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2024/12/12 |
2. |
2024/12/07 |
ポリカーボネートベースの封止材を用いない結晶Si太陽電池モジュールの信頼性検証と反射防止効果(応用物理学会 北陸・信越支部 学術講演会)
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2024/11/29 |
Proximity-field nanopatterrning 及びスピンコート法により作製した ZnO 周期的ナノ構造体の熱伝導率評価(薄膜材料デバイス研究会第21回研究集会)
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2024/11/29 |
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2024/11/28 |
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2024/11/28 |
7. |
2024/11/14 |
Defects evaluation of perovskite solar cells using electrical and optical characterization methods(The 35th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
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2024/11/14 |
Degradation of perovskite solar cells due to pinholes transforming into current leakage points(The 35th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
9. |
2024/11/12 |
Investigation of reflectance reduction structure using RCWA method for encapsulant-less Si photovoltaic module(The 35th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
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2024/11/12 |
Optoelectrical design of thin Cr/Au electrode for 4-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells(The 35th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
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2024/11/12 |
Precise quantitative evaluation of series resistance mapping of crystalline solar cells in electroluminescence method(The 35th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
12. |
2024/11 |
Degradation of perovskite solar cell performances owing to intentionally formed pinholes(5th International Workshop on the Sustainable Actions for “Year by Year Aging” under Reliability Investigations in Photovoltaic Modules)
13. |
2024/09/18 |
2次元デバイスシミュレーションによる屋内用途ペロブスカイト太陽電池の特性解析(第85回 応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会)
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2024/09/18 |
グラフェン/2PACz複合膜上における均一なペロブスカイト薄膜の形成(第85回 応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会)
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2024/09/18 |
ペロブスカイト太陽電池への直流電圧印加による劣化機構の検討(第85回 応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会)
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2024/09/18 |
太陽電池応用に向けた正孔輸送材料2PACz/グラフェン複合膜(第85回 応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会)
17. |
2024/07/22 |
Perovskite-based photovoltaics toward indoor and outdoor applications(International Symposium on Solar Energy)
18. |
2024/07/11 |
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2024/07/11 |
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2024/07/11 |
21. |
2024/07/11 |
22. |
2024/06 |
A model of degradation mechanisms in perovskite solar cells aided by a modified tandem ANN(52nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference)
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2024/03/24 |
封止材なしSi太陽電池モジュールにおけるRCWA法を用 いた反射率低減構造の検討(第71回 応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
24. |
2023/11/06 |
A prediction model of outdoor degradation rates of 2-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells using machine learning(The 34th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
25. |
2023/09/22 |
26. |
2023/09/19 |
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2023/09/19 |
28. |
2023/09/19 |
太陽電池応用に向けたグラフェン/PEDOT:PSS 透明導電膜(第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
29. |
2023/06/30 |
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2023/06/30 |
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2023/06/30 |
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2023/06/30 |
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2023/06/30 |
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2023/06/29 |
35. |
2022/11/16 |
Effect of solar spectral shape on the ANN performance in the prediction of the output power density of 2-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells under realistic conditions(33rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
36. |
2022/11/16 |
Influence of electroluminescence measurement on the characteristics of perovskite solar cells(33rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
37. |
2022/11/16 |
Investigation of electroluminescence image capturing conditions for perovskite solar cells toward on-site evaluation technology(33rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
38. |
2022/11/16 |
Series resistance images by single-shot electroluminescence method(33rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
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2022/11/15 |
Reliability examination of cell-level PID test for rear-side of bifacial PERC silicon solar cells(33rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
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2022/11/14 |
Influence of the planar-SnO2 electron transport layer on perovskite solar cell characteristics under low-light intensity(33rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
41. |
2022/11/10 |
Development of three-dimensional periodic nanostructured film using SU-8 template and solution-derived ZnO for the thermoelectric material(35th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference)
42. |
2022/06/28 |
Optical improvement of the architecture of a two-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell with tungsten-doped indium oxide(第19回「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム(第2回日本太陽光発電学会学術講演会))
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2022/06/28 |
44. |
2022/06/06 |
Spectral shape changes the optimal perovskite thickness of the 2-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell(49th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference)
45. |
2022/05/27 |
Effect if double-layer antireflection coating on photon current density of two-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem cells(8th Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on PV)
46. |
2022/05/27 |
Two-terminal perovskite/silicon heterojunction tandem solar cells(8th Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on PV)
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2022/03/23 |
48. |
2022/01/31 |
BIPVに向けた2端子型ペロブスカイト/シリコンタンデム太陽電池の年間出力予測(次世代太陽電池セル・モジュール分科会 2021年度第2回研究会)
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2021/11/14 |
Evaluation of BIPV applicability based on four-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem cells under realistic environmental conditions(31st Photovltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSC 31))
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2021/10/15 |
Influence of Tilt Angles and Installation Directions of Rooftop Four-terminal Perovskite/Silicon Solar Cells on Their Reflection Loss(第18回「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム(第1回日本太陽光発電学会学術講演会))
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2021/10/15 |
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2021/10/15 |
53. |
2021/06 |
Improvement in 4-terminal perovskite/silicon heterojunction tandem solar cells' performance with an index matching layer of silicon nitride(48th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference)
54. |
2020/12 |
Low Temperature Solution Processed Hybrid Gate Insulators for High Performance Oxide Thin-Film Transistors(The 27th International Display Workshops)
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2020/10 |
56. |
2020/09 |
Hot carrier effects in InGaZnO thin-film transistor(第81回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2020/09 |
Photo-Assisted Processing of Amorphous Gallium Oxide (a-GaOX) Thin Film for Flexible and Transparent Device Application(The 27th International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays-TFT Technologies and FPD Materials)
58. |
2020/09 |
Relationship of Phase Shift Mask Design and Size of Three-Dimension Nanostructures(The 27th International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays-TFT Technologies and FPD Materials)
59. |
2020/08 |
High Performance All-Solution Processed InZnO Thin-Film Transistors via Photo-Functionalization at Varying Fluence and Annealing Environment(2020 Display week international symposium)
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2020/08 |
Hot Carrier Degradation in High Mobility Metal Oxide Thin Film Transistors(2020 Display week international symposium)
61. |
2020/03 |
Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN MIS構造の電気的特性におけるAl2O3成膜プロセスの影響(第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
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2020/03 |
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2020/03 |
Effects of phase shift mask design on three-dimension nanostructure fabrication(第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
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2020/03 |
Investigation of water-enhanced degradation in SiO2/GaN MOS structure(第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
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2020/03 |
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2020/03 |
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2020/03 |
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2020/03 |
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2020/03 |
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2020/02 |
Supramolecular-assisted composite material for solution-based solar cells(The 1st World Energy Frontier Institute)
71. |
2019/12 |
Al2O3/p-GaN MOS構造の電気的特性に対する熱処理の効果(先進パワー半導体分科会 第6回講演会)
72. |
2019/12 |
Atomic Layer Deposition of Hf-Doped ZnO Thin Films with Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties(Mater. Res. Soc. Fall Meeting)
73. |
2019/12 |
SiO2/GaN MOS構造における電極形成後アニール前後の界面及び膜中電荷の評価(電子通信情報学会 シリコン材料デバイス研究会)
74. |
2019/12 |
Stable Growth of (100)-Oriented Low Angle Grain Boundary Silicon Thin Films Extending to the length of 3000 μm by a Continuous-Wave Laser Lateral Crystallization(電子通信情報学会 シリコン材料・デバイス研究会)
75. |
2019/12 |
The PID delay effect by UV light irradiation for p-type crystalline Si solar modules based on the different refractive index of silicon nitride layer(AIST 太陽光発電研究 成果報告会 2019)
76. |
2019/12 |
両面ガラス封止されたP型PERCセルの電圧誘起劣化現象(AIST 太陽光発電研究 成果報告会 2019)
77. |
2019/12 |
量子デバイスに向けた球殻状タンパク質をテンプレートとしたCuInS2ナノ粒子作製(電子通信情報学会 シリコン材料・デバイス研究会)
78. |
2019/11 |
Al2O3/p-GaN MOSキャパシタのC-V特性に対する熱処理の効果(薄膜材料デバイス研究会 第16回研究集会)
79. |
2019/11 |
Characteristics of perovskite solar cells in ambient light(The 10th Asian Conference on Electrochemical Power Sources)
80. |
2019/11 |
Detail analysis of potential induced degradation in p-type crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules(29th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
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2019/11 |
熱電変換素子に向けたフォノニック結晶の作製プロセス(薄膜材料デバイス研究会 第16回研究集会)
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2019/10 |
High Performance All Solution-Processed Oxide Thin-Film Transistor(CEATEC 「電子ディスプレイシンポジウム金属酸化物半導体エレクトロクス-若手研究者が語る今とこれから-[材料探索・IGZO・ディスプレイ・・・])
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2019/09 |
2 段階合成法による球殻状タンパク質内腔へのCuInS2 ナノ粒子合成(第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2019/09 |
Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN MIS構造の電気的特性におけるALD原料の影響(第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2019/09 |
Al2O3/p-GaN MOS構造に対する熱処理の効果(第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
86. |
2019/09 |
All-Solution Approach to Oxide Thin-Film Transistor Fabrication using Photo-assisted Methods(第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2019/09 |
