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2024/03/17 |
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2022/03/11 |
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2021/06/29 |
From intersubjective to textual function: A case of general extenders in American English.(第17回国際語用論会議)
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2021/06/29 |
Introduction-- From intersubjective to textual function: Motivation for the rise of discourse markers/pragmatic elements.(The 17th International Pragmatics Conference)
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2019/12/21 |
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2019/11/30 |
間主観的から接続的へという変化: 書きことばと話しことばの場合(科研費 日本語と近隣言語における文法化研究会)
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2019/06/11 |
Do general extenders (GEs) yield a turn? -- a function of GE and things like that.(第16回国際語用論会議)
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2017/07/18 |
Uniqueness of Japanese right periphery (RP): Required concluding form and pragmatic elaboration.(IPrA 2017 (15th International Pragmatics Conference))
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2017/03/14 |
歴史語用論 再考(第1回 HiSoPra(歴史社会言語学・歴史語用論)研究会)
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2016/11/26 |
これまでの「文法化」関連研究:自己紹介(科研『日本語と近隣言語における文法化』第1回 研究会)
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2015/07/29 |
Peripheries and Constructionalization in Japanese and English: Introduction(14th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA 14))
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2014/12/03 |
Development of a Japanese Formal Noun Koto(青山学院大学 総合研究所プロジェクト 「英日周辺部」ワークショップ)
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2013/09/12 |
Emerging Pragmatic Elements at the Right Periphery in Japanese(第13回国際語用論会議 (13th IPC))
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2013/09/10 |
Form-Function-Periphery Mapping in Japanese: "Exchange-Structure" and "Action-Structure"(第13回国際語用論会議 (13th IPC))
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2012/12/01 |
「左と右の周辺部(Left and Right Peripheries)」と「主観性・間主観性」との関係は?― 歴史語用論における考察(日本語用論学会第15回大会)
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2011/11/02 |
Setting up a mental space: A function of discourse markers on the Left Periphery (LP)(Aoyama Linguistics and Literature)
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2011/07/04 |
Setting up a mental space: A function of discourse markers on the Left Periphery (LP)(第12回国際語用論会議 (12th IPC))
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2011/03/02 |
Setting up a mental space(学習院大学総合文化研究所 「歴史語用論」プロジェクト・ワークショップ(共同))
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2009/07/14 |
Has (be)'cause become cos because of subjectification?: On the development of the discourse marker 'because'.(第11回国際語用論会議 (11th IPC))
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2009/03/11 |
Has(be)'cause become cos because of subjectification?(Historical Pragmatics研究会(単独))
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2008/07/23 |
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2007/09/23 |
Politeness effect invoked in communities: European T-V distinction and Japanese honorifics(ワークショップ Semantic-pragmatic changes in grammar and lexicon: Emergence of concessivity, politeness effect, and speaker’s subjective evaluation)(日本認知言語学会第8回全国大会(単独))
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2005/12/10 |
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2005/07/12 |
From the ‘self-directed’ to ‘other-directed’ meanings: Evolution of na elements)(パネル Historical changes in Japanese: With special focus on subjectivity and intersubjectivity)(第9回国際語用論会議(IPrA)(単独))
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2005/07/12 |
Historical changes in Japanese: With special focus on subjectivity and intersubjectivity - Introduction)(パネル Historical changes in Japanese: With special focus on subjectivity and intersubjectivity)(第9回国際語用論会議(IPrA)(9th IPC))
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2005/03/20 |
Historical Pragmatics(歴史語用論)という視点:日本語の研究例(社会言語科学会第15回大会(共同))
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2004/09/28 |
Evolution of “D” Connectives―A Productive Process and Its Motivation: From a Historical Pragmatic Study of Japanese(The 2nd Oxford-Kobe Linguistics Seminar: International Symposium on the History and Structure of Japanese(単独))
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1999/08/03 |
Approaches to Pragmatic Meanings: Exploring the Intersection of Pragmatics,Semantics and Social Interaction(第12回国際応用言語学会世界大会(AILA99.Tokyo)(共同))
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1998/07/21 |
Grammaticalization and pragmaticization: Historical changes of Japanese discourse markers (パネルディスカッション: Historical Pragmatics)(第6回国際語用論会議(IPrA) (単独))
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1994/03 |
私の談話分析研究の目的と方法:Semantic-pragmatic change in English and Japanese(第2回談話分析研究会(単独))
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1993/11/28 |
Discourse markersの共時的・通時的分析(シンポジウム「社会言語学と談話分析」にて)(日本英語学会第11回全国大会(単独))
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1993/07/27 |
Pragmatic Change in Japanese:The Cases of Conjunctions and Interjections as Discourse Markers(第4回国際語用論会議(IPrA)(単独))
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1992/05/23 |
日本語におけるPragmatic Change:Conjunctions and Interjections as Discourse Markers(ディスコースプロセス研究会(単独))
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1991/10/27 |
Some Aspects of Pragmatic Change in Japanese(日本言語学会第103回大会 社会言語学ワークショップ(単独))
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1989/12/30 |
Multi-Planed Functions of the Japanese Discourse Connective,‘Demo’(Linguistic Society of America 1989年大会 (単独))
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1988/03/26 |
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1987/06/07 |