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2025/03/29 |
Proposal for a Method to Classify Fabricated Responses Using a Psychological Bias Loading Model Based on Factor Analysis of EEG During NEO-FFI Responses(The 13th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2025)
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2025/03/19 |
Proposal for a Method for Classify Fabricated Responses Caused by Psychological Biases Using Brain Activity Networks Based on Granger Causality in EEG Responses to the NEO-FFI”(The International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making 2025 (IUKM 2025))
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2025/03/15 |
繊維間吸光特性無相関化行列を用いたRGB画像からの高次元分光画像推定による生地繊維判別手法の提案(情報処理学会 第87回全国大会)
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2025/03/04 |
EQSにおける対人コントロールスコア推定のためのグレンジャー因果に基づくメンタライジングネットワークモデルの構築(IIP 2025)
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2025/03/04 |
社会的望ましさバイアス尺度変換法による脳波を用いたNEO-FFI作為回答判別手法の提案(IIP 2025)
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2025/03/04 |
英語リーディング刺激によるTOEICスコア推定のための脳血流加速度信号に基づくReading-Induced Language Proficiency Networkの構築(IIP 2025)
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2025/03/04 |
高次元分光画像における吸光スペクトルの非線形的構造を考慮した果物の糖度推定手法の提案(IIP 2025)
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2025/03/03 |
尿中カリウム,ナトリウム濃度および蓄排尿動態プロセスモデルにおける誤差補正を用いた排尿時刻逐次予測手法の検討(IIP 2025)
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2025/03/03 |
無拘束圧力センサを用いた安静呼吸時に伴う胸部圧力変動モデルの構築及び呼吸筋力推定システムの提案(IIP 2025)
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2025/03/03 |
頸部振動信号を用いた嚥下プロセス時間推移に基づく摂取水分量推定手法の構築(IIP 2025)
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2025/01/23 |
Proposal of a Brain Activation Five–Layer Network with Five Types of EEG for Classification of Artificial Responses in NEO-FFI by Utilizing Graph Fourier Transform(30th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics)
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2024/12/13 |
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2024/12/12 |
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2024/12/11 |
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2024/12/04 |
A Method for Classification NEO–FFI Answers Fabricated and Advantageous due to Psychological Bias Using Brainwave Specific Brain Activity Networks(2024 Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC))
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2024/10/21 |
廃棄圧縮空気を利用した温度差発電によるマイクロエナジーハーベスティング手法の提案―ペルチェアレイにおける素子の設置枚数による電力回収効率の比較―(日本設備管理学会 2024年度 秋季研究発表大会)
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2024/10/21 |
社会的望ましさバイアスの影響を受けた設備管理における報告書の信頼性評価手法の開発-心理アンケートにおける脳波を用いた作為回答の判別基礎実験-(日本設備管理学会 2024年度 秋季研究発表大会)
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2024/10/21 |
設備診断におけるピエゾフィルムを用いた単一デバイス・マルチモーダルセンサの開発(日本設備管理学会 2024年度 秋季研究発表大会)
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2024/09/14 |
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2024/09/04 |
コンタクトマイクを用いた睡眠時における生体音の無拘束型聴診手法の提案(FIT 2024 第23回情報科学技術フォーラム)
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2024/09/04 |
パーソナリティ検査における選択式アンケート回答時の脳波を用いた社会的望ましさバイアスによる作為的回答判別手法の提案(FIT 2024 第23回情報科学技術フォーラム)
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2024/09/04 |
共同作業におけるコミュニケーションプロセス評価のための効率性指標推定手法の提案―脳血流による因果性ネットワーク構築におけるグレンジャー因果と移動エントロピーの比較―(FIT 2024 第23回情報科学技術フォーラム)
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2024/08/30 |
Detecting of Deliberate Responses due to Social Desirability Bias in Multiple-Choice-Based Personality Tests Using Occipital Lobe EEG Beta Wave Content Rates(2024 63rd Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE))
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2024/03/08 |
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2024/03/08 |
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2024/03/08 |
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2024/03/08 |
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2024/03/07 |
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2024/03/07 |
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2024/03/07 |
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2024/03/07 |
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2024/03/05 |
多岐選択における合意形成支援のための移動エントロピーを用いた成員間選考順位相関一致度推定手法の提案(IIP 2024)
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2024/03/04 |
体内水分量の動態を考慮した膀胱内蓄尿-尿意伝達モデルによる排尿時刻逐次予測手法の提案(IIP 2024)
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2024/03/04 |
圧電セラミックにおける呼息・吸息に伴うマスク内温度変化計測モデルの構築及び肺機能評価システムの提案(IIP 2024)
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2024/03/04 |
脳卒中患者の起床動作時における隣接状態遷移を考慮した 体幹屈曲角に基づくFIM値推定手法の提案(IIP 2024)
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2024/01/25 |
Estimation of Golf Ball Initial State Using Linear Basis Expansion with Line Scan Camera - Verification of Estimation Accuracy in Relation to Convergence-Divergence of Ball Trajectory via Basis Functions in Feature Space(29th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics)
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2023/12/12 |
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2023/12/12 |
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2023/12/12 |
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2023/09/07 |
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2023/09/07 |
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2023/09/07 |
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2023/09/07 |
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2023/09/07 |
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2023/03/29 |
Method for Estimating Gaensler’s Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second Percent Using a Built-in Stethoscope for Diagnosing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(The 11th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2023)
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2023/03/29 |
Method for Estimating Gaensler’s Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second Percent Using a Built-in Stethoscope for Diagnosing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(The 11th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2023)
47. |
2023/03/29 |
Proposal of FIM Value Estimation Method with Emphasis on Low Frequency Using Mel Spectrum(The 11th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2023)
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2023/03/29 |
Proposal of FIM Value Estimation Method with Emphasis on Low Frequency Using Mel Spectrum(The 11th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2023)
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2023/03/29 |
Using Granger Causal Test Associated with Trait Anxiety to Estimate STAI Scores by Constructing a Brain Activity Independence Network(The 11th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2023)
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2023/03/09 |
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2023/03/09 |
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2023/03/09 |
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2023/03/09 |
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2023/03/08 |
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2023/03/08 |
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2023/03/07 |
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2023/03/07 |
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2023/03/07 |
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2023/03/07 |
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2023/03/07 |
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2023/03/07 |
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2023/03/06 |
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2023/03/06 |
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2023/03/06 |
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2023/03/06 |
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2023/03/06 |
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2023/03/06 |
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2023/03/03 |
仰臥位から端座位への体勢変換時における体幹回転運動合成信号を用いたFIM値推定(情報処理学会 第85回全国大会)
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2023/03/03 |
仰臥位から端座位への体勢変換時における体幹回転運動合成信号を用いたFIM値推定(情報処理学会 第85回全国大会)
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2022/12/02 |
