society)
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2006/09/17 |
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2006/06/10 |
Punishing non-cooperators doesn't yield a solution to the problem of cooperation but rewarding cooperators does.(the 18th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society)
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2006/05/06 |
Punishing doesn't yield a solution to the problem of cooperation but rewarding does.(the 38th Annual Ontario Ecology & Ethology Colloquium)
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2006/02/18 |
Ingroup favorable behavior in laboratory settings.(the Evolution of Inequality Working Group, Santa Fe Institute)
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2005/08/14 |
The social exchange heuristic: Managing errors in social exchange.(the 100th Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association)
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2005/07/25 |
Rewards are better than punishment as a solution to the second-order sanction problem(the 11th International Conference on Social Dilemmas)
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2005/06/24 |
Second-order punishment and reward in public goods games(the Annual International Meeting of the Economic Science Association)
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2005/06/21 |
Selective incentives for cooperation: second-order punishment vs. second-order reward.(In House conference, Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, & Behaviour, McMaster University)
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2005/06/04 |
Selective incentives for cooperation: second-order punishment vs. second-order reward.(the 17th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society)
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2005/05/27 |
Second-order punishment and reward in public goods games(the 39th Annual Meetings of the Canadian Economics Association)
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2005/05/06 |
Selective incentives for cooperation: second-order punishment vs. second-order reward.(the 37th Annual Ontario Ecology & Ethology Colloquium)
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2005/04/30 |
The Carrot or the Stick: Which is more likely to support cooperation?(the 6th Darwinian Day)
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2005/04/03 |
The role of punishment and reward: the mechanisms maintaining cooperation(the 6th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology)
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2005/01/20 |
Can the second-order punishment solve the puzzle of cooperation in one-shot games?(the Evolutionary Psychology Pre-Conference (6th Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting))
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2004/08/11 |
Second-order Punishment in One-Shot Social Dilemma(the 28th International Congress of Psychology)
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2004/07/16 |
Do people punish non-punishers?(the Mind, Culture and Evolution Conference)
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2003/09/16 |
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2003/09/14 |
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2003/09/14 |
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2003/08/23 |
Group-based Trust in the Minimal Group Situation: Comparison of Japanese and Australians.(the 10th International Conference on Social Dilemmas)
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2003/08/22 |
Managing Errors in Social Exchange.(the 10th International Conference on Social Dilemmas)
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2003/07/30 |
Group-based Trust in the Minimal Group Situation: Comparison of Westerners and Easterners.(the 5th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology)
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2002/11/09 |
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2002/08/26 |
Reciprocity and Social Exchange Heuristic: Why do people cooperate in One-shot Prisoner's Dilemmas?(Society of Australasian Social Psychologists 8th Annual Meeting)
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2001/07/11 |
Social Exchange Heuristic and Reciprocity: Why do people cooperate in One-shot PD?(the 4th Annual Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology)
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2001/07/02 |
Social Exchange Heuristic: Comparing Sequential with Simultaneous PD(the 9th International Conference on Social Dilemmas)
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2000/11/04 |
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2000/11/04 |
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2000/11/03 |
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2000/09/30 |
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2000/07/02 |
Expectations of a generalized exchange system: An experimental study of bounded reciprocity.(the XXVII International Congress of Psychology)
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1999/10/31 |
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1999/10/30 |
一般交換の器としての集団— 一般交換と限定交換における内集団ひいき —(日本社会心理学会第40回大会)
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1999/09/18 |
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1999/08/05 |
rust and Trusting Behavior in China and Japan.(the Third Annual Meetings of the Asian Association of Social Psychology)
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1999/07/14 |
Generalized versus direct reciprocity as the cause of ingroup favoritism in minimal groups.(the 8th International Conference on Social Dilemmas)
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1998/11/08 |
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1998/09/27 |
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1997/11/15 |
Playing a Prisoner’s Game as an Assurance Game: Matrix Transformation and Production of Trust.(the Russell Sage Trust Conference)
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1997/08/05 |
Trust and Trustworthiness: A comparison of Japanese and Americans.(the Second Annual Meetings of the Asian Association of Social Psychology)
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1997/07/06 |
A New Game of Trust: Letting the Partner Be the Dictator.(the 7th International Conference of Social Dilemmas)
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1995/11/26 |
信頼と用心深さ ─ 実験研究(日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会第43回大会)
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1994/10/10 |