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2024/12/20 |
機械と柔軟皮膚の接触を含むシステムの運動解析手法(第25回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会)
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2024/12/20 |
線形相補性問題に帰着した接触と降伏を伴う発泡金属の平面運動の運動解析手法(第25回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会)
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2024/12 |
Acoustic Analysis of Wind Noise Generated by Hearing Aid Based on Boundary Element Method(The 14th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2024)
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2024/12 |
Study on Granular Impact Damper Based on Visualization Experiments(The 14th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2024)
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2024/10/28 |
Battery Electric Vehicle Thermal Management System Graph-Based Modeling for Control Co-Design Applications(2024 Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference)
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2024/09/11 |
空気浮上式ベルトコンベアの動的安定性に関する研究 (チャンバに接続した副室が自励振動の発生条件に及ぼす影響)(日本機械学会 2024年度年次大会)
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2024/09/05 |
固定子との接触配位を考慮したオーバーハングを有する回転子におけるラビングの接触特性(Dynamics and Design Conference 2024)
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2024/09/05 |
小型外惑星探査機OPENSにおける三角形形状の薄膜構造物の収納方法の差異により生じる展開挙動の変化(Dynamics and Design Conference 2024)
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2024/09/05 |
補聴機器に発生する風雑音の特性(境界要素法に基づく音響解析と風洞実験)(Dynamics and Design Conference 2024)
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2024/09/04 |
皮膚の動的挙動に対する粘弾性パラメータ推定手法に関する研究(Dynamics and Design Conference 2024)
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2024/09/03 |
核融合炉における天井クレーンのフィードバック制御のための構成部品の位置・姿勢計測手法に関する研究(Dynamics and Design Conference 2024)
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2024/08/28 |
A study on Identification Method of Viscoelastic Parameters for Dynamic Behavior of Skin(The 11th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2024/08/26 |
A Basic Study of Three-Dimensional Motion Analysis Methods for Tethered Systems by Use of Linear Complementarity Problem(The 11th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2024/08/26 |
Evaluation of The Effect of Nonholomic Attitude Control for The 3U Class Transformable Spacecraft with a Drop Tower Model(The 11th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2024/08/26 |
Research on Methods for Measuring the Position and Attitude of Components for Feedback Control of Overhead Cranes in Fusion Reactors(The 11th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2024/07/30 |
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2024/07 |
Dynamic Stability of a Plate Supported by Air Pressure (Analysis of Two Degree-of-Freedom Coupled System of Translational and Rotational Motions)(Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference 2024)
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2024/06/11 |
An Analytical Method for Tether Systems Composed of Rigid Bodies Introducing Linear Complementarity Problem(The 7th International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics)
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2023/12/16 |
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2023/12/16 |
21. |
2023/12/16 |
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2023/12/16 |
23. |
2023/12 |
Attitude control of a multicopter which has robotic arm with end-effectors keeping contact with the external environment(The 10th International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering)
24. |
2023/12 |
Contact Behavior Analysis for Space Debris Capture by Space Robots Considering Nonsmoothness(The 10th International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering)
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2023/12 |
Dynamic Stability Analysis and Experiments of Self-Excited Vibration in a Flow Dynamics Conveying Machine(The 13th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2023)
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2023/12 |
Proposal of Motion Analysis Method for Multibody Systems with Plastic Deformation Caused by Volumetric Contact(The 10th International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering)
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2023/09/06 |
たわみ角を考慮した回転体におけるラビングの挙動解析に関する研究(日本機械学会 2023年度年次大会)
28. |
2023/09/04 |
傾斜円柱に発生する空力音の解析とリングを用いた騒音低減機構の評価(日本機械学会 2023年度年次大会)
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2023/09/04 |
粒子法Non-smooth DEMを用いた数値解析と可視化実験による粒状体衝撃ダンパの制振メカニズム考察(日本機械学会 2023年度年次大会)
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2023/08/30 |
Motion Analysis Method Using Mathematical Problems of Human-Machine Systems with Contact Phenomenon(The 7th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Dynamics & Control)
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2023/08/29 |
フレキシブルリンクマニピュレータによる把持動作に関する研究(Dynamics and Design Conference 2023)
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2023/08/28 |
テザーシステム内の複数の中間質量が展開挙動に与える影響(Dynamics and Design Conference 2023)
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2023/08/28 |