Dimensional Extension Algorithm for Generating Hyperspectral Images Considering Absorption Spectrum Characteristics(2022 Joint 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 23rd International Synposium on Advenced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS))
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2022/12/02 |
Dimensional Extension Algorithm for Generating Hyperspectral Images Considering Absorption Spectrum Characteristics(2022 Joint 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 23rd International Synposium on Advenced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS))
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2022/09/15 |
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2022/09/15 |
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2022/09/15 |
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2022/09/15 |
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2022/09/14 |
慢性閉塞性肺疾患診断のためのLong Short-Term Memoryを用いた無拘束でのGaensler1秒率推定手法の提案(第21回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2022))
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2022/09/14 |
慢性閉塞性肺疾患診断のためのLong Short-Term Memoryを用いた無拘束でのGaensler1秒率推定手法の提案(第21回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2022))
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2022/09/13 |
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2022/09/13 |
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2022/09/09 |
Verifying the Effects of Ceberal Blood Flow Pulse Component and Dependance Probability of Brain Activity in the Prefrontal Cortex on Empathy Estimation Accuracy(The SICE Annual Conference 2022)
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2022/09/09 |
Verifying the Effects of Ceberal Blood Flow Pulse Component and Dependance Probability of Brain Activity in the Prefrontal Cortex on Empathy Estimation Accuracy(The SICE Annual Conference 2022)
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2022/09/07 |
Gaensler’s Forced Expiratory Volume in One-Second Percent Estimating Method by Unconstrained Bed-Type Sensing Device for Diagnosing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(The 9th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2022)
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2022/09/07 |
Gaensler’s Forced Expiratory Volume in One-Second Percent Estimating Method by Unconstrained Bed-Type Sensing Device for Diagnosing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(The 9th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2022)
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2022/09/07 |
Optimal Parameter Determination in Trunk Control Articulated Model by Applying Sequential Genetic Algorithm for mFIM Estimation(The 9th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2022)
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2022/09/07 |
Optimal Parameter Determination in Trunk Control Articulated Model by Applying Sequential Genetic Algorithm for mFIM Estimation(The 9th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2022)
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2022/09/06 |
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2022/09/06 |
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2022/09/06 |
色彩環境下での脳血流変化におけるグレンジャー因果判定による作業判別法の提案(第24回 高齢社会デザイン研究会)
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2022/09/06 |
色彩環境下での脳血流変化におけるグレンジャー因果判定による作業判別法の提案(第24回 高齢社会デザイン研究会)
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2022/09/06 |
高齢化に伴う視覚検査自動システム構築のため物質のモル密度に基づくスパース性を考慮した高次元分光画像推定手法のシミュレーション評価(第24回 高齢社会デザイン研究会)
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2022/09/06 |
高齢化に伴う視覚検査自動システム構築のため物質のモル密度に基づくスパース性を考慮した高次元分光画像推定手法のシミュレーション評価(第24回 高齢社会デザイン研究会)
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2022/09/05 |
努力性肺活量測定時における臥位の違いを考慮した無拘束Gaensler1秒率推定手法の提案(第24回 高齢社会デザイン研究会)
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2022/09/05 |
努力性肺活量測定時における臥位の違いを考慮した無拘束Gaensler1秒率推定手法の提案(第24回 高齢社会デザイン研究会)
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2022/09/05 |
起き上がり動作の個体差を考慮した体幹回転軸合成波によるFIM値推定(第24回 高齢社会デザイン研究会)
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2022/09/05 |
起き上がり動作の個体差を考慮した体幹回転軸合成波によるFIM値推定(第24回 高齢社会デザイン研究会)
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2022/09/05 |
超音波センサの蓄尿量推移における膀胱体積変動モデルを用いた逐次誤差評価(第24回 高齢社会デザイン研究会)
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2022/09/05 |
超音波センサの蓄尿量推移における膀胱体積変動モデルを用いた逐次誤差評価(第24回 高齢社会デザイン研究会)
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2022/03/25 |
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2022/03/25 |
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2022/03/25 |
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2022/03/25 |
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2022/03/25 |
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2022/03/25 |
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2022/03/25 |
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2022/03/25 |
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2022/03/25 |
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2022/03/25 |
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2022/03/15 |
RGB 画像に基づく多階層型高次元分光画像推定システムの構築(2022年電子情報通信学会総合大会)
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2022/03/15 |
RGB 画像に基づく多階層型高次元分光画像推定システムの構築(2022年電子情報通信学会総合大会)
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2022/03/15 |
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2022/03/15 |
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2022/03/15 |
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2022/03/15 |
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2022/03/03 |
無呼吸信号との二乗平均平方誤差に基づく多次元確率分布を用いた無呼吸状態の無拘束推定手法(情報処理学会 第84回全国大会)
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2022/03/03 |
無呼吸信号との二乗平均平方誤差に基づく多次元確率分布を用いた無呼吸状態の無拘束推定手法(情報処理学会 第84回全国大会)
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2022/03/03 |
脳血流量に基づく共感性伝播ネットワークの構築による共感性推定手法の提案(情報処理学会 第84回全国大会)
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2022/03/03 |
脳血流量に基づく共感性伝播ネットワークの構築による共感性推定手法の提案(情報処理学会 第84回全国大会)
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2021/09/08 |
Estimation of Functional Independence Measure Using Frequency Domain Feature(The SICE Annual Conference 2021)
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2021/09/08 |
Estimation of Functional Independence Measure Using Frequency Domain Feature(The SICE Annual Conference 2021)
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2021/09/08 |
Evaluation of the Effect of Light Source Spectrum on the Estimation Accuracy of High Dimensional Spectral Images Using Neural Networks Based on RGB Images(The SICE Annual Conference 2021)
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2021/09/08 |
Evaluation of the Effect of Light Source Spectrum on the Estimation Accuracy of High Dimensional Spectral Images Using Neural Networks Based on RGB Images(The SICE Annual Conference 2021)
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2021/09/02 |
RGB画像に基づく高次元分光画像推定のための次元拡張アルゴリズムの提案 ―農作業者の高齢化に伴う収穫時期予測システムの構築―(第100回モバイルコンピューティングと新社会システム・第71回ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム・第32回コンシューマ・デバイス&システム・第21回高齢社会デザイン合同研究発表会)
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2021/09/02 |
RGB画像に基づく高次元分光画像推定のための次元拡張アルゴリズムの提案 ―農作業者の高齢化に伴う収穫時期予測システムの構築―(第100回モバイルコンピューティングと新社会システム・第71回ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム・第32回コンシューマ・デバイス&システム・第21回高齢社会デザイン合同研究発表会)
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2021/08/25 |
RGBおよびHSV色空間に基づく高次元分光画像生成のためのAutoencoderを用いたソフト疑似プリズムの開発(第 20 回情報科学技術フォーラム)
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2021/08/25 |
RGBおよびHSV色空間に基づく高次元分光画像生成のためのAutoencoderを用いたソフト疑似プリズムの開発(第 20 回情報科学技術フォーラム)
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2021/08/25 |
オートエンコーダを用いた吸光スペクトルの特徴量選択における排尿間隔予測(第 20 回情報科学技術フォーラム)
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2021/08/25 |
オートエンコーダを用いた吸光スペクトルの特徴量選択における排尿間隔予測(第 20 回情報科学技術フォーラム)
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2021/08/25 |
呼吸・脈波信号の周期性にもとづく6次元正規分布における睡眠時無呼吸状態推定手法(第 20 回情報科学技術フォーラム)
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2021/08/25 |
呼吸・脈波信号の周期性にもとづく6次元正規分布における睡眠時無呼吸状態推定手法(第 20 回情報科学技術フォーラム)
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2021/03/20 |
一回拍出量・心拍数・自律神経の活性度・血管の硬化度を考慮した血圧変動のウルトラディアンリズムに基づく無拘束血圧推定法の提案(情報処理学会 第83回全国大会)
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2021/03/20 |
一回拍出量・心拍数・自律神経の活性度・血管の硬化度を考慮した血圧変動のウルトラディアンリズムに基づく無拘束血圧推定法の提案(情報処理学会 第83回全国大会)
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2021/03/20 |