Effect of Solution Processed High-k Hybrid Gate Insulator Film Curing Temperature on Amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O Thin-Film Transistors Performance(第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2019/09 |
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2019/09 |
he influence of both Mg-concentration and excimer laser annealing (ELA) on p-AlGaN cladding layer for the application of AlGaN-based UVB Laser Diodes(第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
90. |
2019/09 |
Inducing Thermoelectricity in C-axis Aligned Crystalline InGaZnO Thin Film via Hydrogen Annealing(International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials)
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2019/09 |
Investigation of correlation between the conductivity increasing of SiNx thin films by UV light and potential induced degradation(第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
92. |
2019/09 |
Investigation of potential induced degradation delay effect of UV light for p-type crystalline Si solar cells(8th Malaysia-Japan Joint Workshop on Photovoltaic Systems)
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2019/09 |
Low temperature processed electron transport layer for high efficiency Perovskite solar cells(8th Malaysia-Japan Joint Workshop on Photovoltaic Systems)
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2019/09 |
95. |
2019/09 |
Self-heating suppressed structure of a-IGZO thin-film transistors(第19回IEEE 関西コロキアム・電子デバイスワークショップ)
96. |
2019/09 |
Stability Improvement of Solution Processed Amorphous In-Zn-O Thin-Film Transistors via Low Temperature Solution Processed Passivation(第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2019/09 |
Thermoelectric Transport in Atomic Layer Deposited Hf and Ti-doped ZnO Thin Films(第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2019/09 |
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2019/09 |
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2019/09 |
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2019/09 |
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2019/09 |
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2019/09 |
104. |
2019/08 |
Electrical Performance Enhancement in Amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O Thin-Film Transistors with Fluorinated Solution Processed High-k Hybrid Gate Insulator(The 19th International International Meeting on Information Display)
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2019/08 |
Grain Agglomeration in Low Temperature (250℃) Wet Annealed In-Zn-O Films for use in Solution Processed Thin-film Transistors(The 28th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors)
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2019/08 |
Highly Reliable Metal Oxide Thin Film Transistors for Flexible Devices(The 19th International International Meeting on Information Display)
107. |
2019/08 |
Metal-Oxide Electrode Functionalization Using Photo-asssisted Treatments for All-Solution Processed Oxide Thin-Film Transistors(The 19th International International Meeting on Information Display)
108. |
2019/08 |
Reliability Enhancement of Solution-Processed Amorphous InZnO (a-IZO) Thin-Film Transistors via Low-Temperature Photosensitive Passivation(The 19th International International Meeting on Information Display)
109. |
2019/07 |
Dependence of power-loss caused by potential induced degradation on recovery duration after degradation/recovery cycles for p-type crystalline silicon solar cells(学振第175委員会 第16回 「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
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2019/07 |
Ge添加によるFeS2の光学特性評価(学振第175委員会 第16回 「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
111. |
2019/07 |
Low Temperature High-k Solution Processed Hybrid Gate Insulator for High Performance Amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O Thin-Film Transistors(26th International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays)
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2019/07 |
結晶Si太陽電池のPIDに及ぼすARC膜の役割(学振第175委員会 第16回「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
113. |
2019/06 |
Green and Gram-Scale Synthesis of a Solid-State Circularly Polarized Luminescent Material(The 14th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry)
114. |
2019/06 |
Influence of UV light on the increase of SiNx conductivity toward elucidation of potential induced degradation mechanism(46th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference)
115. |
2019/06 |
Roles of SiNx in potential-induced degradation for p-type crystalline Si photovoltaic modules(46th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference)
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2019/05 |
Effects of Ga-OH Bond at Initial GaN Surface on Electrical Characteristics of SiO2/GaN Interface(Compound Semiconductor Week)
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2019/05 |
Evaluate Fixed Charge and Oxide Trapped Charge on SiO2/GaN MOS Structure Before and After Post Annealing(Compound Semiconductor Week)
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2019/05 |
High Performance All Solution Processed Oxide Thin-Film Transistor via Photo-induced Semiconductor-to-Conductor Transformation of a-InZnO(International symposium, Society of information display, Display week)
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2019/05 |
Low Temperature Solution Processed InZnO TFT Annealed in Wet Ambient(International symposium, Society of information display, Display week)
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2019/03 |
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2019/03 |
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2019/03 |
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2019/03 |
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2019/03 |
Trapping reduction of SiO2/GaN MOS structure by high pressure water vapor annealing(第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
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2019/03 |
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2019/03 |
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2019/03 |
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2019/03 |
129. |
2019/02 |
Highly reliable solution processed amorphous In-Zn-O (a-IZO) thin-film transistors via low temperature photosensitive solution processed passivation(15th International Thin-Film Transistor Conference)
130. |
2019/02 |
Influence of thickness on the instantaneous semiconductor-to-conductor transformation of transparent a-IGZO at low temperatures(15th International Thin-Film Transistor Conference)
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2019/02 |
Stability improvement of electric double layer transistor by suppressing chemical reaction(15th International Thin-Film Transistor Conference)
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2019/01 |
Detect of failures on Si photovoltaic modules(International Symposium on Solar Energy Materials)
133. |
2018/12 |
高誘電体ゲート絶縁膜を用いたIGZO薄膜トランジスタの低電圧動作(第28回 日本MRS年次大会)
134. |
2018/11 |
Analyses of Electronic and Atomic Structures of Insulator/GaN Interface by Photoelectron Diffraction and Spectroscopy(International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors)
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2018/11 |
Analysis of delay effect by UV irradiation during PID stress test for p-type crystalline Si solar cells(AIST 太陽光発電 成果報告会 2018)
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2018/11 |
Analysis of Mg-implanted GaN films after rapid activation via excimer laser annealing(International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors)
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2018/11 |
Effects of ALD - Precursor on Al2O3/GaN MOS Characteristics(International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors)
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2018/11 |
Effects of Annealing Time in High Pressure Water Vapor Annealing for ALD-Al2O3/GaN MOS(International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors)
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2018/11 |
Fabrication of Evaporation-Processed NiOx as a Hole Transport Layer for Perovskite Solar Cell(7th Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on PV)
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2018/11 |
Improvement of SiO2/GaN Interface Characteristics by High Pressure Water Vapor Annealing(International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors)
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2018/11 |
Leakage reduction of SiO2/GaN MOS structure by high pressure water vapor annealing(International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors)
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2018/11 |
Physical and Electrical Properties of ALD-Al2O3/GaN MOS Annealed by High Pressure Water Vapor(Mater. Res. Soc. Fall meeting)
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2018/11 |
Reliability Evaluation of Solar Cells Based on EL Analysis Using Convolutional Neural Network(7th Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on PV)
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2018/11 |
Removing Process of The Three-Dimension Periodic Nanostructure Fabricated from KMPR Photoresist(31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference)
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2018/11 |
アモルファスInGaZnOを用いた透明フレキシブル薄膜熱電変換素子(薄膜材料デバイス研究会 第15回研究集会)
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2018/10 |
Dependence of the PID delay effect on the UV light wavelength during PID stress tests for p-type crystalline Si solar cells(3rd International Workshop on the Sustainable Actions for “Year by Year Aging” under Reliability Investigations in Photovoltaic Modules)
147. |
2018/10 |
Detection of Defective Solar Cells Based on EL Analysis Using Convolutional Neural Network(3rd International Workshop on the Sustainable Actions for “Year by Year Aging” under Reliability Investigations in Photovoltaic Modules)
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2018/10 |
シリコン太陽電池発電機能の屋外検査技術開発(次世代の太陽光発電システム175 委員会 次世代シリコン太陽電池分科会&モジュール・システム分科会 合同研究会)
149. |
2018/10 |
全固体電気二重層をゲートとしたInGaZnOトランジスタの作製と動作検証(薄膜材料デバイス研究会 第15回研究集会)
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2018/10 |
計算科学の新展開:デバイス開発への利用(第8回 化学フェスタ ケモインフォマティクスが拓く高機能新素材の時代)
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2018/09 |
ALD-Al2O3/GaN MOSにおける高圧水蒸気処理の時間依存性(第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2018/09 |
Analysis of potential induced degradation at the micro-cracked regions for p-type crystalline Si solar cells using microwave photoconductance decay technique(第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2018/09 |
Change of Raman Scattering as a Function of Laser Power in Si-Films Crystallized by CLC(第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2018/09 |
Characterization of Heterojunction Rib-Si Solar Cells by EL and DLIT Imaging(35th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition)
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2018/09 |
Effect of Atomic Layer Deposition Temperature on the Electrical Characteristics of Al2O3-passivated Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors(第79回応用 物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2018/09 |
Effects of Wet O2 Annealing on the Transfer Characteristics of Solution Processed Amorphous Indium Zinc Oxide Thin-film Transistors(第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2018/09 |
Highly Reliable Low Temperature (180℃) Solution Processed Passivation for Amorphous Solution Processed In-Zn-O Thin-Film Transistors(第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2018/09 |