ノンスムース性を考慮した宇宙ロボットによるスペースデブリ捕獲に関する接触挙動解析(Dynamics and Design Conference 2023)
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2023/08/28 |
空気圧で浮上する平板の動的安定性に関する研究(空気供給部で発生する圧力損失のモデル化)(Dynamics and Design Conference 2023)
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2023/08 |
A Study on Analysis of Behavior of Rubbing considering Deflection Angles of a Rotating Body(The 9th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM2023))
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2023/08 |
Dynamical Analysis of a Target Marker in a Microgravity Environment(2023 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference)
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2023/07/27 |
Analysis method for finger-machine non-smooth contact considering flexibility of skin(ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2023)
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2023/07/25 |
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2023/07/24 |
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2022/12 |
A Study on the Realization of Non-Holonomic Motion with Frictionless Elastic Joints for Attitude Control of Satellit(12th TSME-International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2022)
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2022/12 |
Analyzing the Motion during Shock Absorption of Foamed Metals Considering the Lateral Strain(12th TSME-International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2022)
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2022/12 |
Numerical Simulation and Wind Tunnel Experiments on the Noise Reduction Effect of Rings on a Cylinder(12th TSME-International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2022)
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2022/12 |
Study on Vibration Damping Mechanism of Granular Impact Damper by Particle Method Analysis and Experiments(12th TSME-International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2022)
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2022/12 |
The formulation for human finger-machine contact interaction considering nonlinear flexibility and non-smoothness slipping by multibody dynamics approach(9th International Ergonomics Conference -ERGONOMICS 2022)
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2022/10 |
A Study on Contact Behavior of ANCF Flexible Beams nstructions(The 6th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics and The 10th Asian Conference on Multibody System Dynamics)
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2022/09 |
Behavior Analysis of Target Marker with Spikes using Particle Method(73rd International Astronautical Congress 2022)
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2022/09 |
Orbit-Attitude Integrated Control on Small-Amplitude Periodic Orbit around Sun-Earth L2 in Transformer Mission(73rd International Astronautical Congress 2022)
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2022/09 |
Preliminary study on system and mission sequence design for Transformer mission(73rd International Astronautical Congress 2022)
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2022/09 |
Simultaneous Orbit-Attitude Control of Formation Flying Solar Sails around Sun-Earth L2 Using Reflectivity Modulation(73rd International Astronautical Congress 2022)
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2022/09 |
曲面接触におけるセル構造体の衝撃吸収挙動の解析法に関する研究(Dynamics and Design Conference 2022)
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2022/09 |
柔軟ロッドを有するキャスティングマニピュレータに関する研究(日本機械学会 2022年度年次大会)
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2022/09 |
浮上式システムの動的安定性に関する研究~浮上体の弾性変形を考慮した解析モデルの構築~(Dynamics and Design Conference 2022)
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2022/09 |
発泡金属の衝撃吸収時に非圧縮方向へ加わる力を考慮した挙動解析手法の提案(Dynamics and Design Conference 2022)
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2022/09 |
空気圧で浮上する平板の動的安定性と励振機構に関する研究(並進・回転2自由度連成系の安定性解析)(日本機械学会 2022年度年次大会)
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2022/09 |
粒子群上を走行する車両の振動特性と振動発生条件(円筒座標系を用いた粒子法解析モデルの提案)(Dynamics and Design Conference 2022)
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2022/07 |
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2022/07 |
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2022/07 |
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2022/01 |
トランスフォーマー宇宙機の検討状況(第22回 宇宙科学シンポジウム)
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2022/01 |
変形可能な宇宙機のリンク運動の連成による摩擦を考慮した関節角度制御(第22回 宇宙科学シンポジウム)
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2022/01 |
実証用ロボットを用いた非ホロノミック姿勢制御の軌道上実験システムの検討状況(第22回 宇宙科学シンポジウム)
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2021/09 |
Non-smooth な摩擦を考慮した2リンクマニピュレータシステムの最適化設計(Dynamics and Design Conference 2021)
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2021/09 |
手先の摩擦を考慮したフレキシブルリンクマニピュレータの位置と力のハイブリッド制御(Dynamics and Design Conference 2021)
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2021/09 |
浮上式システムの動的安定性と最適化設計に関する研究(日本機械学会 2021年度年次大会)
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2021/09 |
粒子群上を走行する車両の振動特性と振動発生条件(日本機械学会 2021年度年次大会)
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2021/09 |