仰臥位から端座位への起き上がり動作におけるジャイロセンサを用いたFIM値推定法(情報処理学会 第83回全国大会)
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2021/03/20 |
仰臥位から端座位への起き上がり動作におけるジャイロセンサを用いたFIM値推定法(情報処理学会 第83回全国大会)
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2021/03/20 |
排尿時吸光スペクトルにおける波長領域選択手法を用いた無拘束排尿間隔予測(情報処理学会 第83回全国大会)
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2021/03/20 |
排尿時吸光スペクトルにおける波長領域選択手法を用いた無拘束排尿間隔予測(情報処理学会 第83回全国大会)
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2021/03/20 |
色彩環境下での脳血流量変化における区間分割加重付加法による作業判別(情報処理学会 第83回全国大会)
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2021/03/20 |
色彩環境下での脳血流量変化における区間分割加重付加法による作業判別(情報処理学会 第83回全国大会)
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2021/03/19 |
リカレントニューラルネットワークによる無拘束肺音分類手法の提案(情報処理学会 第83回全国大会)
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2021/03/19 |
リカレントニューラルネットワークによる無拘束肺音分類手法の提案(情報処理学会 第83回全国大会)
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2021/03/18 |
RGB画像に基づくニューラルネットワークを用いた高次元分光画像の推定(情報処理学会 第83回全国大会)
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2021/03/18 |
RGB画像に基づくニューラルネットワークを用いた高次元分光画像の推定(情報処理学会 第83回全国大会)
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2021/03/09 |
Functional Independence Measure Motor Score Estimation Method Considering Instability of Movement(the 7th International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering)
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2021/03/09 |
Functional Independence Measure Motor Score Estimation Method Considering Instability of Movement(the 7th International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering)
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2021/03/09 |
Unconstrained Respiration States Classification by Detecting Respiratory Cycle Using Autocorrelation(the 7th International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering)
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2021/03/09 |
Unconstrained Respiration States Classification by Detecting Respiratory Cycle Using Autocorrelation(the 7th International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering)
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2021/03/07 |
上腕圧迫解放時の脈波信号におけるLong short-term memoryを用いた非侵襲血糖値推定手法(第16回日本感性工学会春季大会)
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2021/03/07 |
上腕圧迫解放時の脈波信号におけるLong short-term memoryを用いた非侵襲血糖値推定手法(第16回日本感性工学会春季大会)
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2021/03/07 |
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2021/03/07 |
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2021/03/07 |
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2021/03/07 |
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2020/12/07 |
Sheet-type Device for Unconstrained Heart Sound Measurement and White Noise Reduction by Wiener Filter(Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2020)
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2020/12/07 |
Sheet-type Device for Unconstrained Heart Sound Measurement and White Noise Reduction by Wiener Filter(Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2020)
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2020/09/25 |
Estimation of Urinary Accumulation Model Parameters Based on Absorption Spectrum and Method of Predicting Urinary Volume in the Bladder for a Multi-Task Gaussian Process(The SICE Annual Conference 2020)
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2020/09/25 |
Estimation of Urinary Accumulation Model Parameters Based on Absorption Spectrum and Method of Predicting Urinary Volume in the Bladder for a Multi-Task Gaussian Process(The SICE Annual Conference 2020)
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2020/09/03 |
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2020/09/03 |
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2020/09/03 |
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2020/09/03 |
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2020/09/01 |
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2020/09/01 |
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2020/09/01 |
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2020/09/01 |
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2020/09/01 |
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2020/09/01 |
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2020/07/30 |
無拘束肺音モニタリングデバイスとウィナーフィルタによるノイズ除去システムの開発-肺音データベースによる検証-(研究報告高齢社会デザイン(ASD), no. 2020-ASD-18, vol. 1, pp. 1-4)
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2020/07/30 |
無拘束肺音モニタリングデバイスとウィナーフィルタによるノイズ除去システムの開発-肺音データベースによる検証-(研究報告高齢社会デザイン(ASD), no. 2020-ASD-18, vol. 1, pp. 1-4)
168. |
2020/03/29 |
Classification System for Golf Ball Initial Conditions using CNN Based on High-Time Resolution Images(The 8th International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering)
169. |
2020/03/29 |
Classification System for Golf Ball Initial Conditions using CNN Based on High-Time Resolution Images(The 8th International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering)
170. |
2020/03/29 |
Sleep Apnea Detection by a Recurrent Neural Network based on Long Short-Term Memory(The 8th International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering)
171. |
2020/03/29 |
Sleep Apnea Detection by a Recurrent Neural Network based on Long Short-Term Memory(The 8th International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering)
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2020/03/19 |
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2020/03/19 |
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2020/03/19 |
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2020/03/19 |
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2020/03/19 |
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2020/03/19 |
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2020/03/17 |
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2020/03/17 |
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2020/03/17 |
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2020/03/17 |
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2020/03/17 |
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2020/03/17 |
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2020/03/17 |
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2020/03/17 |
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2020/02/28 |
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2020/02/28 |
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2020/02/28 |
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2020/02/28 |
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2020/02/28 |
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2020/02/28 |
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2020/02/28 |
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2020/02/28 |
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2020/01/22 |
Development of unrestrictive device for measuring cardiac information in both low frequency and sound domain(Proc. 25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics)
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2020/01/22 |
Development of unrestrictive device for measuring cardiac information in both low frequency and sound domain(Proc. 25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics)
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2020/01/22 |
Golf Ball Initial Condition Estimation Method of Based on a High Time Resolution Simulation Image(Proc. 25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics)
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2020/01/22 |
Golf Ball Initial Condition Estimation Method of Based on a High Time Resolution Simulation Image(Proc. 25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics)
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2020/01/22 |
Unconstrained apnea estimation system using generative adversarial networks(Proc. 25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics)
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2020/01/22 |
Unconstrained apnea estimation system using generative adversarial networks(Proc. 25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics)
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2020/01/17 |
Automatic Control of a Room Ventilation System by a Single Fan Actuator(Proc. IISES International Academic Conference, Dubai)
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2020/01/17 |
Automatic Control of a Room Ventilation System by a Single Fan Actuator(Proc. IISES International Academic Conference, Dubai)