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2018/09 |
Thermoelectric Properties of Bimetal-catalyzed InGaO3(ZnO)4 Nanowire(第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2018/09 |
多層ナノ粒子埋込V溝型Junction-less FETの作製と評価(第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2018/09 |
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2018/09 |
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2018/09 |
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2018/08 |
Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors with Al2O3 Passivation using Dimethylaluminum Hydride at Different ALD Temperatures(The 18th International Meeting on Information Display)
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2018/07 |
"The influence of micro-cracks on the evolution of potential induced degradation in p-type crystalline silicon solar cells(学振第175委員会 第15回 「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
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2018/07 |
p型結晶シリコン太陽電池のPID現象とpn接合部へのイオン注入効果(学振第175委員会 第15回 「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
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2018/07 |
Reliability Enhancement of Solution Processed Amorphous In-Zn-O Thin Film Transistors via a Low Temperature (180 ºC) Solution Processed Passivation(The 25th International Workshop of Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
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2018/07 |
Single Crystalline InGaZnO Nanowires for Potential Thermoelectric Applications(37th/16th International and European Conference on Thermoelectrics)
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2018/07 |
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2018/07 |
パルス電源を用いた屋外EL検査システムの検討(学振第175委員会 第15回 「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
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2018/07 |
室内光照射下におけるペロブスカイト型太陽電池の発電特性(学振第175委員会 第15回 「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
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2018/07 |
薄型Rib-Si太陽電池の特性分布測定(学振第175委員会 第15回 「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
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2018/07 |
電子ビーム法を用いたペロブスカイト型太陽電池の低温作製(学振第175委員会 第15回 「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
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2018/06 |
Low-illuminance characteristics of triple cation perovskite solar cells(Grand Renewable Energy 2018 International Conference and Exhibition)
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2018/05 |
Fabrication of High-k SrTa2O6 Thin Films by RF Magnetron Sputtering for Low Voltage Operating Thin-Film Transistor Applications(2018 ISAF-FMA-AMF-AMEC-PFM joint conference)
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2018/05 |
Off Current Reduction of BG poly-Si TFT by PLAS Process(The Society for Information Display International Conference, Display Week)
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2018/03 |
ALD-Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTにおける成膜後水素アニールの効果(第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
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2018/03 |
Excimer laser annealing of Mg-implanted GaN films(第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
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2018/03 |
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2018/03 |
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2018/03 |
Photo-assisted activation and conductivity enhancement of solution-processed InZnO(第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演)
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2018/03 |
PLASプロセス用いたBG poly-Si TFTのオフ電流抑制(第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
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2018/03 |
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2018/03 |
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2018/03 |
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2018/03 |
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2018/03 |
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2018/03 |
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2018/03 |
積層構造によるAl2O3/GaN MOS特性の改善(第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
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2018/03 |
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2018/03 |
192. |
2017/12 |
Bimetal-catalyzed formation of InGaZnO nanowires from amorphous thin film(Nano today conference)
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2017/12 |
Three-dimension periodic nano-structure fabricated by proximity nano-patterning process (PnP)(電子情報通信学会 電子ディスプレイ研究会)
194. |
2017/12 |
薄型結晶シリコン太陽電池に向けたナノインプリントテクスチャの光閉じ込め効果(電子情報通信学会 電子ディスプレイ研究会)
195. |
2017/11 |
Carrier dynamics in the potential induced degraded photovoltaic modules(27th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
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2017/11 |
Consideration of temperature correction of open circuit voltage calculated from EL intensity for outdoor measurement(27th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
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2017/11 |
Device modeling of iron pyrite solar cells for high conversion efficiency(27th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
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2017/11 |
Effect of UV/Ozone Treatment on Self-Aligned InZnO Thin-Film Transistors towards an All-Solution Process(Material Research Society Fall Meeting)
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2017/11 |
Excimer laser annealing of solution-processed InZnO thin-film(Material Research Society Fall Meeting)
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2017/11 |
Interfacial Analysis of Ion gel Gated In2Ga2Zn1O7 Thin Film Transistors(International Workshop on Dielectric Thin Films for Future Electron Devices)
201. |
2017/11 |
Lifetime estimation of silicon photovoltaic module using laser-based diagnosis technology(27th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
202. |
2017/11 |
Relation of electroluminescence intensity and potential induced degradation test time on p-type monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic module(27th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
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2017/11 |
The long-term life expectancy of 30 years of silicon PV module analyzed by laser technique(International Workshop on the Sustainable Actions for "Year by Year Aging" under Reliability Investigations in Photovoltaic Modules)
204. |
2017/10 |
Development of Sputter Processed Perovskite Films toward Tandem Solar Cells(232nd ECS Meeting)
205. |
2017/10 |
Effect of cation substitution for low-illuminance characteristics of perovskite solar cells(11th Aseanian Conference on Nano-Hybrid Solar cells)
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2017/10 |
IGZOとイオン液体の反応性に関する界面解析(薄膜デバイス研究会 第14回研究会)
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2017/10 |
ゲートおよびドレイン電界印加による非晶質 IGZO 薄膜トランジスタの微小発光現(薄膜デバイス研究会第14回研究会)
208. |
2017/09 |
ALD成膜条件がAl2O3/GaN MOS特性へ与える影響(第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2017/09 |
DMAHを用いて成膜下Al2O3/GaN MOSの評価(第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2017/09 |
Effect of Au thickness on the Bimetal-catalyzed Growth of InGaZnO Nanowires from Amorphous Thin Film(第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2017/09 |
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2017/09 |
SiO2/n-GaN 界面における堆積前処理及び高圧水蒸気処理の効果(第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
213. |
2017/09 |
Study on Potential-Induced Degradation and Recovery of n-Type Single Crystalline Si Photovoltaic Modules(33rd European PV solar energy conference)
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2017/09 |
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2017/09 |
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2017/09 |
217. |
2017/08 |
Analysis of the Significant Sheet Resistance Reduction of a-IGZO after Excimer Laser Irradiation(The 17th International Meeting on Information Display)
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2017/08 |
Dimethylaluminum Hydride as a Novel Precursor for Al2O3 Passivation on Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors(The 17th International Meeting on Information Display)
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2017/08 |
Investigation on Various Low Temperature Annealing Conditions on Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors for Use in Flexible Devices(The 17th International Meeting on Information Display)
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2017/08 |
Low Temperature Annealing of High Performance Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-film Transistors(International Symposium for Advanced Materials Research)
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2017/07 |
Bimetal-catalyzed VLS Growth of InGaZnO Nanowire from Amorphous Thin Film(The 24th International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
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2017/07 |
Low Temperature (150°C) Wet Oxygen Annealing of Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors for Flexible Device Applications(The 24th International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
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2017/07 |
The Performance of Amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O Thin-Film Transistors Passivated with Al2O3 Using Dimethylaluminum Hydride as Precursor(The 24th International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
224. |
2017/06 |
A Novel Method for Low-Temperature Ultraviolet-Ozone Channel Activation of Amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O Thin Transistors(The 6th International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies)
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2017/06 |
Al2O3 Passivation of Amorphous IGZO Thin Film Transistors through Atomic Layer Deposition using Dimethylaluminum Hydride as Precursor(The 6th International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies)
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2017/06 |
デバイスシミュレーションによるFeS2太陽電池の素子構造の検討(学振175委員会 第14回 「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
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2017/06 |
デバイス構造および光吸収層の組成がペロブスカイト型太陽電池の低照度特性に及ぼす影響(学振175委員会 第14回 「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
228. |
2017/06 |
パルス電源を用いた屋外EL検査システムの開発(学振175委員会 第14回「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
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2017/06 |
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2017/05 |
Oxide thin film transistors for flexible devices(6th International Conference on Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors)
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2017/03 |
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2017/03 |
Au/Mo-catalyzed VLS Growth of InGaZnO Nanowires from Amorphous Thin Film(第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
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2017/03 |
Effect of Dimethylaluminum Hydride as Al2O3 Precursor on the Characteristics of a-InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors(第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
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2017/03 |