線形相補性問題に帰着した接触挙動と塑性変形を伴うマルチボディシステムの運動解析手法 - 塑性変形状態における状態遷移の細分化と提案手法の実験実証 -(Dynamics and Design Conference 2021)
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2021/09 |
自律飛行型微小重力環境生成システムの制御系設計と空気力の影響評価(Dynamics and Design Conference 2021)
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2021/07 |
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2021/07 |
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2021/07 |
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2021/07 |
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2021/07 |
73. |
2021/01 |
トランスフォーマープロジェクトにおける非ホロノミック姿勢制御の検討状況(第21回 宇宙科学シンポジウム)
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2021/01 |
トランスフォーマー宇宙機の検討状況(第21回 宇宙科学シンポジウム)
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2021/01 |
不安定平衡点近傍での運動極性を利用したトランスフォーマー宇宙機の姿勢制御に関する基礎検討(第21回 宇宙科学シンポジウム)
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2020/12 |
A Behavior Analysis of a Flexible Payload Constrained to Trajectory using Feedforward Anti Sway Control Method(The 11th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering)
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2020/12 |
Motion Analysis Method of Mechanical System with Contact and Plastic Deformation(The 11th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering)
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2020/12 |
Self Making of Wind Tunnel with Lowing Noise and Consideration of Aerodynamic Noise Generation Mechanism in Wind Tunnel Experiments(The 11th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering)
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2020/12 |
Study of Passive Damping Systems Using Giant Magnetostrictive Materials by Collision Mechanism(The 11th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering)
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2020/10/30 |
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2020/10/28 |
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2020/10 |
A Behavior Analysis of a Flexible Payload Constrained to Trajectory using Feedforward Anti-Sway Control Method(The 29th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research)
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2020/10 |
Impact Force Calculation Using Non-smooth DEM and Consideration of Landing Contact Surface Shape of Landing Leg for Small Mars Lander(71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) – The CyberSpace Edition)
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2020/10 |
Initial Study on Attitude Control of Transformable Spacecraft around Unstable Equilibrium Point Using Solar Radiation Pressure(71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) – The CyberSpace Edition)
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2020/10 |
Inspecting Maintenance Process of Fusion Reactor by Virtual-Reality Technology(The 29th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research)
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2020/10 |
Transformable spacecraft: Feasibility study and conceptual design(71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) – The CyberSpace Edition)
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2020/09/26 |
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2020/09 |
Non-smooth DEM において発生する貫入挙動の低減手法に関する研究(Dynamics and Design Conference 2020)
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2020/09 |
パラシュートに接続された小型火星着陸機の挙動解析および制御(日本機械学会 2020年度年次大会)
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2020/09 |
可変構造宇宙機の太陽輻射圧を用いた不安定平衡点まわりでの姿勢制御に関する基礎検討(Dynamics and Design Conference 2020)
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2020/09 |
可変構造宇宙機トランスフォーマーが開く新たな宇宙機の可能性(日本機械学会 2020年度年次大会)
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2020/09 |
天井クレーンを用いた懸垂柔軟体の振動挙動解析(Dynamics and Design Conference 2020)
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2020/09 |
接触力を受けるケーブルを有する機械システムの運動制御(Dynamics and Design Conference 2020)
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2020/09 |
摩擦力による保持機構を有する 2 フレ キシブルリンクマニピュレータの姿勢及び振動制御に関する研究(Dynamics and Design Conference 2020)
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2020/09 |
目標軌道に拘束されたクレーン懸垂物の開ループ振れ止め制御法(Dynamics and Design Conference 2020)
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2020/09 |
線形相補性問題に帰着した接触挙動と塑性変形を伴うマルチボディシステムの運動解析手法(Dynamics and Design Conference 2020)
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2020/09 |
自律飛行型微小重力環境生成システムにおける姿勢制御および並進方向の位置制御(日本機械学会 2020年度年次大会)
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2020/07 |
Motion Control of Mechanical Systems with a Cable Contacting the Ground(the 21st IFAC World Congress 2020)
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2020/07 |
トランスフォーマ―に関する研究開発とその特徴を活かした観測ミッショ ンについて(第30回アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2020/07 |
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2020/07 |
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2020/07 |
トランスフォーマー宇宙機のミッション検討状況(10th UNISEC Space Takumi Conference)
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2020/07 |
104. |
2020/03 |
衝突機構を用いた超磁歪材料による受動制振システムに関する研究(日本機械学会 第26期関東支部講演会)
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2020/01 |