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2020/01/17 |
Development of One Sensor Multi-physical Quantities Sensing Device Based on Piezoelectric Film –Application to Detecting of Security Events-(Proc. IISES International Academic Conference, Dubai)
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2020/01/17 |
Development of One Sensor Multi-physical Quantities Sensing Device Based on Piezoelectric Film –Application to Detecting of Security Events-(Proc. IISES International Academic Conference, Dubai)
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2020/01/17 |
Estimation of Water Intake by Measuring Vibrations Caused by Larynx Movement and Swallowing Sound(Proc. IISES International Academic Conference, Dubai)
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2020/01/17 |
Estimation of Water Intake by Measuring Vibrations Caused by Larynx Movement and Swallowing Sound(Proc. IISES International Academic Conference, Dubai)
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2020/01/17 |
Optimization of an Information Diffusion Model of Influencer Marketing -Evaluation of Speed- and Cost-oriented Marketing Based on Influencer-Market Elasticity-(Proc. IISES International Academic Conference, Dubai)
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2020/01/17 |
Optimization of an Information Diffusion Model of Influencer Marketing -Evaluation of Speed- and Cost-oriented Marketing Based on Influencer-Market Elasticity-(Proc. IISES International Academic Conference, Dubai)
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2020/01/17 |
Sleep Structure Analysis Considering Ecological Information and Thermal Environment(Proc. IISES International Academic Conference, Dubai)
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2020/01/17 |
Sleep Structure Analysis Considering Ecological Information and Thermal Environment(Proc. IISES International Academic Conference, Dubai)
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2020/01/17 |
Unconstrained Cardiac Sound Measurement Method Utilizing a Pneumatic Sensing Method(Proc. IISES International Academic Conference, Dubai)
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2020/01/17 |
Unconstrained Cardiac Sound Measurement Method Utilizing a Pneumatic Sensing Method(Proc. IISES International Academic Conference, Dubai)
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2020/01/17 |
Unobtrusive Classification System for Monitoring Scratching Time by Wigner–Ville Distribution(Proc. IISES International Academic Conference, Dubai)
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2020/01/17 |
Unobtrusive Classification System for Monitoring Scratching Time by Wigner–Ville Distribution(Proc. IISES International Academic Conference, Dubai)
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2019/10/28 |
A Home Sleep Apnea State Monitoring System using a Stacked Autoencoder(Proc. IEEE Sensors 2019)
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2019/10/28 |
A Home Sleep Apnea State Monitoring System using a Stacked Autoencoder(Proc. IEEE Sensors 2019)
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2019/10/11 |
Consumer Purchasing Behavior Analysis Using Cvs Pos Data(Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications, Shandong, China)
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2019/10/11 |
Consumer Purchasing Behavior Analysis Using Cvs Pos Data(Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications, Shandong, China)
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2019/10/11 |
Information Diffusion Model for Speed Oriented Marketing and Cost Oriented Marketing - Evaluation of Marketing using an Influencer-Marketing Elasticity –(Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications, Shandong, China)
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2019/10/11 |
Information Diffusion Model for Speed Oriented Marketing and Cost Oriented Marketing - Evaluation of Marketing using an Influencer-Marketing Elasticity –(Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications, Shandong, China)
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2019/10/11 |
Sleep Structure Analysis Considering Ecological Information and Thermal Environment(Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications, Shandong, China)
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2019/10/11 |
Sleep Structure Analysis Considering Ecological Information and Thermal Environment(Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications, Shandong, China)
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2019/10/11 |
User Distribution in Online-to-offline Marketing: Schematic Validation of Hypothesis in Innovator Theory(Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications, Shandong, China)
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2019/10/11 |
User Distribution in Online-to-offline Marketing: Schematic Validation of Hypothesis in Innovator Theory(Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications, Shandong, China)
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2019/09/03 |
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2019/09/03 |
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2019/09/03 |
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2019/09/03 |
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2019/09/03 |
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2019/09/03 |
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2019/08/28 |
Construction of Anxiety Propagation Network and Estimation Method of STAI Score for of the Anxiety Propagation Network and Estimation Method of the STAI Score for State Anxiety by the NIRS(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
231. |
2019/08/28 |
Construction of Anxiety Propagation Network and Estimation Method of STAI Score for of the Anxiety Propagation Network and Estimation Method of the STAI Score for State Anxiety by the NIRS(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Eco-funds Based on a Portfolio Considering Corporate Carbon Productivity(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Eco-funds Based on a Portfolio Considering Corporate Carbon Productivity(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Method for Discriminating the Mode of Operation of the Steering Wheel during Car Driving(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Method for Discriminating the Mode of Operation of the Steering Wheel during Car Driving(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Method of Predicting Urinary Volume by Utilizing the Absorption Spectrum of Urine(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Method of Predicting Urinary Volume by Utilizing the Absorption Spectrum of Urine(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Non-Invasive Method for Estimating Blood Glucose Level Utilizing Harmonic Distortion of Pulse Pressure(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Non-Invasive Method for Estimating Blood Glucose Level Utilizing Harmonic Distortion of Pulse Pressure(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Proposal for Quantitative Evaluation Method of the Complexity of Inspection Surface in Appearance Inspection(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Proposal for Quantitative Evaluation Method of the Complexity of Inspection Surface in Appearance Inspection(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Sleep Analysis Model Based on Bedroom Environment and Daytime Activity(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Sleep Analysis Model Based on Bedroom Environment and Daytime Activity(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Unconstrained Apnea Detection System Utilizing Compressed Time-Frequency Distribution by an Autoencoder(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Unconstrained Apnea Detection System Utilizing Compressed Time-Frequency Distribution by an Autoencoder(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Unconstrained Systolic Blood Pressure Estimation Method Considering the Ultradian Rhythm Time Dynamics of the Blood Pressure during the Night(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/28 |
Unconstrained Systolic Blood Pressure Estimation Method Considering the Ultradian Rhythm Time Dynamics of the Blood Pressure during the Night(Proc. The IISES International Academic Conference, Dubrovnik)
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2019/08/27 |