Electrical properties Improvement of Top Gate a-IGZO Thin-Film Transistor using Solution Gate Insulator by Ultraviolet-Ozone and Thermal Treatment(第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
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2017/03 |
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2017/03 |
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2017/03 |
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2017/03 |
239. |
2017/02 |
Causes of the Most Frequent Degradation Mode of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Modules(Photovoltaic Reliability Workshop)
240. |
2017/02 |
Enhancing the short circuit current density due to the influence of the Si-buffer layer at the hetero-interface of strained epi-Si(1-x)Gex(x≤0.10) heterojunction solar cell(International Conference Asia-Pacific Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics)
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2017/02 |
Fabrication of perovskite solar cells using sputter processed perovskite films(International Conference Asia-Pacific Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics)
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2017/01 |
Fabrication of Perovskite Films by Sputtering and its Application(The 3rd Best-Efficiency Engineering Research Workshop for Perovskite Photovoltaics and Beyond)
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2017/01 |
フェムト秒過渡吸収分光によるシリコン太陽電池の劣化診断の検討(レーザー学会学術講演会 第37回年次大会)
244. |
2016/12 |
Analysis of High Mobility Oxide Thin-Film Transistors after a Low Temperature Annealing Process(The 23rd International Display Workshop)
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2016/12 |
High Reliability Fluorine-Containing Polysilsesquioxane Passivation Layer for a-InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors(The 23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display)
246. |
2016/12 |
SrTa2O6によるIGZO薄膜トランジスタの高性能化要因解析(電子情報通信学会 シリコン材料・デバイス研究会/電子ディスプレイ研究会)
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2016/12 |
Thermal Analysis and Device Simulation of Heat Suppressed Structure for Oxide Thin-Film Transistor(The 23rd International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display)
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2016/12 |
ヘテロ接合型FeS2-Pyrite太陽電池に向けたFeS2/NiOx接合のバンドオフセット評価(電子情報通信学会 シリコン材料・デバイス研究会/電子ディスプレイ研究会)
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2016/12 |
ペロブスカイト/微結晶Siタンデム型太陽電池におけるリコンビネーション層の開発(電子情報通信学会 シリコン材料・デバイス研究会/電子ディスプレイ研究会)
250. |
2016/12 |
レーザーを利用したSi太陽電池モジュールの劣化特性評価(学振175委員会 モジュール・システム分科会 第5回研究会)
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2016/12 |
非晶質InGaZnO薄膜の熱電特性評価(電子情報通信学会 シリコン材料・デバイス研究会/電子ディスプレイ研究会)
252. |
2016/11 |
Printed oxide semiconductor thin-film transistors(GNN International Symposium)
253. |
2016/11 |
Sheet Resistance Reduction of a-IGZO by Oxygen Vacancy Control using Low Temperature Excimer Laser Irradiation(Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Fall Meeting)
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2016/11 |
高圧水蒸気処理によるSiO2/GaN MOS界面制御および絶縁膜の改質(先進パワー半導体分科会第3回講演会)
255. |
2016/10 |
A characterization by using laser-based technique for failure Si PV modules(International Workshop on the Sustanable Actions for "Year by Year Aging" under Reliability Investigations in Photovoltaic Modules)
256. |
2016/10 |
KrF Excimer Laser Annealing of High Mobility a-IGZO Thin Film Transistors(第13回薄膜材料デバイス研究会)
257. |
2016/10 |
Nanoimprinted-Textured Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells with Si-rich-SiN layer for Low Surface Reflectance(The International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
258. |
2016/10 |
Study of carrier lifetime measurement methods for PID tested module(International Workshop on the Sustainable Actions for "Year by Year Aging" under Reliability Investigations in Photovoltaic Modules)
259. |
2016/10 |
Study of potential induced degradation and recovery of c-Si module(nternational Workshop on the Sustainable Actions for "Year by Year Aging" under Reliability Investigations in Photovoltaic Modules)
260. |
2016/10 |
Temperature dependence of EL imaging and VOC estimation(The International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference)
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2016/10 |
The influence of the temperature on EL intensity of the PID tested Si PV modules(International Workshop on the Sustainable Actions for "Year by Year Aging" under Reliability Investigations in Photovoltaic Modules)
262. |
2016/10 |
Thermoelectric Devices Fabricated Using Amorphous Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide(Pacific Rim Meeting On Electrochemical And Solid-State Science)
263. |
2016/10 |
TiO2 Coated Graphene/ Mesoporous TiO2 Composite Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells Produced By Supramolecular Protein(Pacific Rim Meeting On Electrochemical And Solid-State Science)
264. |
2016/10 |
Unseeded Growth of Poly-Crystalline Ge with (111) Surface Orientation on Insulator By Pulsed Green Laser Annealing(Pacific Rim Meeting On Electrochemical And Solid-State Science)
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2016/09 |
A Detail Study on Failure Mechanism of Si-Photovoltaic: Encapsulant to Solar Cells(第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2016/09 |
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2016/09 |
Construction of graphene - titanium hybrid nano-material using bifunctional protein supramolecule(第51回フラーレン・ナノチューブ・グラフェン総合シンポジウム)
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2016/09 |
Defect Analysis of Siloxane Gate Insulator and its Interface in a-IGZO Thin-Film Transistor(第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2016/09 |
High Mobility a-InGaZnO Thin-film Transistors with Solution-processed Passivation Layer via Irradiation with KrF Excimer Laser(International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics)
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2016/09 |
Nanostructure Effect on Thermoelectric Properties of Amorphous-InGaZnO thin film(14th European Conference on Thermoelectrics)
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2016/09 |
Performance Improvement of top gate a-InGaZnO TFTs with Siloxane Gate Insulator by UV-Ozone and Thermal treatment(International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics)
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2016/09 |
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2016/09 |
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2016/09 |
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2016/09 |
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2016/09 |
277. |
2016/08 |
High Performance Siloxane Hybrid Polymer Gate Insulator for Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors(The 16th International Meeting on Information Display)
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2016/08 |
Investigation of Perovskite Solar Cells for Indoor Applications(The 2nd Best-Efficiency Engineering Research Workshop for Perovskite Photovoltaics and Beyond)
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2016/08 |
Oxide Thin Film Transistors for Flexible Devices(The 16th International Meeting on Information Display)
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2016/08 |
Significant Sheet Resistance Reduction of a-IGZO via Low Temperature Excimer Laser Irradiation(The 16th International Meeting on Information Display)
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2016/07 |
Internal resistance of perovskite solar cells under low illuminance conditions(The 23rd international workshop on active-matrix flatpannel displays and devices)
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2016/07 |
Numerical modeling of device structure for FeS2 thin film solar cells(The 23rd international workshop on active-matrix flatpannel displays and devices)
283. |
2016/06 |
Characteristics change of perovskite solar cells by device structure under low illuminance conditions(International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics)
284. |
2016/06 |
Investigation of the EVA Degradation Mechanism and Prediction of Reliability by the Raman Spectroscopy(European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition)
285. |
2016/06 |
Localizesd Defect Study of Laboratory PID Tested Module(43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference)
286. |
2016/06 |
Potential of perovskite solar cells for power sources of IoT applications(IEEE International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
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2016/06 |
288. |
2016/05 |
FeS2太陽電池実現に向けたシミュレーションによる素子構造の探索(学振第175委員会 第13回「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
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2016/05 |
タンパク質を用いたグラフェン-TiO2複合材料の作製とペロブスカイト太陽電池への応(学振第175委員会 第13回「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
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2016/05 |
デバイス構造によるペロブスカイト型太陽電池の低照度特性の変化(学振第175委員会 第13回「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
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2016/05 |
高効率太陽電池に向けたナノインプリント技術によるテクスチャ構造の表面反射率の検証(学振第175委員会 第13回「次世代の太陽光発電システム」シンポジウム)
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2016/03 |
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2016/03 |
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2016/03 |
Graphene-based Field Effect Transistor for Bio-molecule Sensing Device(BIT's 2nd Annual World Congress of Smart Materials)
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2016/03 |
High-K ゲート絶縁膜による TFT の高性能化と低消費ReRAM の搭載(第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
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2016/03 |
Highly Reliable Oxide Semiconductor Thin-Film Transistors(BIT’s 2nd Annual World Congress of Smart Materials)
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2016/03 |
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2016/03 |
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2016/03 |
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2016/03 |
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2016/03 |
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2016/03 |
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2016/03 |
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2016/03 |
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2016/03 |
306. |
2016/02 |
Adsorption of Dps onto graphene using carbon nano-horn binding peptide(第50回フラーレン・ナノチューブ・グラフェン総合シンポジウム)
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2016/02 |
Analysis of a-IGZO Films Irradiated by KrF Excimer Laser for Self-Align a-IGZO Thin Film Transistors on Flexible Substrates(The 12th International Thin-Film Transistor Conference)
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2016/02 |
Analysis of Interfacial Property of a-IGZO Thin-Film with Ionic Liquid Gate Dielectric(The 12th International Thin-Film Transistor Conference)
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2016/02 |
310. |
2016/02 |
Improved Thermoelectric Properties of a-InGaZnO Thin Film by using nanostructure(EMN Meeting on Thermoelectric Materials)
311. |
2016/02 |
312. |
2015/12 |
Fabrication of 3-D nanodot array using Dps-DNA self-assembly(The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies)
313. |
2015/12 |
KrF Excimer Laser Annealing on a-InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors with Solution Processed Hybrid Passivation Layers(The 22nd International Display Workshop)
314. |
2015/12 |
Oxide Thin Film Transistors for Flexible Device(The 22nd International Display Workshop)
315. |
2015/12 |