トランスフォーマーの最適システム設計手法 -熱,姿勢安定,発電の同時最適化-(第20回 宇宙科学シンポジウム)
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2020/01 |
トランスフォーマーの概要およびその特徴を活かしたミッション(第20回 宇宙科学シンポジウム)
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2020/01 |
トランスフォーマープロジェクトの軌道・姿勢系検討状況(第20回 宇宙科学シンポジウム)
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2019/11 |
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2019/10 |
Jump robot with tether for lunar vertical hole exploration(70th International Astronautical Congress)
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2019/10 |
Thermal Design Strategy Utilizing Transformable Structure of Spacecraft(70th International Astronautical Congress)
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2019/09 |
Non-smooth DEMを用いた機械と粒子接触の数値解析における計算効率改善に関する研究(日本機械学会 2019年度年次大会)
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2019/09 |
作動油と空気を動力伝達媒体とするアクチュエータの制御に関する研究(日本機械学会 2019年度年次大会)
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2019/09 |
多リンクフレキシブルリンクマニピュレータにおける軸のnon-smoothな接触摩擦を考慮した解析法と運動最適化に 関する研究(日本機械学会 2019年度年次大会)
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2019/09 |
小型火星着陸機のための衝撃吸収材を用いた着陸システムの提案 -着陸のロバスト化-(日本機械学会 2019年度年次大会)
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2019/09 |
小型火星着陸機の衝撃吸収材を用いた着陸手法の提案 ―衝撃吸収挙動の解析―(日本機械学会 2019年度年次大会)
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2019/09 |
月の縦孔探査のためのシステム提案とテザーを有する跳躍ロボットの挙動解析および制御(日本機械学会 2019年度年次大会)
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2019/09 |
極限的環境下における機械システムのための回転角計測システムの提案(日本機械学会 2019年度年次大会)
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2019/09 |
自律飛行型微小重力環境生成システムの姿勢制御と加速度制御(日本機械学会 2019年度年次大会)
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2019/07 |
可変構造を用いた宇宙機の熱設計(第29回 アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2019/07 |
可変構造宇宙機によるミッションおよびそのシステム検討につい て(第29回 アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2019/07 |
可変構造宇宙機による太陽光圧を用いた不安定平衡点まわりで の安定化姿勢制御に関する二次元運動解析(第29回 アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2019/07 |
多粒子法によるソーラーセイルの運動解析(第29回 アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2019/06 |
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Supporting Decision Making on Design Objective of Small Mars Lander(The 32nd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science)
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2019/06 |
Transformable Spacecraft: Advanced Mission Concepts and a Fundamental Feasibility Study(13th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference 2019)
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2019/01 |
可変構造宇宙機が実現する新しいアストロダイナミクス(第19回 宇宙科学シンポジウム)
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2019/01 |
可変構造宇宙機の⾰新的システムおよびSEL2における⼩天体観測ミッションの概 要(第19回 宇宙科学シンポジウム)
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2018/12 |
Development of the autonomous flight system to create microgravity space(The 9th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering(ICoME))
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2018/12 |
Rotation angle measurement for mechanical systems under the extreme environment(The 9th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering(ICoME))
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2018/12 |
The behaviour of the systems with masses and extremely flexible components which is considered as a set of small masses(The 9th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering(ICoME))
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2018/12 |
131. |
2018/12 |
小型衛星のSling Shotにおける過渡的な振動の解析及び制御に関する研究(第19回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会)
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2018/10 |
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2018/10 |
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2018/08 |
A Study on Control of Mechanical Systems Connected by a Cable(The 9th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2018/08 |
A Study on Pushing Motion by Flexible-Link Manipulator(The 9th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2018/08 |
Non-smooth DEMにおける粘着力のモデルおよびパラメータ同定法に関する研究(Dynamics & Design Conference 2018)
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2018/08 |
ケーブルを有した機械システムの運動解析および制御に関する研究(Dynamics & Design Conference 2018)
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2018/08 |
テザーを有する跳躍ロボットの挙動解析(Dynamics & Design Conference 2018)
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2018/08 |
フレキシブルリンクマニピュレータによる押し動作に関する研究(Dynamics & Design Conference 2018)
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2018/08 |
自律飛行型微小重力環境生成システムの姿勢制御系設計に関する基礎検討(Dynamics & Design Conference 2018)
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2018/07 |
スパッタリング法による多層膜の形状制御に関する研究(第28回 アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2018/07 |
ソーラーセイルの擬似平衡点を用いた姿勢制御法とミッション への適用(第28回 アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2018/07 |
小天体試料採取における粒子の運動解析とその装置の設計(第28回 アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2018/07 |
展開膜面における巻き付け方法の解析的研究(第28回 アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2018/07 |
形態変化と非ホロノミック姿勢制御が可能な可変構造宇宙機の コンセプトと検討ミッションの概要(第28回 アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2018/06 |