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2019/08/27 |
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2019/08/27 |
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2019/08/27 |
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2019/03/22 |
Autoencoder法を用いた転倒検知システムの提案(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/22 |
Autoencoder法を用いた転倒検知システムの提案(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/22 |
周波数強度の分布を活用した睡眠時の無呼吸状態検出アルゴリズム(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/22 |
周波数強度の分布を活用した睡眠時の無呼吸状態検出アルゴリズム(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/22 |
睡眠中の血圧変動を考慮した無拘束血圧推定システム(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/22 |
睡眠中の血圧変動を考慮した無拘束血圧推定システム(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/21 |
NIRS時系列データから推定したダイナミックベイジアンネットワーク構造を用いたSTAIスコア推定(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/21 |
NIRS時系列データから推定したダイナミックベイジアンネットワーク構造を用いたSTAIスコア推定(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/21 |
個人間類似度を考慮したガウス過程による膀胱内蓄尿量予測(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/21 |
個人間類似度を考慮したガウス過程による膀胱内蓄尿量予測(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/21 |
耳管開放状態の自動判別システム開発(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/21 |
耳管開放状態の自動判別システム開発(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/21 |
飲水を考慮した超音波センサを用いた膀胱内畜尿量予測(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/21 |
飲水を考慮した超音波センサを用いた膀胱内畜尿量予測(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/20 |
上腕圧迫時血管柔軟性指標による非侵襲血糖値推定手法(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/20 |
上腕圧迫時血管柔軟性指標による非侵襲血糖値推定手法(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/19 |
独立成分分析による脳活動データを用いたSTAIスコア推定法(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/19 |
独立成分分析による脳活動データを用いたSTAIスコア推定法(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 早稲田大学, 東京)
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2019/03/15 |
Analysis of Sleep Quality by Bedroom Environment Data and Daily Activity Data(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Analysis of Sleep Quality by Bedroom Environment Data and Daily Activity Data(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Construction of a Language Network at Prefrontal Lobe while Listening and Evaluation of Language Proficiency(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Construction of a Language Network at Prefrontal Lobe while Listening and Evaluation of Language Proficiency(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Development of Unconstrained Respiratory Arrest Detection System for Use during Sleep Based on Lung-thorax Movement Model(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Development of Unconstrained Respiratory Arrest Detection System for Use during Sleep Based on Lung-thorax Movement Model(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Fall Detection Method using a Microwave Doppler Sensor in Bathroom Considering Effects of Wetness Condition(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Fall Detection Method using a Microwave Doppler Sensor in Bathroom Considering Effects of Wetness Condition(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Inspection Method for Dysfunction of the Eustachian Tubes Utilizing Acoustic Propagation via Both Eustachian Tubes While Swallowing(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Inspection Method for Dysfunction of the Eustachian Tubes Utilizing Acoustic Propagation via Both Eustachian Tubes While Swallowing(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Mathematical Model for Unconstrained Vibration Measurement Device to Estimate Scratching Time during Sleep for Diagnosis of Atopic Dermatitis(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Mathematical Model for Unconstrained Vibration Measurement Device to Estimate Scratching Time during Sleep for Diagnosis of Atopic Dermatitis(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Pile Displacement Measurement Method with High Time Resolution for Rapid Loading Test(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Pile Displacement Measurement Method with High Time Resolution for Rapid Loading Test(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Prediction of Intravesical Urine Volume Considering Individual Characteristics on Accumulative Transition(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/15 |
Prediction of Intravesical Urine Volume Considering Individual Characteristics on Accumulative Transition(The 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge)
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2019/03/14 |
マイクロ波ドップラーセンサを用いた浴室内における転倒検知システム(情報処理学会 第 81 回全国大会, 福岡大学, 福岡)
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2019/03/14 |
マイクロ波ドップラーセンサを用いた浴室内における転倒検知システム(情報処理学会 第 81 回全国大会, 福岡大学, 福岡)
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2019/03/14 |
非負値行列因子分解による睡眠時掻破行動時間の無拘束推定法(情報処理学会 第 81 回全国大会, 福岡大学, 福岡)
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2019/03/14 |
非負値行列因子分解による睡眠時掻破行動時間の無拘束推定法(情報処理学会 第 81 回全国大会, 福岡大学, 福岡)
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2019/03/14 |
非負値行列因子分解を用いた前頭前野脳活動データによる不安指標推定法(情報処理学会 第 81 回全国大会, 福岡大学, 福岡)
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2019/03/14 |
非負値行列因子分解を用いた前頭前野脳活動データによる不安指標推定法(情報処理学会 第 81 回全国大会, 福岡大学, 福岡)
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2018/11/25 |
Unobtrusive Nocturnal Estimation Method for Total Scratching Time with Piezoelectric Ceramics(The 21st CZECH-JAPAN SEMINAR on Data Analysis and Decision Making)
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2018/11/25 |
Unobtrusive Nocturnal Estimation Method for Total Scratching Time with Piezoelectric Ceramics(The 21st CZECH-JAPAN SEMINAR on Data Analysis and Decision Making)
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2018/11/14 |
Unrestrained Diastolic Blood Pressure Estimation Method Using Heartbeat during Sleep(The Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2018 (APSIPA ASC 2018))
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2018/11/14 |
Unrestrained Diastolic Blood Pressure Estimation Method Using Heartbeat during Sleep(The Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2018 (APSIPA ASC 2018))
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2018/10/03 |
Intravesical Urine Volume Prediction System by Ultrasonic Sensor Anxiety Level Estimation from Weighted Frontal Lobe Area Laterality Index at Rest Using NIRS(44th International Academic Conference, Vienna, Austria, Oct.1-4, 2018)
297. |
2018/10/03 |
Intravesical Urine Volume Prediction System by Ultrasonic Sensor Anxiety Level Estimation from Weighted Frontal Lobe Area Laterality Index at Rest Using NIRS(44th International Academic Conference, Vienna, Austria, Oct.1-4, 2018)
298. |
2018/10/03 |
Unrestrictive Decubitus Estimation System with High-sensitivity Pressure Sensor(44th International Academic Conference, Vienna, Austria, Oct.1-4, 2018)
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2018/10/03 |
Unrestrictive Decubitus Estimation System with High-sensitivity Pressure Sensor(44th International Academic Conference, Vienna, Austria, Oct.1-4, 2018)
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2018/10/03 |
Urinary Volume Prediction Method by Gaussian Process(44th International Academic Conference, Vienna, Austria, Oct.1-4, 2018)
301. |
2018/10/03 |
Urinary Volume Prediction Method by Gaussian Process(44th International Academic Conference, Vienna, Austria, Oct.1-4, 2018)
302. |
2018/09/01 |
IoTデバイスからのシームレスデータ集約システムの開発(研究報告高齢社会デザイン(ASD),2018-ASD-13(12),1-7 (2018-08-24) , 2189-4450)
303. |
2018/09/01 |
IoTデバイスからのシームレスデータ集約システムの開発(研究報告高齢社会デザイン(ASD),2018-ASD-13(12),1-7 (2018-08-24) , 2189-4450)
304. |
2018/09/01 |
マイクロ波ドップラセンサを用いた転倒検知のためのセンサ設置位置の検討(研究報告高齢社会デザイン(ASD),2018-ASD-13(8),1-6 (2018-08-24) , 2189-4450)
305. |
2018/09/01 |
マイクロ波ドップラセンサを用いた転倒検知のためのセンサ設置位置の検討(研究報告高齢社会デザイン(ASD),2018-ASD-13(8),1-6 (2018-08-24) , 2189-4450)
306. |
2018/08/27 |
Detection of Patient Roll-Over Using High-Sensitivity Pressure Sensors(ICBHMD 2018 : 20th International Conference on Biomedical and Health Monitoring Devices)
307. |
2018/08/27 |
Detection of Patient Roll-Over Using High-Sensitivity Pressure Sensors(ICBHMD 2018 : 20th International Conference on Biomedical and Health Monitoring Devices)
308. |
2018/08/27 |
Intravesical Urine Volume Prediction System by Ultrasonic Sensor(ICBHMD 2018 : 20th International Conference on Biomedical and Health Monitoring Devices)
309. |
2018/08/27 |