Reliability Improvement of Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors by Less Hydroxyl-Groups Siloxane Passivation(The 22nd International Display Workshop)
316. |
2015/12 |
Thermal Analysis of Oxide Thin Film Transistor with Fluorinated Silicon Nitride Gate Insulator(The 22nd International Display Workshop)
317. |
2015/12 |
Ultrashort channel floating gate memory with a nanoparticle array utilizing biomaterial(The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies)
318. |
2015/12 |
グリーンレーザーアニールによる非晶質基板上への(111)面配向多結晶ゲルマニウム薄膜の形成(電子通信情報学会 電子ディスプレイ・シリコン材料・デバイス研究会)
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2015/12 |
超分子タンパク質を利用した超微細FETへのメモリ応用(電子通信情報学会 電子ディスプレイ・シリコン材料・デバイス研究会)
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2015/11 |
Characterization of Thermoelectric Properties of Amorphous InGaZnO Thin Film(2015 International Workshop on Dielectric Thin Films for Future Electron Devices: Science and Technology)
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2015/11 |
GaN 系MOS デバイスへの応用に向けたSiO2 ゲート絶縁膜の堆積手法の検討(先進パワー半導体分科会第2講演会)
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2015/11 |
Reforming of Thermally Oxidized Film on GaN by Annealing with High-Temperature and High-Pressure Water(International Workshop on Galium Oxide and Related Materials)
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2015/11 |
高圧水蒸気を用いて熱処理したGaN MIS構造の電気的特性評価(先進パワー半導体分科会第2講演会)
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2015/09 |
a-InGaZnO 薄膜の熱電特性におけるキャリア密度の影響(第12回日本熱電学会学術講演会)
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2015/09 |
GaN MIS界面特性における高圧水蒸気処理の効果(第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2015/09 |
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2015/09 |
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2015/09 |
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2015/09 |
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2015/09 |
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2015/09 |
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2015/09 |
333. |
2015/08 |
Oxide Thin Film Transistors for Flexible Devices(The 15th International Meeting on Information Display)
334. |
2015/08 |
イオン液体をゲート絶縁膜として用いた高信頼性IGZO-TFTの開発(電子通信情報学会 信頼性研究会)
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2015/08 |
ゲート絶縁膜中フッ素による高信頼性a-InGaZnO TFTの実現(電子通信情報学会 信頼性研究会)
336. |
2015/07 |
Analysis of self-heating phenomenon in oxide thin-film transistors under pulsed bias voltage(22nd International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
337. |
2015/07 |
Unseeded Growth of Poly-Crystalline Ge with (111) Surface Orientation on Insulator by Pulsed Green Laser Annealing(2nd International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
338. |
2015/06 |
Characteristics of Perovskite Solar Cells under Low Illuminance Condition(The 2015 International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
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2015/06 |
Crystalline Si solar cells fabricated by CO2 laser doping(42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference)
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2015/06 |
Evaluation of band structre and conductive propety of iron pyrite (FeS2) thin film deposited by spin-coating(The 2015 International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
341. |
2015/06 |
Fully compatible resistive random access memory with amorphous InGaZnO based thin film transistor fabrication process(電子通信情報学会 シリコン材料・デバイス研究会)
342. |
2015/06 |
Improved Thermoelectric Properties by Control of Nanoparticles in Thin Film(34th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics, 13th European Conference on Thermoelectrics)
343. |
2015/06 |
On-site Detection of Defective Panels in Mega-solar Systems by Handy Electroluminescence Surveillance(42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference)
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2015/06 |
Thermoelectric Properties of a-InGaZnO Thin Film(The 2015 International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
345. |
2015/03 |
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2015/03 |
Analysis of dxygen vacancies in the Interface of amorphous InGaZnO/Siloxane passivation film by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
347. |
2015/03 |
Detection of Ferritin on Graphene-based Field-Effect Transistor for Bio-sensing Application(BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress and EXPO of Smart Materials)
348. |
2015/03 |
Investigation of Crystallinity and Planer Defects in the Si-NWs Grown by VLS Mode Using Indium Catalyst for Efficient Solar Cells Applicatio(7th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and Its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/8th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science)
349. |
2015/03 |
Low temperature excimer laser annealing of a-InGaZnO thin-film transistors passivated by hybrid organic-inorganic passivation layer(第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
350. |
2015/03 |
Optical modelling and simulation of Cone Shaped Si-NWs p-i-n structure for Solar Cell Application(第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
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2015/03 |
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2015/03 |
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2015/03 |
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2015/03 |
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2015/03 |
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2015/03 |
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2015/03 |
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2015/03 |
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2015/02 |
360. |
2015/02 |
High-performance InGaZnO Thin Film Transistor Ionic Liquid Gate Dielectric(11th International Thin Film Transistor Conference)
361. |
2015/02 |
High-quality High-k SrTa2O6 dielectric film Fabricated by Sol-gel Method Using High Pressure Vapor Annealing(11th International Thin Film Transistor Conference)
362. |
2015/02 |
Improvement of the Reliability of Bottom Gate Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors with Siloxane Layer(11th International Thin Film Transistor Conference)
363. |
2015/02 |
Oxide Thin Film Transistors For Flexible Devices(11th International Thin Film Transistor Conference)
364. |
2015/02 |
Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Transistors with Solution Derived SiO2 Gate Insulator Formed Using CO2 Laser Annealing(11th International Thin Film Transistor Conference)
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2015/02 |
XeCl and KrF Excimer Laser Annealing of Oxide Thin-Film Transistors with Hybrid Passivation Layer(11th International Thin Film Transistor Conference)
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2015/02 |
367. |
2015/02 |
シリコンナノワイヤーのVapor Liquid Solid 成長に向けたフェリチンを用いたインジウム成長起点の形成と評価(応用物理学会関西支部平成26年度第三回講演会)
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2015/02 |
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2015/02 |
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2015/02 |
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2015/02 |
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2015/02 |
373. |
2015/01 |
ナノ粒子埋込V溝型 Junction-less FETにおけるメモリ効果発現と評価(第20回ゲートスタック研究会 ―材料・プロセス・評価の物理―)
374. |
2015/01 |
高温高圧水蒸気を用いた熱処理によるGaN系MIS構造の絶縁膜及び界面特性の向上(第20回ゲートスタック研究会 ―材料・プロセス・評価の物理―)
375. |
2014/12 |
Cage-shaped proteins assisted carbon nanotube synthesis for dye-sensitized solar cells(Materials Research Society Fall Meeting)
376. |
2014/12 |
Chemical Analysis of Fluorine in Highly Reliable Oxide Thin Film Transistor with Silicon Nitride Gate Insulator(The 21st International Display Workshop)
377. |
2014/12 |
Effect of Wet-O2 Annealing on the Characteristics of Solution-Derived Amorphous InZnO Thin-Film Transistors(he 21st International Display Workshops)
378. |
2014/12 |
Excimer Laser Annealing of Amorphous Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Passivated with Hybrid Passivation Layer(The 21st International Display Workshops)
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2014/12 |
Formation of Solution-Derived SiO2 Thin Films by CO2 Laser Annealing for Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Transistors(The 21st International Display Workshops)
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2014/12 |
Oxide Thin Film Transistors for Flexible Display(The 21st International Display Workshops)
381. |
2014/12 |
Precursor Dependence of Formation of FeS2 films via Electro-spraying and Sulfuration Annealing(Material Research Society Fall Meeting)
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2014/12 |
Printability of Screen Printed Silver for Oxide Thin-Film Transistor toward a Printable Device(The 21st International Display Workshops)
383. |
2014/12 |
Reliability of Amorphous InGaZnO Thin Film Transistors with Low Water-Absorption Passivation Layer(The 21st International Display Workshops)
384. |
2014/12 |
レーザーアニールによる非晶質基板上への(111)面配向多結晶ゲルマニウム薄膜の形成(電子通信情報学会 シリコン材料・デバイス研究会)
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2014/12 |
水蒸気を用いたプラズマ誘起原子層堆積法によるAl2O3膜の形成(電子通信情報学会 シリコン材料・デバイス研究会)
386. |
2014/11 |
CO2 Laser Doping to Fabricate Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell(The 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion)
387. |
2014/11 |
Formation of Single Crystalline Silicon Nanowires using Indium Nano-Droplets(The 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion)
388. |
2014/11 |
Investigation of the interface layer between Indium droplets/Si-surface prior to Si-NWs growth using VLS mode and optical simulation of the Si-NWs for solar cells application(The 3rd Collaborative Conference on Crystal Growth)
389. |
2014/11 |
Light Absorption Enhancement of amorphous Si by Plasmon Effects of Gold Nanoparticles(The 27th International Microprocesse and Nanotechnology Conference)
390. |
2014/11 |
Oxidant Effect on the Electrical Characteristics of ALD-derived Al2O3 as a Dielectric Layer(The 36th International Symposium on Dry Process)
391. |
2014/11 |
Polysilazane based solution-derived diffusion barrier layer for back contact crystalline Si solar cell(The 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion)
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2014/11 |
Surface Reflectance of Nanoimprinted-Texture on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells(The 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion)
393. |
2014/10 |
Analysis of Thermal Degradation in Oxide Thin Film Transistor(The 2014 ECS and SMEQ)
394. |
2014/10 |
次世代太陽電池材料FeS2薄膜のバンド構造評価(薄膜材料デバイス研究会 第11回研究集会)
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2014/09 |
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2014/09 |
397. |
2014/09 |
PEG フェリチンの 2次元結晶配列(第75回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
398. |
2014/09 |
Perovskite solar cells as a higher voltage source(The 4th International Conference on CIGS Solar Cells and Electronic Materials)
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2014/09 |
Size Optimization of Nanoimprinted-Texture on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell by Three Dimensional Simulation(29th European PV Solar Energy Conference)
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2014/09 |
Suppression of hump effect in a-InGaZnO thin-film transistors passivated by novel photosensitive passivation layer(第75回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
401. |
2014/09 |
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2014/09 |
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2014/09 |
404. |
2014/09 |
ナノ粒子埋込V溝型Junction-less FETの作製と評価(第75回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