Analytical Study on Roll-Up Method for Deployable Membrane(The 15th International Conference of Pacific-basin Societies(ISCOPS))
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2018/06 |
Attitude Control of Solar Power Sail-Craft “OKEANOS”(The 15th International Conference of Pacific-basin Societies(ISCOPS))
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2018/06 |
Motion analysis of jump robot with tether for lunar exploration(i-SAIRAS 2018)
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2018/03 |
Estimating the Air Volume Fraction in Hydraulic Oil by Measuring the Effective Bulk Modulus(the 11th International Fluid Power Conference)
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2017/12 |
A study on parameter optimization for passive vibration damping system by giant magnetostrictive material(The 8th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering(ICoME))
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2017/12 |
Study on controller design of a flexible link manipulator using wave based control method(The 8th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering(ICoME))
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2017/12 |
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2017/10 |
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2017/10 |
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2017/10 |
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2017/08 |
波動制御法を用いた柔軟体の制御系設計に関する研究(Dynamics and Design Conference 2017)
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2017/08 |
超磁歪材料を用いた動吸振器における定点理論を用いた最適化の実用可能性に関する一考察(Dynamics and Design Conference 2017)
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2017/05 |
A study on the effective deployment of tethered system via fast analysis method and experimental validation(ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2017)
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2016/12 |
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2016/08 |
An Controller Design Procedure for 2-Flexible Link Manipulator by the Use of ANCF Model(The 8th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2016/08 |
Attitude Control System of a Space Membrane Using Electromagnetic Torque(The 8th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2016/08 |
Quasi-Static Deployment and Retraction Using Electromagnetic Force in Satellite Missions(The 8th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2016/08 |
テザーシステムの効率的展開についての一考察(Dynamics and Design Conference 2016)
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2016/07 |
テザーシステム展開の解析法と効率的な展開手法についての一考察(第26回 アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2016/06 |
A Planar Motion Analysis of System with Mass and Extremely Flexible Components by Using Linear Complementarity Problem(The 4th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics)
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2016/06 |
Attitude Control System of a Space Membrane Using Electromagnetic Torque(The 8th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2015/06 |
A proposition of analysis method for the system with contact between largely deformable body and rigid body(ECCOMAS Thematic Conference Multibody Dynamics 2015)
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2015/06 |
An analysis method for a system with mass and extremely flexible component and its application to analysis of deployable satellite(ECCOMAS Thematic Conference Multibody Dynamics 2015)
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2014/06 |
An Analysis of System with Mass and Extremely Flexible Structure by the Use of the System’s Complementarity(The 3rd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics)
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2014/06 |
Reduction of System Matrices of Plate in Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation by Component Mode Synthesis Method(The 3rd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics)
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2013/08 |
ANCF を用いた制御系設計法の 3 次元柔軟構造物への拡張(日本機械学会 機械力学・計測制御部門 Dynamics and Design Conference 2013)
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2013/07 |
Design of position and vibration controller which is based on ANCF model for flexible structures(23h アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2013/06 |
Parameter Study on the Dimension Reduction Method of ANCF Model for Controller Design of Flexible Beam(ECCOMAS Thematic Conference Multibody Dynamics 2013)
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2013/03 |
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2012/12 |
柔軟構造物の共振と圧電素子を利用した跳躍機構の提案(第13回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2012))
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2012/12 |
絶対節点座標法によって導出された数学モデルの構造を活用した柔軟構造物の制御(第13回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2012))
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2012/11 |
ACMD2012 研究動向調査報告(第21回マルチボディダイナミクス研究会)
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2012/09 |
圧電素子と NIC 回路による摺動部を持たない跳躍機構の開発(日本機械学会 年次大会)
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2012/09 |
絶対節点座標法による柔軟構造物の制御系に対する低次元化手法の検討(日本機械学会 機械力学・計測制御部門 Dynamics and Design Conference 2012)