Intravesical Urine Volume Prediction System by Ultrasonic Sensor(ICBHMD 2018 : 20th International Conference on Biomedical and Health Monitoring Devices)
310. |
2018/03/20 |
LP ガス使用時における廃棄エネルギー回収を目的とした圧力調整システムの提案(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 東京電機大学, 東京)
311. |
2018/03/20 |
LP ガス使用時における廃棄エネルギー回収を目的とした圧力調整システムの提案(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 東京電機大学, 東京)
312. |
2018/03/20 |
圧力センサを用いた無拘束生体情報計測システムによる就寝時拡張期血圧推定法(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 東京電機大学, 東京)
313. |
2018/03/20 |
圧力センサを用いた無拘束生体情報計測システムによる就寝時拡張期血圧推定法(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 東京電機大学, 東京)
314. |
2018/03/20 |
膀胱内畜尿量の逐次予測システムの提案(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 東京電機大学, 東京)
315. |
2018/03/20 |
膀胱内畜尿量の逐次予測システムの提案(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 東京電機大学, 東京)
316. |
2018/03/20 |
血圧計を用いた非侵襲血糖値推定手法の提案及び食事の前後が推定精度に与える影響の検証(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 東京電機大学, 東京)
317. |
2018/03/20 |
血圧計を用いた非侵襲血糖値推定手法の提案及び食事の前後が推定精度に与える影響の検証(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 東京電機大学, 東京)
318. |
2018/03/13 |
体内水分量を考慮に入れた無拘束膀胱内蓄尿量予測のためのモデル提案(情報処理学会 第 80 回全国大会, 早稲田大学, 東京, Vol. 2018(1), pp. 337-338)
319. |
2018/03/13 |
体内水分量を考慮に入れた無拘束膀胱内蓄尿量予測のためのモデル提案(情報処理学会 第 80 回全国大会, 早稲田大学, 東京, Vol. 2018(1), pp. 337-338)
320. |
2018/03/13 |
計算課題刺激環境下における広域前頭前野脳活動データを用いた STAI スコア推定法(情報処理学会 第 80 回全国大会, 早稲田大学, 東京, Vol. 2018(4), pp. 231-232)
321. |
2018/03/13 |
計算課題刺激環境下における広域前頭前野脳活動データを用いた STAI スコア推定法(情報処理学会 第 80 回全国大会, 早稲田大学, 東京, Vol. 2018(4), pp. 231-232)
322. |
2018/03/13 |
非線形転倒ダイナミックモデルを用いた転倒判別モデル(情報処理学会 第 80 回全国大会, 早稲田大学, 東京, Vol. 2018(4), pp. 695-696)
323. |
2018/03/13 |
非線形転倒ダイナミックモデルを用いた転倒判別モデル(情報処理学会 第 80 回全国大会, 早稲田大学, 東京, Vol. 2018(4), pp. 695-696)
324. |
2018/03/13 |
高時間分解一次元画像情報を用いた インパクト時におけるゴルフボールのバックスピン推定(情報処理学会 第 80 回全国大会, 早稲田大学, 東京, Vol. 2018(2), pp. 433-434)
325. |
2018/03/13 |
高時間分解一次元画像情報を用いた インパクト時におけるゴルフボールのバックスピン推定(情報処理学会 第 80 回全国大会, 早稲田大学, 東京, Vol. 2018(2), pp. 433-434)
326. |
2017/11/01 |
エアチューブを用いた無拘束生体情報計測システムによる就寝時血圧推定法(第10回高齢社会デザイン研究会,11月1日 (2017))
327. |
2017/11/01 |
エアチューブを用いた無拘束生体情報計測システムによる就寝時血圧推定法(第10回高齢社会デザイン研究会,11月1日 (2017))
328. |
2017/11/01 |
マイクロ波ドップラセンサを活用した転倒検知(第10回高齢社会デザイン研究会,11月1日 (2017))
329. |
2017/11/01 |
マイクロ波ドップラセンサを活用した転倒検知(第10回高齢社会デザイン研究会,11月1日 (2017))
330. |
2017/11/01 |
膀胱内畜尿量予測モデルの構築および超音波計測における誤差補正法の開発(第10回高齢社会デザイン研究会,11月1日 (2017))
331. |
2017/11/01 |
膀胱内畜尿量予測モデルの構築および超音波計測における誤差補正法の開発(第10回高齢社会デザイン研究会,11月1日 (2017))
332. |
2017/03/27 |
Automatic Wandering Detection with a Microwave Doppler Sensor:Classification of Human’s Presence Using Bio-Information(Proceedings of the 5th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2017, pp.144-150, Mar. (2017))
333. |
2017/03/27 |
Automatic Wandering Detection with a Microwave Doppler Sensor:Classification of Human’s Presence Using Bio-Information(Proceedings of the 5th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2017, pp.144-150, Mar. (2017))
334. |
2017/03/22 |
NIRSによる前頭葉広域脳活動を考慮に入れたストレス指標の提案(電子情報通信学会 2017年総合大会, 名古屋, 3月22-25日 (2017))
335. |
2017/03/22 |
NIRSによる前頭葉広域脳活動を考慮に入れたストレス指標の提案(電子情報通信学会 2017年総合大会, 名古屋, 3月22-25日 (2017))
336. |
2017/03/22 |
ラインスキャンカメラを用いた急速載荷試験における杭の変位の計測法(電子情報通信学会 2017年総合大会, 名古屋, 3月22-25日 (2017))
337. |
2017/03/22 |
ラインスキャンカメラを用いた急速載荷試験における杭の変位の計測法(電子情報通信学会 2017年総合大会, 名古屋, 3月22-25日 (2017))
338. |
2017/03/22 |
無拘束デバイスを用いた脈拍数推定法の提案(電子情報通信学会 2017年総合大会, 名古屋, 3月22-25日 (2017))
339. |
2017/03/22 |
無拘束デバイスを用いた脈拍数推定法の提案(電子情報通信学会 2017年総合大会, 名古屋, 3月22-25日 (2017))
340. |
2017/03/20 |
圧力センサを用いた無拘束生体情報計測システムによる就寝時拡張期血圧推定法(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 東京電機大学, 東京 (2018.3))
341. |
2017/03/20 |
圧力センサを用いた無拘束生体情報計測システムによる就寝時拡張期血圧推定法(電子情報通信学会 総合大会, 東京電機大学, 東京 (2018.3))
342. |
2017/03/17 |
在宅環境における睡眠時無呼吸症候群簡易検査のための無拘束計測システムの提案 〜高感度圧力センサを用いた臥位・無呼吸の状態判別〜(情報処理学会 第79回全国大会, 名古屋 3月16-18日 (2017))
343. |
2017/03/17 |
在宅環境における睡眠時無呼吸症候群簡易検査のための無拘束計測システムの提案 〜高感度圧力センサを用いた臥位・無呼吸の状態判別〜(情報処理学会 第79回全国大会, 名古屋 3月16-18日 (2017))
344. |
2017/03/17 |
尿意予測システムのための水分代謝系数理モデルの提案(情報処理学会 第79回全国大会, 名古屋 3月16-18日 (2017))
345. |
2017/03/17 |
尿意予測システムのための水分代謝系数理モデルの提案(情報処理学会 第79回全国大会, 名古屋 3月16-18日 (2017))
346. |
2017/03/17 |
置き去り防止のためのマイクロ波ドップラーセンサを用いた自動車外からの乗員生体計測システム(情報処理学会 第79回全国大会, 名古屋 3月16-18日 (2017))
347. |
2017/03/17 |
置き去り防止のためのマイクロ波ドップラーセンサを用いた自動車外からの乗員生体計測システム(情報処理学会 第79回全国大会, 名古屋 3月16-18日 (2017))
348. |
2017/03/17 |
誤嚥予防のための耳装着型外耳道内圧計測システムの開発(情報処理学会 第79回全国大会, 名古屋 3月16-18日 (2017))
349. |
2017/03/17 |
誤嚥予防のための耳装着型外耳道内圧計測システムの開発(情報処理学会 第79回全国大会, 名古屋 3月16-18日 (2017))
350. |
2017/03/17 |
近赤外分光法を用いた脳血流量変化情報に基づく色聴感覚優位性の判別(情報処理学会 第79回全国大会, 名古屋 3月16-18日 (2017))
351. |
2017/03/17 |
近赤外分光法を用いた脳血流量変化情報に基づく色聴感覚優位性の判別(情報処理学会 第79回全国大会, 名古屋 3月16-18日 (2017))
352. |
2017/03/16 |
隠れマルコフモデルを用いた無拘束デバイスによる睡眠時の掻破行動時間計測(情報処理学会 第79回全国大会, 名古屋 3月16-18日 (2017))
353. |
2017/03/16 |
隠れマルコフモデルを用いた無拘束デバイスによる睡眠時の掻破行動時間計測(情報処理学会 第79回全国大会, 名古屋 3月16-18日 (2017))
354. |
2017/03/15 |
スマートメータのための家庭用ガス減圧時におけるマグネットカップリングを用いた廃棄エネルギー変換システム(平成29年電気学会全国大会, 富山, 3月15-17日 (2017))
355. |
2017/03/15 |
スマートメータのための家庭用ガス減圧時におけるマグネットカップリングを用いた廃棄エネルギー変換システム(平成29年電気学会全国大会, 富山, 3月15-17日 (2017))
356. |
2017/03/13 |
Discrimination of Auditory-Color Synesthesia Based on Cerebral Blood Flow Volume Information Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy(19th International Conference on Quality of Life and Mental Health, London, UK March 13-14 (2017))
357. |
2017/03/13 |
Discrimination of Auditory-Color Synesthesia Based on Cerebral Blood Flow Volume Information Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy(19th International Conference on Quality of Life and Mental Health, London, UK March 13-14 (2017))
358. |
2017/03/13 |
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Score Estimation from Wide Area Frontal Lobe Brain Activity Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy(19th International Conference on Quality of Life and Mental Health, London, UK March 13-14 (2017))
359. |
2017/03/13 |
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Score Estimation from Wide Area Frontal Lobe Brain Activity Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy(19th International Conference on Quality of Life and Mental Health, London, UK March 13-14 (2017))
360. |
2017/02/16 |
A Mathematical Model for Residual Urine Levels in the Bladder Using Physical Characteristics of Osmosis(IEEE BHI-2017 International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (2017))
361. |
2017/02/16 |
A Mathematical Model for Residual Urine Levels in the Bladder Using Physical Characteristics of Osmosis(IEEE BHI-2017 International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (2017))
362. |
2017/02/16 |
Automatic Scratching Time Estimation System for Piezo-Electric Ceramic Sensor Utilizing Hidden Markov Model(IEEE BHI-2017 International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (2017))
363. |
2017/02/16 |
Automatic Scratching Time Estimation System for Piezo-Electric Ceramic Sensor Utilizing Hidden Markov Model(IEEE BHI-2017 International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (2017))
364. |
2017/02/16 |
Development of Unconstrained Blood Pressure Estimation System for Use During Sleep(IEEE BHI-2017 International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (2017))
365. |
2017/02/16 |
Development of Unconstrained Blood Pressure Estimation System for Use During Sleep(IEEE BHI-2017 International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (2017))
366. |
2017/01/19 |
A Novel Fall Detection System Utilizing Frequency Distribution Collected by Microwave Doppler Sensors(The 22nd International Symposium on Artfficial Life and Robotics and The 2nd International Symposium on BioComplexity, vol.5, no.2, pp.292-297, Jan. (2017))
367. |
2017/01/19 |
A Novel Fall Detection System Utilizing Frequency Distribution Collected by Microwave Doppler Sensors(The 22nd International Symposium on Artfficial Life and Robotics and The 2nd International Symposium on BioComplexity, vol.5, no.2, pp.292-297, Jan. (2017))
368. |
2017/01/09 |
English Ability Score Prediction Algorithm based on Prefrontal Cortex Blood Volume Utilizing a Regulated Linear Regression Model(The 5th IEEE International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface, no.6, pp.20-23, Jan. (2017))
369. |
2017/01/09 |
English Ability Score Prediction Algorithm based on Prefrontal Cortex Blood Volume Utilizing a Regulated Linear Regression Model(The 5th IEEE International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface, no.6, pp.20-23, Jan. (2017))
370. |