405. |
2014/09 |
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2014/09 |
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2014/09 |
408. |
2014/09 |
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2014/09 |
410. |
2014/08 |
Influence of Annealing at High Pressures Water for Atomic-Layer-Deposited Al2O3 on GaN(International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors)
411. |
2014/08 |
Reliability Improvement in Amorphous InGaZnO Thin Film Transistors Passivated by Photosensitive Polysilsesquioxane Passivation Layer(The 14th International Meeting on Information Display)
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2014/07 |
413. |
2014/07 |
Formation and Evaluation of Single Crystalline Silicon Nanowires Using Indium Droplets(2nd International Symposium on Nano-Wire Si Solar Cells MEXT/JST “FUTURE –PV Innovation” Project)
414. |
2014/07 |
Hydrogen Behavior from ALD Al2O3 Passivation Layer for Amorphous InGaZnO TFTs(The 21st International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
415. |
2014/07 |
Oxidation of Graphene Film by Non-thermal Treatment for New Sensing Devices(The 21st International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
416. |
2014/07 |
Reliability Improvement in Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors Passivated by Photosensitive Polysilsesquiozane Passivation Layer(The 21st International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
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2014/07 |
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2014/07 |
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2014/07 |
420. |
2014/07 |
溶液法を用いた酸化物半導体素子の開発(産学協力研究アモルファス・ナノ材料第147委員会 第123回研究会)
421. |
2014/06 |
Analysis of heating phenomenon in oxide thin-film transistor under pulse voltage stress(The 2014 International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
422. |
2014/06 |
Development of Solutio-Derived Diffusion Barrier Layer for Back-Contact Crystalline Silicon(The 2014 International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
423. |
2014/06 |
Reliability of Bottom Gate Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors with Siloxane Passivation(The 2014 International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
424. |
2014/05 |
Non-thermal Reversibility by Ultraviolet Irradiation of Electron Mobility in Oxidized Graphene(4th Edition of Graphene Conference Series)
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2014/03 |
426. |
2014/03 |
Analysis of Degradation Mechanism on Bottom Gate Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors with Siloxane Passivation Layer(第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
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2014/03 |
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2014/03 |
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2014/03 |
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2014/03 |
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2014/03 |
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2014/03 |
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2014/02 |
434. |
2014/01 |
Analysis of Heating Phenomenon in Oxide Thin-Film Transistor under Pulse Voltage Stress(10th International Thin Film Transistor Conference)
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2014/01 |
Formation of SiO2 Thin Films from Polysilazane Solution by CO2 Laser Annealing for Gate Insulator of Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films Transistors(10th International Thin Film Transistor Conference)
436. |
2013/12 |
Effect of Back Channel on the Characteristics of Solution-Derived Amorphous InZnO Thin-Film Transistors(The 20th International Display Workshop)
437. |
2013/12 |
Formation of SiO2 Thin Films on Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films from Polysilazane Solution by CO2 Laser Annealing(The 20th International Display Workshop)
438. |
2013/12 |
Highly reliable passivation layer for a-InGaZnO thin-film transistors fabricated using polysilsesquioxane(Material Research Society Fall Meeting)
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2013/12 |
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2013/12 |
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2013/12 |
442. |
2013/11 |
Femtosecond Laser Irradiation to ZnS Phosphor for Inorganic Electroluminescent Displays(The 20th International Display Workshop)
443. |
2013/11 |
Non-thermal and reversible oxidation of graphene through UV/O3 treatment(26th International Microprocess and Nanotechnology Conference)
444. |
2013/11 |
Temperature Dependence of Sulfer Vapor Annealing of FeS2 Films by Electro Spray Deposition Method(26th International Microprocess and Nanotechnology Conference)
445. |
2013/10 |
Numerical analysis of submicron size texture on crystalline Si solar cells performances(23rd Photovoltaic Science Engineering Conference)
446. |
2013/10 |
アモルファスInGaZnO薄膜トランジスタにおけるゲート絶縁膜中のフッ素が信頼性に与える影響(応用物理関西支部 平成25年度第2会講演会)
447. |
2013/10 |
タンパク質由来のナノ粒子を用いた2次元配列の形成(応用物理関西支部 平成25年度第2会講演会)
448. |
2013/10 |
バイオテンプレートを用いたナノ粒子の作製および抵抗変化メモリ応用(応用物理関西支部 平成25年度第2会講演会)
449. |
2013/10 |
フッ化窒化物をゲート絶縁膜に用いた高信頼性a-InGaZnO薄膜トランジスタ(薄膜デバイス材料研究会 第10回研究集会)
450. |
2013/10 |
超小型球殻状タンパクを用いた積層ナノドット型フローティングゲートメモリ(応用物理関西支部 平成25年度第2会講演会)
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2013/10 |
酸化物半導体のX線吸収端近傍構造による電子構造解析(薄膜デバイス材料研究会 第10回研究集会)
452. |
2013/10 |
静電噴霧法によるZnS量子ドットの作製(薄膜デバイス材料研究会 第10回研究集会)
453. |
2013/09 |
Analysis of Printed Ag Electrode on a-InGaZnO(45th International Conference of Solid State Devices and Materials)
454. |
2013/09 |
Control of Separation Distance of Ferritin by PEG(JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia)
455. |
2013/09 |
Dye-sensitized solar cells made with carbon nanotube-TiO2 nanocomposite by protein-based fabrication process(JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia)
456. |
2013/09 |
Formation of Two-dimensional Array using Protein-derived Nanoparticles(JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia)
457. |
2013/09 |
Improvement of Efficiency in dye-sensitized solar cell by plasmon enhancement effect introduced by modified gold nanoparticles(28th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition)
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2013/09 |
459. |
2013/09 |
Oxidation of graphene by UV/O3 treatment and its non-thermal reduction by UV irradiation(22nd European Workshop on Heterostructure Technology)
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2013/09 |
461. |
2013/09 |
Plasmonic Effect of modified gold nanoparticles in DSSC(JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia)
462. |
2013/09 |
Potential of organometallic perovskite solar cells(The 3rd Malaysia-Japan Joint Workshop on Compound Solar Cells and Systems)
463. |
2013/09 |
Resistive Memory Characteristic of TaOx Nanoparticle Synthesized by Ferritin(JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia)
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2013/09 |
465. |
2013/09 |
アモルファスInGaZnO TFTにおける低温水素アニールの影響(第74回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)
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2013/09 |
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2013/09 |
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2013/09 |
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2013/09 |
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2013/09 |
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2013/09 |
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2013/09 |
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2013/09 |
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2013/09 |
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2013/09 |
476. |
2013/08 |
Effect of reactive ion etching and post-annealing conditions on the characteristics and reliability of a-InGaZnO thin-film transistors with polysilsesquioxane passivation layer(The 13th International Meeting on Information Display)
477. |
2013/07 |
Forming SiO2 Thin Film by CO2 Laser Annealing of Spin-On Glass on Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film(The 20th Internaitonal workshop on Active-materix flat panel displays and devices)
478. |
2013/07 |
Reliability of amorphous InGaZnO thin film transistors passivated by polysilsesquioxane-based passivation layer(The 20th Internaitonal workshop on Active-materix flat panel displays and devices)
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2013/07 |
The Influence of fluorinated SiNx Gate Insulator in a-InGaZnO Thin Film Transistors(The 20th Internaitonal workshop on Active-materix flat panel displays and devices)
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2013/07 |
Thermal Degradation and Theoretical Analysis of Amorphous Oxide Thin-Film Transistor(The 20th Internaitonal workshop on Active-materix flat panel displays and devices)
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2013/07 |
Unique property of a-InGaZnO/Ag Interface on Thin-Film Transistor(The 20th Internaitonal workshop on Active-materix flat panel displays and devices)
482. |
2013/06 |
Distance Controlled Nanoparticles Using PEG-Ferritin for New Functional Devices(11th IEEE International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
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2013/06 |
Evaluation of TaOx Nanoparticles for Resistive Ramdom Access Memory(IEEE International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
484. |
2013/06 |
Femtosecond Laser Irradiation to ZnS Phosphor for Inorganic Electroluminescent Displays(11th IEEE International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
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2013/06 |
Forming of SiO2 Film by Spin-on Glass and CO2 Laser Annealing for Gate Insulator of Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Transistors(11th IEEE International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
486. |
2013/06 |
Light Trapping Effect of Nanoimprinted-Textured Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells(39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference)
487. |
2013/06 |
Numerical Analysis of Light-Trapping Structure in Nanoimprinted-Textured Silicon Solar Cells(11th IEEE International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
488. |
2013/05 |
How to improve solar cell efficiency through nano-fabrication technology(The 3rd International Conference on CIGS Solar Cells and Electronic Materials)
489. |
2013/05 |
Insulating Properties of Atomic Layer Deposited Al2O3 Gate Dielectric on GaN(The 40th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors)
490. |
2013/05 |
SiO2被膜金ナノ粒子によるプラズモン効果を利用した色素増感太陽電池(学振第175委員会 第10回次世代の太陽光発電システムシンポジウム)
491. |
2013/05 |
Size Control in ZnO Nano-pillar Fabrication using a Gel-Nanoimprint Process(The 2nd International Conference on Advance Materials Design and Mechanics)
492. |
2013/05 |
Thermal Distribution in Amorphous InSnZnO Thin-Film Transistor(The 40th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors)
493. |
2013/05 |
インジウムを介したVapor-Liquid-Solid機構によるシリコンナノワイヤーの形成と評価(学振第175委員会 第10回次世代の太陽光発電システムシンポジウム)
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2013/05 |
プリンテッドテクスチャ太陽電池のテクスチャ効果シミュレーション(学振第175委員会 第10回次世代の太陽光発電システムシンポジウム)
495. |
2013/04 |
Protein-based syntheis of carbon nanotuve-titana hybrid to enhance the efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells(245th ACS National Meeting)
496. |
2013/03 |
Atomization Process Utilizing Femtosecond Laser Irradiation for ZnS Phosphor(International Device Physics Young Scientist Symposium)
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2013/03 |