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2012/08 |
Attitude and Vibration Control of Three-Dimensional Flexible Beam by the Use of ANCF Model(the 6th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2012/08 |
Attitude Determination Method for Satellite by the Use of Image Data of a Phase of a Heavenly Body(SICE Annual Conference 2012)
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2012/08 |
Development of hopping robot with negative stiffness switching circuit via piezo electric element(The 6th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2012/06 |
A Controller Design for Flexible Multibody Systems by the Use of Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation and Dimension Reduction of the Controller(The 2nd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics)
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2012/06 |
Development of hopping robot with negative stiffness switching circuit via piezo electric element(The 6th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2011/09 |
ANCF法に基づくモデルを利用した柔軟マルチボディシステムの制御系設計法(柔軟梁の位置および振動制御の例)(日本機械学会Dynamics and Design Conference)
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2011/08 |
Controller Design for Flexible Multibody System by the Use of Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation(the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference)
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2011/08 |
Improvement on Evaluating Axial Elastic Force in Bernoulli-Euler Beam Based on the Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation by Accurate Mean Axial Strain Measure(the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference)
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2011/06 |
Attitude Determination Method Using Shape Image of Heavenly Body with Phase(the 28th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science)
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2011/06 |
Establishment of “Needs Database” for Continuous Exploration of Space Utilizations via Ig Satellite Design Contest(the 28th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science)
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2010/09 |
タワークレーン用免震ステーの開発(日本機械学会Dynamics and Design Conference)
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2010/09 |
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2010/09 |
モード合成法によるANCF2次元梁のシステム行列の縮小(日本機械学会Dynamics and Design Conference)
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2010/09 |
共振現象を利用した跳躍ロボットの提案(日本機械学会Dynamics and Design Conference)
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2010/09 |
薄肉円筒液体容器の振動モードの分岐に関する研究(日本機械学会Dynamics and Design Conference)
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2010/08 |
An identification method of generalized electromechanical coupling coefficient with compact structure and simple procedure(SICE Annual Conference 2010)
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2010/08 |
Parametric Instability in Metallic Bellows Subjected to Seismic Excitation submitted(the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference)
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2010/07 |
モード剛性法を用いたANCF梁の特性行列の低次元化と実験的検証(18th アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2010/06 |
Experimental validation of numerical analysis based on ANCF about dynamic stiffening effect of a two-dimensional beam(the 5th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2010/05 |
Reduction of System Matrices of Planar Beam in ANCF by Component Mode Synthesis Method(the 1st Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics)
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2009/08 |
Quantitatibe Validation of Dynamic Stiffening Represented by Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation(ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference)
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2009/08 |
U字管を用いた浮屋根式タンクにおけるスロッシングのパッシブ制振(Dynamics and Design Conference(日本機械学会))
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2009/08 |
タワークレーン用免震装置の開発(Dynamics and Design Conference(日本機械学会))
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2009/08 |
地震時の車輪とレールに生じる接触問題に関する基礎的研究(Dynamics and Design Conference(日本機械学会))
204. |
2009/07 |
Jumping Mechanism for Asteroid Rover with the Use of Resonance and Electrical Stiffness Switching(27th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science)
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2009/07 |
Proposal of "Ig Satellite Design Contest" and Its Expected Effect(27th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science)
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2009/07 |
柔軟要素を有する衛星の挙動解析についての実験的検証(19th アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2009/06 |
Contact Problem in Large Structures due to Seismic Excitation(Asian Symposium on Multibody Dynamics)
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2008/11 |
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2008/09 |
Control of deployment mechanism for space applications by compliance control and complementary system representation(9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control)
