(最終更新日:2024-03-30 11:51:27)
  メニム ポール
  MENNIM, Paul
   所属   青山学院大学  法学部 法学科
   職種   教授
■ 基幹教員
■ 担当科目
■ 専門分野及び関連分野
Applied Linguistics 
■ 学歴・学位
1. Aberdeen University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences卒業
2. Edinburgh University Faculty of Arts修了
3. Edinburgh UniversityDepartment of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 博士課程
4. Edinburgh University Ph.D.(Applied Linguistics)
■ 職歴
1. 1987/10~1988/07 Borg Klagenfurt, Austria
2. 1990/10~1991/07 Potsdam University, Germany
3. 1991/10~1992/07 Legt Amiral Bouvet, Ile de la Reunion
4. 1992/10~1993/10 City Hospital, Edinburgh Hospital Porter
5. 1993/11~1994/09 Edinburgh City Assessors, Lothian Regional Council Electoral Assistant
■ 所属学会
1. 1996/11~ Japanese Association of Language Teaching (JALT)
■ 学生指導及び学内行政分担
1. 2005/04/01~ 青山学院大学 外国人留学生アドバイザー
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
1. 2006/04  Language teaching 個人研究 
■ 研究業績(著書・論文等)
1. 著書  Learner Negoriation of L2 Form in Transcription Exercises  52-61頁 (単著) 2012/01
2. 著書  Long Term Effects of Noticng on Oral Output  265-280頁 (単著) 2007/07
3. 著書  The World Wide Web as Content in an Undergraduate English Curriculum  35-42頁 (共著) 1998/11
4. 論文  “Effects of noticing tasks on oral L2 output” Edinburgh Working Papers in Applied Linguistics(Edinburgh) 13,59-71頁 (単著) 2004/04/01
5. 論文  “Rehearsed Oral L2 Output and Reactive Focus on Form” ELT Journal(Oxford) 57/2,130-38頁 (単著) 2003/04/01
■ 研究業績(学会発表)
1. 2012/11/03 Peer Teaching and Learner-Generated Materials: A university Teaching Project(9th Feelta International Conference on Language Teaching(単独))
2. 2012/02/25 Peer Teaching and Learner-Generated Materials in the English Language Classroom: Exploring the Idea of Learners as Teachers(8th Annual Camtesol Conference(単独))
3. 2009/06/02 Student and Teacher Roles in Noticiong L2 Forms(Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference(単独))
4. 1998/05/30 ‘The Best of The Web’ A Component in a Learner - Centred Curriculum(JALT Special Interest Group (Call)(JALT Sig)(共同))
5. 1997/12/19 An Experimental Student - Centred Classroom in Practice(International Language in Education Conference(Hong Kong ILEC)(共同))