498. |
2013/03 |
Controlled Separation Distances of PEGylated Ferritin(International Device Physics Young Scientist Symposium)
499. |
2013/03 |
Degradation Phenomenon under Hot Carrier Stress in InSnZnO Thin Film Transistor(International Device Physics Young Scientist Symposium)
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2013/03 |
Effect of polysilsesquioxane passivation layer on the dark and illuminated negative bias stress of a-IGZO thin film transistors(第60回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
501. |
2013/03 |
Evaluation of Oxide Nanoparticles in Two-Dimensional Array by Conductive AFM(International Device Physics Young Scientist Symposium)
502. |
2013/03 |
Forming of SiO2 film by Spin-On Glass and CO2 Laser Annealing on Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film(International Device Physics Young Scientist Symposium)
503. |
2013/03 |
IGZO TFT における光照射による劣化メカニズムの解析(第60回応用物理学会春季学術講演)
504. |
2013/03 |
Light-Trapping Properties of Nanoimprinted-Textured Silicon Solar Cells(International Device Physics Young Scientist Symposium)
505. |
2013/03 |
Low-temperature Fabrication of Solution-process-derived InZnO Thin-Film Transistors(International Device Physics Young Scientist Symposium)
506. |
2013/03 |
507. |
2013/03 |
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2013/03 |
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2013/03 |
510. |
2013/03 |
プラズマアシスト原子層堆積法によるGaN MIS ゲート絶縁膜用Al2O3の絶縁特性(第60回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
511. |
2013/03 |
512. |
2013/03 |
溶液プロセスで作製したInZnO 薄膜トランジスタにおけるチャネル層膜厚依存性(第60回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)
513. |
2013/03 |
514. |
2013/03 |
515. |
2013/02 |
Electrical characteristics of UV/ozone-treated graphene(5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials)
516. |
2013/01 |
Annealing Temperature Effect on Device Performances of Solution-Derived InZnO Thin-Film Transistors(The 9th International Thin-Film Transistor Conference)
517. |
2013/01 |
Degradation Phenomena in Amorphous OxideThinThinThin -Film Transistor by Self-Heating Effect(The 9th International Thin-Film Transistor Conference)
518. |
2013/01 |
Influence of polysilsesquioxane-based passivation layer on the electrical characteristics and stability of a-IGZO thin film transistors(The 9th International Thin-Film Transistor Conference)
519. |
2012/12 |
Analysis of Electronic Structural Changein a-InGaZnO by High Pressure Water Vapor Deposition(The 19th International Display Workshop)
520. |
2012/12 |
High Performance Indium Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Fabricated by Solution-Process at Low Temperature(The 19th International Display Workshop)
521. |
2012/12 |
Super Low-Temperature Formation of Polycrystalline Silicon Films on Plastic Substrates by Underwater Laser Annealing(The 19th International Display Workshop)
522. |
2012/12 |
The Influence of New SiNx Gate Insulator in a-InGaZnO Thin Film Transistors(The 19th International Display Workshop)
523. |
2012/12 |
524. |
2012/12 |
525. |
2012/11 |
Characterization and Application of Ta2O5 Bio-Nanoparticles(GIST-NCTU-NAIST Joint Symposium)
526. |
2012/11 |
527. |
2012/11 |
Improvement in Reliability of a-InGaZnO Thin Film Transistors with New SiNx Gate Insulators(Material Research Society Fall Meeting)
528. |
2012/11 |
Local Chracterization of Defect Sites at Grain Boudary of Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film and Their Effect on Device Performance(Material Research Society Fall Meeting)
529. |
2012/11 |
ウェットプロセスによるZnO 系酸化物薄膜トランジスタの低温作製(第9回薄膜材料デバイス研究会)
530. |
2012/11 |
リステリアDps を利用したナノドット型フローティングゲートメモリの作製(第9回薄膜材料デバイス研究会)
531. |
2012/10 |
Low -Operating-Voltage ZnO-based Thin Film Transistors Using High-k SrTa2O6(4th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials)
532. |
2012/10 |
Magnetite Bio-nanoparticle for Nano Resistive Memory(The 25th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference)
533. |
2012/10 |
Novel delivery process of high dense gold nanoparticles on Si substrate to introduce plasmon absorbance(The 25th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference)
534. |
2012/10 |
Reforming of Al2O3 gate dielectric on n-GaN by high-pressure water vapor annealing(International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors)
535. |
2012/10 |
Singly Selective Adsorption of Ta2O5 Nanoparticles Synthesized by Biomineralization(The 25th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference)
536. |
2012/09 |
Depth-Resolved Electronic Structure Analysis of IGZO/SiO2 Interface by Two-Dimensional Photoelectron Spectroscopy(International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials)
537. |
2012/09 |
Diamter Control of ZnS particles in Nano-scale by Electro Spray Depositino Method(International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics)
538. |
2012/09 |
Effects of Guided Filament Formation in NiO-ReRAM Using Bio-nanoparticle(International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials)
539. |
2012/09 |
Floating Gate Memory with High-density Nanodot Array Formed Utilizing Ti-binding Dps(International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials)
540. |
2012/09 |
Highly-Reliable and Low-Temperature-Processed ZnO Thin-Film Transistors using Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition(The 7th International Workshop on Zinc Oxide and Related Materials)
541. |
2012/09 |
Low Temperature Fabrication of Wet-processed ZnO-based Thin Film Transistors Based on the Investigation of Temperature Dependency(International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics)
542. |
2012/09 |
Particle Diameter Analysis by Semi-theoretical Method in Electro-Spray Deposition Process(38th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering)
543. |
2012/09 |
UV/オゾン処理を施したグラフェンの電気伝導特性(第73回 応用物理学学術講演会)
544. |
2012/09 |
ゲート絶縁膜中元素がアモルファスInGaZnO薄膜トランジスタの信頼性に与える影響(第73回 応用物理学学術講演会)
545. |
2012/09 |
二次元光電子分光によるIGZO/SiO2界面の解析(第73回 応用物理学学術講演会)
546. |
2012/09 |
547. |
2012/09 |
局所的静電相互作用による金属薄膜上へのナノ粒子選択配置(第73回 応用物理学学術講演会)
548. |
2012/09 |
微細化技術応用に向けたタンタル酸化物ナノ粒子の評価(第73回 応用物理学学術講演会)
549. |
2012/09 |
水中レーザーアニールによるプラスティック基板上多結晶シリコン膜形成(第73回 応用物理学学術講演会)
550. |
2012/09 |
短時間ゲル-ナノインプリント法によるナノパターンの形成とその評価(第73回 応用物理学学術講演会)
551. |
2012/09 |
高圧重水熱処理によるAl2O3ゲート誘電膜の改質(第73回 応用物理学学術講演会)
552. |
2012/08 |
Super Low Temperature Fabrication of Thin Film Transistors with Polycrystalline Si and Oxide Semiconductor Materials(12th International Meeting on Information Display)
553. |
2012/07 |
Crystallization to Polycrystalline Silicon Films by Underwater Laser Annealing(The nineteenth International workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
554. |
2012/07 |
Effects of Gate Insulator on Thin Film Transistor with ZnO Channel Layer Deposited by Plasma Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition(The nineteenth International workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Device)
555. |
2012/07 |
Fabrication of Zino Oxide Nano-patterns by Quick Gel-nanoimprint Process toward Optical Switching Device(The nineteenth International workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
556. |
2012/07 |
Highly Reliable a-IGZO TFTs with SiNx Gate Insulator deposited by SiF4/N2(The nineteenth International workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
557. |
2012/07 |
558. |
2012/06 |
Comparison between ZnO Films Grown by Plasma-Assited Atomic Layer Deposition using H2O Plasma and O2 Plasma as Oxidant(12th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition)
559. |
2012/06 |
Cu nanoparticle induced crystalliation of amorphous Ge film using ferritin(The nineteenth International workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
560. |
2012/06 |
Nanodot-type Floating Gate Memory with High-density Nanodot Array Formed Utilizing Listeria Dps(IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop)
561. |
2012/06 |
562. |
2012/05 |
Analysis of electron traps in IGZO/SiO2 structure by cyclic C-V method(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
563. |
2012/05 |
Carbon nanotube-titanium hybrid material constructed using bifunctional protein supramolecule(European Materials Research Society spring meeting)
564. |
2012/05 |
Characterization of graphene based field effect transistors using nano probing microscope(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
565. |
2012/05 |
Dependence of semiconductor nanoparticle size on spray condition in electro-spray deposition method(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
566. |
2012/05 |
Effect of High-pressure Deuterium Oxide Annealing on Al2O3 Deposited by Plasma-assisted Atomic Layer Deposition at Low Temperature(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
567. |
2012/05 |
Fabrication of nanopatterns using quick gel-nanoimprint process(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
568. |
2012/05 |
Highly reliable a-InGaZnO Thin Film Transistors with new SiNx gate insulators(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices)
569. |
2012/05 |
Nanodot-type floating gate memory with high-density nanodot array formed utilizing listeria ferritin(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
570. |
2012/05 |
571. |
2012/04 |
The analysis of electron traps in a-IGZO thin films after high pressure vapor annealing by using the capacitance-voltage method(Materials Research Society, Spring meeting)
572. |
2012/03 |
573. |
2012/03 |
574. |
2012/03 |
575. |
2012/03 |
エキシマレーザーアニールによるIZO TFT の特性改善(第59回春季応用物理学関連連合講演会)
576. |
2012/03 |
577. |
2012/03 |
578. |
2012/03 |
579. |
2012/03 |
580. |
2012/03 |
581. |
2012/03 |
582. |
2012/03 |
583. |
2012/03 |
高圧水蒸気熱処理によるa-IGZO TFT特性改善効果(第59回春季応用物理学関連連合講演会)
584. |
2012/01 |
Effects of gate insulator on thin film transistor with ZnO channel layer deposited by plasma assisted atomic layer deposition(8th International Transistor Conference)
585. |
2012/01 |
Highly reliable a-InGaZnO thin film transistors with low hydrogen SiNx gate insulators(8th International Transistor Conference)
586. |
2012/01 |
Improvement of a-IGZO TFT performance by high pressure vapor annealing(8th International Transistor Conference)
587. |
2012/01 |
Super low-temperature crystallization of polycrystalline silicon thin films by underwater laser annealing(8th International Transistor Conference)
588. |
2012/01 |
Temperature effect of solution-processed InZnO thin film transistors(8th International Transistor Conference)
589. |
2012/01 |
リステリアフェリチンを利用したナノドット型フローティングゲートメモリの作製(ゲートスタック研究会 ─材料・プロセス・評価の物理─第17回研究会)
590. |
2012/01 |
酸化タンタルナノ粒子を用いた抵抗変化メモリの作製(ゲートスタック研究会 ─材料・プロセス・評価の物理─ 第17回研究会)
591. |
2011/12 |
Application of Gold Nanoparticle to ReRAM(International Symposium on Advanced Nanodevices and Nanotechnology)
592. |
2011/12 |
Properties of Solution-Processed TFTs with IGZO/SrTa2O6 Thin Films(第21回日本MRS学術シンポジウム)
593. |
2011/12 |
Voltage Linearity of (Ba,Sr)TaxOy and (Ba,Sr)TixOy Thin Films(第21回日本MRS学術シンポジウム)
594. |
2011/12 |
ZnS系無機EL蛍光体の発光特性に対する高圧水蒸気熱処理による効果(電子情報通信学会 シリコン材料・デバイス研究会)
595. |
2011/12 |
ゲル-ナノインプリントプロセスによるZnO-2次元フォトニック結晶の作製(電子情報通信学会 シリコン材料・デバイス研究会)
596. |
2011/11 |
Cuナノ粒子を用いたa-Ge薄膜の低温結晶化(薄膜材料デバイス研究会 第8回研究集会)
597. |
2011/11 |
Downsizing to Quantum Dots Range of Zinc Sulfide Particles Using Electro Spray Pyrolysis Route(GIST/NCTU/NAIST Joint Symp. on Advanced Materials)
598. |
2011/11 |
High-k材料SrTa2O6を用いたInZnO薄膜トランジスタの電気特性におけるゲート電極材料の影響(薄膜材料デバイス研究会 第8回研究集会)
599. |
2011/11 |
プラズマ原子層堆積法により形成したZnO膜をチャネルとした薄膜トランジスタの特性における堆積温度依存性(薄膜材料デバイス研究会 第8回研究集会)
600. |
2011/11 |
原子層堆積法による酸化亜鉛薄膜トランジスタの低温形成(薄膜材料デバイス研究会 第8回研究集会)
601. |
2011/11 |
短時間パターニングを目指したゲル-ナノインプリントプロセスの開発(薄膜材料デバイス研究会 第8回研究集会)
602. |
2011/11 |