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2008/09 |
Findings and Experience during the development of the modular microsatellite concept ‘PETSAT’(59th International Astronautical Congress)
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2008/09 |
Novel jumping mechanism for asteroid lander(59th International Astronautical Congress)
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2008/08 |
Parametric Instability of Flexible Beam under Periodic Movement(4th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics)
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2008/08 |
タワークレーン用免振装置(Dynamics and Design Conference(日本機械学会))
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2008/08 |
地震時金属ベローズ管に生じる係数励振振動の実験的検討(Dynamics and Design Conference(日本機械学会))
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2008/08 |
柔軟要素と接触要素からなる展開機構をもった人工衛星の姿勢制御(Dynamics and Design Conference(日本機械学会))
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2008/07 |
簡易展開機構を有する人工衛星の姿勢制御系についての検討(18th アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム)
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2007/11 |
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2007/11 |
タワークレーン用平行リンク型免震装置の地震応答特性(日本地震工学会 第5回年次大会)
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2007/11 |
地震時に係数励振振動が励起される可能性について(日本地震工学会 第5回年次大会)
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2007/09 |
Satellite for Demonstration of Panel Extension Satellite(PETSAT)(58th International Astronautical Congress)
221. |
2007/08 |
A Novel Satellite Concept “Panel Extension Satellite (PETSAT)” Consisting of Plug-in, Modular, Functional Panels(21st Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites)
222. |
2007/07 |
Demonstration of Propulsion System for Microsatellite Based on Hydrogen Peroxide in SOHLA-2 Project(43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit)
223. |
2007/06 |
Large “Furoshiki” Net Extension in Space – Sounding Rocket Experiment Results, Flexible Structure Control(17th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace)
224. |
2006/12 |
東京大学における超小型衛星プロジェクトの現状と展望(University Space Consortium Workshop)
225. |
2006/10 |
CANSAT-KIT for non-engineering people(57th International Astronautical Congress(International Astronautical Federation))
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2006/10 |
Sounding Rocket Experiment Results of Large Net Extension in Space to be Applied to Future Large Phased Array Antenna(57th International Astronautical Congress(International Astronautical Federation))
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2006/10 |
Structure and Thermal Control of Panel Extension Satellite(PETSAT)(57th International Astronautical Congress(International Astronautical Federation))
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2006/07 |
Propulsion System on Hydrogen Peroxide Mono-Propellant for Panel ExTension SATellite (PETSAT)(42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit)
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2006/05 |
Elemental technologies for realization of Panel Extension Satellite(PETSAT)(25th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science(The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences))
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2006/05 |
Propulsion system on hydrogen peroxide monopropellant for panel extension satellite(PETSAT)(25th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science(The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences))
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2006/05 |
Thermal control of Panel Extension Satellite(PETSAT)(25th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science(The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences))
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2006/02 |
Panel Extension Satellite (PETSAT) – A Novel Satellite Concept Consisting of Modular, Functional and Plug-in Panels(European Space Agency,First Workshop on Innovative System Concepts)
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2005/12 |
東京大学における超小型衛星プロジェクトの現状と展望(University Space Consortium Workshop)
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2005/10 |
Distributed Information and Electric Power network for Panel Extension Satellite(PETSAT)(56th International Astronautical Congress(International Astronautical Federation))
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2004/11 |
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2004/09 |
Determination of Design Parameter for Control of Manipulator with 2 Flexible-links via Energy Modification Method(The 3rd IFAC Symposium on Mechatoronic Systems(International Federation of Automatic Control))
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2003/12 |
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2003/07 |
Control of Manipulator with 2 Flexible-links via Energy Modificatoin Method by Using Modal Properties(IEEE/ASME International Conference Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics(IEEE/ASME))
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2002/12 |
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2001/12 |
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2001/06 |