2016/09/20 |
Classification Presence/Absence System Incorporating Respirational Signals by Microwave Doppler Sensor(SICE Annual Conference 2016, pp.1310-1315 Spt. (2016))
371. |
2016/09/20 |
Classification Presence/Absence System Incorporating Respirational Signals by Microwave Doppler Sensor(SICE Annual Conference 2016, pp.1310-1315 Spt. (2016))
372. |
2016/09/07 |
嚥下有無の判別および食塊の粘性分類のための嚥下に伴う振動計測(第15回情報科学技術フォーラム, 富山, 9月7-9日(2016))
373. |
2016/09/07 |
嚥下有無の判別および食塊の粘性分類のための嚥下に伴う振動計測(第15回情報科学技術フォーラム, 富山, 9月7-9日(2016))
374. |
2016/03/16 |
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2016/03/16 |
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2016/03/12 |
ダイナミックベイジアンネットワークを用いた言語リスニング時における脳血流量ネットワーク構造解析(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
377. |
2016/03/12 |
ダイナミックベイジアンネットワークを用いた言語リスニング時における脳血流量ネットワーク構造解析(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
378. |
2016/03/12 |
マイクロ波ドップラセンサを用いたADLのモニタリングシステムの開発(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
379. |
2016/03/12 |
マイクロ波ドップラセンサを用いたADLのモニタリングシステムの開発(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
380. |
2016/03/12 |
生体情報を用いた多岐選択問題における確信度の推定(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
381. |
2016/03/12 |
生体情報を用いた多岐選択問題における確信度の推定(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
382. |
2016/03/12 |
英語リスニング中の脳血流量を用いた正則付回帰モデルによる言語能力推定法(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
383. |
2016/03/12 |
英語リスニング中の脳血流量を用いた正則付回帰モデルによる言語能力推定法(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
384. |
2016/03/12 |
高感度圧力センサによる喉頭拳上運動および嚥下音計測(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
385. |
2016/03/12 |
高感度圧力センサによる喉頭拳上運動および嚥下音計測(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
386. |
2016/03/11 |
LPガス使用時における廃棄エネルギーの回収システム(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
387. |
2016/03/11 |
LPガス使用時における廃棄エネルギーの回収システム(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
388. |
2016/03/11 |
ラインスキャンカメラを用いたバッティングにおける3次元軌跡の推定(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
389. |
2016/03/11 |
ラインスキャンカメラを用いたバッティングにおける3次元軌跡の推定(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
390. |
2016/03/11 |
想起過程時ワーキングメモリ周辺の血流量変化を用いたSVMによる嗅覚刺激にロバストなタスク分類法(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
391. |
2016/03/11 |
想起過程時ワーキングメモリ周辺の血流量変化を用いたSVMによる嗅覚刺激にロバストなタスク分類法(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
392. |
2016/03/10 |
高感度圧力センサの多点観測による自動車運転手の無拘束生体情報計測システム(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
393. |
2016/03/10 |
高感度圧力センサの多点観測による自動車運転手の無拘束生体情報計測システム(情報処理学会 第78回全国大会)
394. |
2016/03/01 |
絶対音感学習指導における共感覚脳活動マッピング(情報処理学会 第110回音楽情報科学研究発表会)
395. |
2016/03/01 |
絶対音感学習指導における共感覚脳活動マッピング(情報処理学会 第110回音楽情報科学研究発表会)
396. |
2015/08/24 |
Evaluation Using a Bidirectional Microphone as a Pressure Pulse Wave Meter(ICEE 2015 : 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 2282-2287 Aug. (2015))
397. |
2015/08/24 |
Evaluation Using a Bidirectional Microphone as a Pressure Pulse Wave Meter(ICEE 2015 : 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 2282-2287 Aug. (2015))
398. |
2015/07/28 |
Development of High Sensitive Human Existing Detection Device(SICE Annual Conference 2015)
399. |
2015/07/28 |
Development of High Sensitive Human Existing Detection Device(SICE Annual Conference 2015)
400. |
2015/07/28 |
Multifunctional Sensing by a Bidirectional Microphone and Its Application(SICE Annual Conference 2015)
401. |
2015/07/28 |
Multifunctional Sensing by a Bidirectional Microphone and Its Application(SICE Annual Conference 2015)
402. |
2015/03/19 |
双指向性マイクロフォンを用いた最高血圧推定法(情報処理学会 第77回全国大会)
403. |
2015/03/19 |
双指向性マイクロフォンを用いた最高血圧推定法(情報処理学会 第77回全国大会)
404. |
2015/03/10 |
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2015/03/10 |
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2015/03/10 |
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2015/03/10 |
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2015/03/10 |
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2015/03/10 |
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2015/03/10 |
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2015/03/10 |
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2015/03/10 |
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2015/03/10 |
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2015/03/10 |
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2015/03/10 |
416. |
2015/03/04 |
言語・非言語記憶状態の想起過程における機械学習手法を用いた判別(電子情報通信学会、マルチメディア・仮想環境基礎研究会 (MVE))
417. |
2015/03/04 |
言語・非言語記憶状態の想起過程における機械学習手法を用いた判別(電子情報通信学会、マルチメディア・仮想環境基礎研究会 (MVE))
418. |
2014/12 |
Switched Uses of a Bidirectional Microphone as a Microphone and Sensors with High Gain and Wide Frequency Range(World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Electronics and Communication Engineering Vol:1, No:12, (2014))
419. |
2014/12 |
Switched Uses of a Bidirectional Microphone as a Microphone and Sensors with High Gain and Wide Frequency Range(World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Electronics and Communication Engineering Vol:1, No:12, (2014))
420. |
2012/11 |
Estimation algorithm for angle and velocity of grip end in golf swing by using an acceleration sensor and gyro sensor(3rd World Conference on Information Technology, Nov. (2012))
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2012/11 |
Estimation algorithm for angle and velocity of grip end in golf swing by using an acceleration sensor and gyro sensor(3rd World Conference on Information Technology, Nov. (2012))
422. |
2012/11 |
Evaluation and Practical Use Nature of the Pressure Pulse Wave Meter Using a Directional Microphone(3rd World Conference on Information Technology, Nov. (2012))
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2012/11 |
Evaluation and Practical Use Nature of the Pressure Pulse Wave Meter Using a Directional Microphone(3rd World Conference on Information Technology, Nov. (2012))
424. |
2012/10 |
Development of Vibration Sensor with Wide Frequency Range Based on Condenser Microphone -Estimation System for Flow Rate in Water Pipes-(WASET 2012 Bali, Indonesia, pp.1303-1308 Oct. (2012))
425. |
2012/10 |
Development of Vibration Sensor with Wide Frequency Range Based on Condenser Microphone -Estimation System for Flow Rate in Water Pipes-(WASET 2012 Bali, Indonesia, pp.1303-1308 Oct. (2012))
426. |
2012/08 |
Development of a Kinect-Sensor-Based Navigation Component for JAUS Compliant Mobile(SICE Annual Conference 2012, pp.824-827, Aug. (2012))
427. |
2012/08 |
Development of a Kinect-Sensor-Based Navigation Component for JAUS Compliant Mobile(SICE Annual Conference 2012, pp.824-827, Aug. (2012))
428. |
2012/08 |
Development of Automatic Elevator Navigation Algorithm for JAUS-Compliant Mobile Robot(SICE Annual Conference 2012, pp.828-833, Aug. (2012))
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2012/08 |
Development of Automatic Elevator Navigation Algorithm for JAUS-Compliant Mobile Robot(SICE Annual Conference 2012, pp.828-833, Aug. (2012))
430. |
2012/08 |
Development of Laser Range Finder-Implemented, JAUS-Compliant Local Pose Component(SICE Annual Conference 2012, pp.634-639, Aug. (2012))
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2012/08 |
Development of Laser Range Finder-Implemented, JAUS-Compliant Local Pose Component(SICE Annual Conference 2012, pp.634-639, Aug. (2012))
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2012/08 |
Measurement and Analysis of Golf Swing Using 3-D Acceleration and Gyro Sensor(SICE Annual Conference 2012, pp.356-360, Aug. (2012))
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2012/08 |
Measurement and Analysis of Golf Swing Using 3-D Acceleration and Gyro Sensor(SICE Annual Conference 2012, pp.356-360, Aug. (2012))
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2012/08 |
Measurement and Analysis of Running Form using 3-D Acceleration and Gyroscopic Sensor(SICE Annual Conference 2012, pp.351-355, Aug. (2012))
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2012/08 |
Measurement and Analysis of Running Form using 3-D Acceleration and Gyroscopic Sensor(SICE Annual Conference 2012, pp.351-355, Aug. (2012))
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2012/08 |
Measurement and Analyze of Jump Shoot Motion in Basketball Using a 3-D Acceleration and Gyroscopic Sensor(SICE Annual Conference 2012, pp.361-365, Aug. (2012))
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2012/08 |
Measurement and Analyze of Jump Shoot Motion in Basketball Using a 3-D Acceleration and Gyroscopic Sensor(SICE Annual Conference 2012, pp.361-365, Aug. (2012))