酸化鉄ナノ粒子の抵抗変化メモリ応用(薄膜材料デバイス研究会 第8回研究集会)
603. |
2011/10 |
Crystallinity of Polycrystalline Silicon Formed by Underwater Laser Annealing(The 11th International Meeting on Information Display)
604. |
2011/10 |
Nano Order Size ZnO Particles fabricated by Electro Spray Pyrolysis(24th International Microprocess nanotechnology conference)
605. |
2011/10 |
Next Generation Display Fabricated by Bio Nano Process(The 11th International Meeting on Information Display)
606. |
2011/10 |
Poly-Si Thin Films Fabrication by Crystallization using Silane Coupling Treatment(The 11th International Meeting on Information Display)
607. |
2011/10 |
Transient Analysis of the Dynamic Stress Degradation in a-IGZO TFTs(The 11th International Meeting on Information Display)
608. |
2011/09 |
609. |
2011/09 |
610. |
2011/09 |
611. |
2011/09 |
Effects of Excimer Laser annealing of Oxide Semiconductor Films(International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials)
612. |
2011/09 |
613. |
2011/09 |
Low Temperature Processed Zinc Oxide Thin Film Transistors by Plasma Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition(International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials)
614. |
2011/09 |
Nanoparticle-Induced Crystallization of Amorphous Ge Film Using Ferritin(International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials)
615. |
2011/09 |
Preparation of Zinc Oxide Thin Films by Atomic Layer Deposition for the Application to Thin Film Transistors(International Display Research Conference EuroDisplay)
616. |
2011/09 |
617. |
2011/09 |
618. |
2011/09 |
619. |
2011/09 |
620. |
2011/09 |
強誘電体ナノ結晶評価のためのサファイア上へのPt原子レベル平坦層の形成 (II)(第72回応用物理学会学術講演会)
621. |
2011/09 |
622. |
2011/09 |
623. |
2011/09 |
624. |
2011/09 |
625. |
2011/09 |
626. |
2011/08 |
Fabrication of PbTiO3 and Pt self-organized nanocrystal array structure for high density ferroelectric memories(The International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics)
627. |
2011/07 |
Interface effect of high-K SrTa2O6/gate electrode on the characteristics of solution processed thin film transistors(20th IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics International Symposium on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy & Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials)
628. |
2011/07 |
629. |
2011/06 |
Effect of Phosphor Atomization on Luminance of Inorganic EL Devices Prepared by Microwave Sintering(18th International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices,)
630. |
2011/06 |
Interface Effect of High-k SrTa2O6 Gate Electrode on the Characteristics of Solution Processed In Zn4Ox Thin Film Transistors(The 18th International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
631. |
2011/05 |
Application of Endohedral Iron-oxide Ferritin to Resistive Memory(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
632. |
2011/05 |
Characteristics of Solution-processed TFTs with In4ZnOx/SrTa2O6 Thin Films(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
633. |
2011/05 |
Crystallization using Biominerallized Ni Nanodots of Amorphous Si Thick Films Prepared by CVD and Sputtering Deposition(The 18th International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
634. |
2011/05 |
Fabrication of PbTiO3 and Pt Self-organized Nanocrystal Array Structure on Atomically Flat Sapphire(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
635. |
2011/05 |
Fabrication of ZnS Nanoparticles using Eletro-Spray Process(The 18th International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
636. |
2011/05 |
Impact of Atomization Treatment on ZnS Phosphor for Inorganic EL(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
637. |
2011/05 |
Low Temperature Processed ZnO Thin Film Transistors Fabricated by Plasma Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
638. |
2011/05 |
Low-Temperature Crystallization of Amorphous Ge Thin Films Using Metal Nanoparticles(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
639. |
2011/05 |
Low-Temperature Crystallization of Amorphous Ge Thin Films Using Metal Nanoparticles(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
640. |
2011/05 |
Preparation of ZnO thin films by plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition for the application to thin film transistors(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
641. |
2011/05 |
Thin Film Devices Fabricated on Double-Layered Polycrystalline Silicon Films Formed by Green Laser Anealing(The 18th International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices)
642. |
2011/05 |
Thin Film Transistors and Photo Diodes Fabricated on Double-Layered Polycrystalline Silicon Films(International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai)
643. |
2011/05 |
溶液法で作製した In4ZnOx/SrTa2O6薄膜トランジスタの特性(第28回強誘電体応用会議)
644. |
2011/03 |
a-IGZO TFTへの高圧水蒸気熱処理効果(第58回 春季 応用物理学関係連合講演会)
645. |
2011/03 |
Bio-LBL法を利用した積層ナノドット型フローティングゲートメモリの作製(第58回 春季 応用物理学関係連合講演会)
646. |
2011/03 |
ESD法による半導体ナノ粒子堆積膜の作製(第58回 春季 応用物理学関係連合講演会)
647. |
2011/03 |
Impact of Underwater Laser Annealing on Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Transistors for Inactivation of Electrical Defects(7th International Thin-Film Transistor Conference)
648. |
2011/03 |
Ni 内包フェリチンを利用したシリコン薄膜の低温結晶化(第58回 春季 応用物理学関係連合講演会)
649. |
2011/03 |
650. |
2011/03 |
グリーンレーザーアニールにより形成した積層構造多結晶シリコン薄膜のデバイス応用(第58回 春季 応用物理学関係連合講演会)
651. |
2011/03 |
バイポーラ型Pt/NiO/Pt 抵抗変化メモリの特性評価(第58回 春季 応用物理学関係連合講演会)
652. |
2011/03 |
低温多結晶シリコン薄膜のラマン分光イメージング(第58回 春季 応用物理学関係連合講演会)
653. |
2011/03 |
原子層堆積(ALD)法によるZnO薄膜の形成および薄膜トランジスタへの応用(第58回 春季 応用物理学関係連合講演会)
654. |
2011/03 |
多結晶シリコン薄膜トランジスタの欠陥不活性化に対する水中レーザーアニールの効果(第58回 春季 応用物理学関係連合講演会)
655. |
2011/03 |
強誘電体ナノ結晶評価のためのサファイア上へのPt原子レベル平坦層の形成(第58回 春季 応用物理学関係連合講演会)
656. |
2011/03 |
微粒化ZnS無機蛍光体粉末の分級評価によるEL輝度向上の考察(第58回 春季 応用物理学関係連合講演会)
657. |
2011/03 |
酸化鉄内包フェリチンの抵抗変化メモリ応用(第58回 春季 応用物理学関係連合講演会)
658. |
2011/03 |
金属ナノ粒子を用いたa-Ge薄膜の低温結晶化(第58回 春季 応用物理学関係連合講演会)
659. |
2011/01 |
水中レーザー照射により生成された高圧水蒸気によるpoly-Si TFTの欠陥不活性化技術(レーザー学会学術講演会第31回年次大会)
660. |
2010/12 |
Effects of Excimer Laser Annealing of Transparent Oxide Semiconductor Films”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting(Materials Research Society Fall Meeting)
661. |
2010/12 |
原子平坦面上へのPbTiO3 およびPt ナノ結晶アレイの作製(The 20th Mat. Res. Soc. Of Japan Symp.)
662. |
2010/12 |
高圧水蒸気熱処理によるa-In2Ga2Zn1O7 TFT の特性改善効果(電子情報通信学会, シリコン材料・デバイス研究会)
663. |
2010/11 |
Fabrication and Characterization of Tunable Device using (Ba,Sr)TiO3 Thin Films on α-Al2O3(3rd International Congress on Ceramics)
664. |
2010/11 |
Fabrication and Evaluation of PbTiO3 Nanocrystal Array on Atomically Flat Sapphire(3rd International Congress on Ceramics)
665. |
2010/11 |
Unique Phenomena under Dynamic Stress in In2Ga2ZnO7 TFTs(GIST-NCTU-NAIST Joint Symposium 2010)
666. |
2010/10 |
In2O3, InZnO 薄膜へのエキシマレーザーアニール効果(第7回薄膜材料デバイス研究会)
667. |
2010/10 |
水中レーザーアニールによるpoly-Si TFTの低温欠陥不活性化検討(第7回薄膜材料デバイス研究会)
668. |
2010/09 |
a-IGZO TFT のAC 電圧ストレスによる不安定性(第70回 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会)
669. |
2010/09 |
Bio-LBL法を利用した3次元メモリデバイスの作製(第70回 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会)
670. |
2010/09 |
Niナノ粒子を用いたa-Ge薄膜の低温結晶化(第70回 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会)
671. |
2010/09 |
Ni内包フェリチンタンパクを用いたシリコン薄膜の低温結晶化(第70回 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会)
672. |
2010/09 |
The Unique Phenomenon in the Amorphous In2O3-Ga2O3-ZnO TFTs Degradation under the Dynamic Stress(2010 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials)
673. |
2010/09 |
アモルファス(BaxSr1-xTa2O6)薄膜の低温作製と評価(第70回 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会)
674. |
2010/09 |
グリーンレーザーアニールによる 積層多結晶シリコン薄膜の形成と結晶性評価(第70回 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会)
675. |
2010/09 |
サファイア基板上のPbTiO3自己組織化ナノ結晶の放射光X線回折による評価(第70回 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会)
676. |
2010/09 |
球殻状タンパク質を用いたSi薄膜結晶化領域の位置制御(第70回 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会)
677. |
2007/12 |
Fabrication and Optimization of a-Si:H n-i-p Single-junction Solar Cells with 8 Å/s Intrinsic Layers of Protocrystalline Si:H Materials(Mater. Res. Soc. Symp.)
678. |
2006/05 |
DC Bias Effect on Nanocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells Deposited under a High Power High Pressure Regime(4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion)
679. |
2006/05 |
Effect of Hydrogen Dilution Grading in Active Layer on Performance of Nanocrystalline Single Junction Bottom Component and Corresponding a-Si:H Based Triple Junction Solar Cell(4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Conversion)
680. |
2006/05 |
Fabrication and Characterization of Triple-junction Amorphous Silicon Based Solar Cell with Nanocrystalline Silicon Bottom Cell(4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Conversion)
681. |
2005/06 |
Measurement of Component-Cell Performance in a Tandem-Junction Solar Cell(20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition)
682. |
2005/06 |
Protocrystalline Silicon Cells Deposited at 110oC in nip and pin Sequence(20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition)
683. |
2005/06 |
Study of Back Reflectors with Separate Metal Layers for Texture and Reflectance(20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition)
684. |
2005/01 |
Clothing Integrated Photovoltaics(31st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference)
685. |
2004/02 |
Solar Cells Deposited at 110oC Toward Applications on Flexible Substrates(3rd aSiNet Workshop on Thin Silicon)
686. |
2003/05 |
Analysis of P/N junction Profiles by Electron Beam Induced Current Towards High Efficiency Thin-Film Poly-Si Solar Cells(3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Conversion)
687. |
2003/05 |
Nucleation Control Towards the Poly-Si Thin Films with Large Grain Size Utilizing Intermittent Supply of Dichlorosilane(3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Conversion)
688. |
2002/12 |
Aluminum Induced crystalization法を利用した多結晶Si薄膜の形成と評価(電子情報通信学会、シリコン材料・デバイス研究会)
689. |
2002/12 |
690. |
2002/11 |
Poly-Si Thin Films Deposited on Aluminum Induced Crystallization Layer(2nd K-JIST/NAIST Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials)
691. |
2002/09 |
Evaluation of Recombination Velocity at Grain Boundaries in Poly-Si Solar Cells with Laser Beam Induced Current(International Conference on Polycrystalline Semiconductors)
692. |
2002/05 |
Accurate Evaluation of Minority Carrier Diffusion Length in Thin Film Single Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells(29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference)
693. |
2002/05 |
Thin Film Poly-Si Solar Cells with Film Thickness of 10 microns Fabricated by Direct Deposition using APCVD Method(29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference)
694. |
2002/03 |
695. |
2002 |
696. |
2001/11 |
697. |
2001/11 |
698. |
2001/11 |
699. |
2001/10 |
Effect of Hydrogen Plasma Passivation for Columnar Poly-Si Thin Films Deposited on Foreign Substrate(17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference)
700. |
2001/06 |
Crystallographic Analysis of High Quality Poly-Si Thin Films Deposited by Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition(12th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering)
701. |
2001/06 |
Numerical Analysis of Bulk Diffusion Length in Thin Film c-Si Solar Cells(12th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering)
702. |
2001/03 |
703. |
2000/09 |
Quasi Three-Dimensional Simulation for Thin Film Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells(28th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference)
704. |
2000/07 |
705. |
2000/07 |
706. |
2000/07 |
707. |
1999/12 |
708. |
1999/12 |