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2012/08 |
Research on Just-In-Time Scheduling(SICE Annual Conference 2012, pp.447-452, Aug. (2012))
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2012/08 |
Research on Just-In-Time Scheduling(SICE Annual Conference 2012, pp.447-452, Aug. (2012))
440. |
2012/03 |
Signal Processing Method for Extracting Scratching Time(Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 Vol II, pp.1141-1146, Mar. (2012))
441. |
2012/03 |
Signal Processing Method for Extracting Scratching Time(Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 Vol II, pp.1141-1146, Mar. (2012))
442. |
2012/01 |
Unconstrained Measurement System for Scratching by Limb and Estimation of Scratching Area(International Conference on Intelligent Computational Systems (ICICS'2012), pp.71-75, Jan. (2012))
443. |
2012/01 |
Unconstrained Measurement System for Scratching by Limb and Estimation of Scratching Area(International Conference on Intelligent Computational Systems (ICICS'2012), pp.71-75, Jan. (2012))
444. |
2011/11 |
Unconstrained Bed Monitoring System for Scratching Motion(The Third International Symposium on Sensor Networks and Applications, pp.135-140, Nov. (2011))
445. |
2011/11 |
Unconstrained Bed Monitoring System for Scratching Motion(The Third International Symposium on Sensor Networks and Applications, pp.135-140, Nov. (2011))
446. |
2011/10 |
Development of thermal teapot(SICE ICCAS 2011, Oct. (2011))
447. |
2011/10 |
Development of thermal teapot(SICE ICCAS 2011, Oct. (2011))
448. |
2011/09 |
A New Tactile Sensing Device Based on an Absolute Pressure Sensor and Force Sensing Register(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 1879-1881, Sept. (2011))
449. |
2011/09 |
A New Tactile Sensing Device Based on an Absolute Pressure Sensor and Force Sensing Register(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 1879-1881, Sept. (2011))
450. |
2011/09 |
Boxing Punch Analysis Using 3D Gyro Sensor(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 1125-1127, Sept. (2011))
451. |
2011/09 |
Boxing Punch Analysis Using 3D Gyro Sensor(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 1125-1127, Sept. (2011))
452. |
2011/09 |
Control of Four-Legged Robot(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 571-575, Sept. (2011))
453. |
2011/09 |
Control of Four-Legged Robot(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 571-575, Sept. (2011))
454. |
2011/09 |
Detection of Surface Myoelectric Signals Using a Small Number of Electrodes(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2313-2316, Sept. (2011))
455. |
2011/09 |
Detection of Surface Myoelectric Signals Using a Small Number of Electrodes(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2313-2316, Sept. (2011))
456. |
2011/09 |
Development of JAUS-Compliant Controller Using Python(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2185-2189, Sept. (2011))
457. |
2011/09 |
Development of JAUS-Compliant Controller Using Python(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2185-2189, Sept. (2011))
458. |
2011/09 |
Development of Magnetic Sensor Based Local Pose Component for JAUS Compliant System(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2785-2789, Sept. (2011))
459. |
2011/09 |
Development of Magnetic Sensor Based Local Pose Component for JAUS Compliant System(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2785-2789, Sept. (2011))
460. |
2011/09 |
Development of PSoC Microcontroller Based Solar Energy Storage System(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 718-721, Sept. (2011))
461. |
2011/09 |
Development of PSoC Microcontroller Based Solar Energy Storage System(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 718-721, Sept. (2011))
462. |
2011/09 |
Development of Sensing Device to Detect Human Hiding in a Car(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2326-2330, Sept. (2011))
463. |
2011/09 |
Development of Sensing Device to Detect Human Hiding in a Car(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2326-2330, Sept. (2011))
464. |
2011/09 |
Development of System for Unrestrained Measurement of Vital Signs in the Bathroom(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2322-2325, Sept. (2011))
465. |
2011/09 |
Development of System for Unrestrained Measurement of Vital Signs in the Bathroom(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2322-2325, Sept. (2011))
466. |
2011/09 |
Development of Unconstrained Biosignal Bed Sensing Method Using Piezoceramics to Detect Body Movement and Scratching Motion(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp.2317-2321, Sept. (2011))
467. |
2011/09 |
Development of Unconstrained Biosignal Bed Sensing Method Using Piezoceramics to Detect Body Movement and Scratching Motion(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp.2317-2321, Sept. (2011))
468. |
2011/09 |
Development of Visual Odometry Component by Using Omni-directional Camera(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2149-2151, Sept. (2011))
469. |
2011/09 |
Development of Visual Odometry Component by Using Omni-directional Camera(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2149-2151, Sept. (2011))
470. |
2011/09 |
Holding Force Control of Robot Hand(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2624-2627, Sept. (2011))
471. |
2011/09 |
Holding Force Control of Robot Hand(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2624-2627, Sept. (2011))
472. |
2011/09 |
Impedance Force Control of Robot Hand Using Pressure Sensor(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 1981-1984, Sept. (2011))
473. |
2011/09 |
Impedance Force Control of Robot Hand Using Pressure Sensor(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 1981-1984, Sept. (2011))
474. |
2011/09 |
Measurement and Analysis of Batting Swing in Baseball Using Acceleration and Angular Velocity Sensors(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 1120-1124, Sept. (2011))
475. |
2011/09 |
Measurement and Analysis of Batting Swing in Baseball Using Acceleration and Angular Velocity Sensors(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 1120-1124, Sept. (2011))
476. |
2011/09 |
Measurement and Analysis of Bowling Swing Motion Using 3D Acceleration and Gyro Sensors(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 1115-1119, Sept. (2011))
477. |
2011/09 |
Measurement and Analysis of Bowling Swing Motion Using 3D Acceleration and Gyro Sensors(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 1115-1119, Sept. (2011))
478. |
2011/09 |
Measurement and Analysis of Golf Swing Using 3D Acceleration and Gyroscopic Sensors(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 1111-1114, Sept. (2011))
479. |
2011/09 |
Measurement and Analysis of Golf Swing Using 3D Acceleration and Gyroscopic Sensors(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 1111-1114, Sept. (2011))
480. |
2011/09 |
Measurement and Evaluation of Violin Tone Quality(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2790-2793, Sept. (2011))
481. |
2011/09 |
Measurement and Evaluation of Violin Tone Quality(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 2790-2793, Sept. (2011))
482. |
2011/09 |
Study of Visible Light Communication System Using RGB LED Lights(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 1926-1928, Sept. (2011))
483. |
2011/09 |
Study of Visible Light Communication System Using RGB LED Lights(SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp. 1926-1928, Sept. (2011))
484. |
2010/08 |
A study of real-time path planning for mobile robots based on environment recognition using omnidirectional images(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.2953-2956, Aug. (2010))
485. |
2010/08 |
A study of real-time path planning for mobile robots based on environment recognition using omnidirectional images(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.2953-2956, Aug. (2010))
486. |
2010/08 |
A study of RSSI-based formation control algorithm for multiple mobile robots(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.1127-1130, Aug. (2010))
487. |
2010/08 |
A study of RSSI-based formation control algorithm for multiple mobile robots(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.1127-1130, Aug. (2010))
488. |
2010/08 |
A study of visual odometry for mobile robots using omnidirectional camera(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.2957-2959, Aug. (2010))
489. |
2010/08 |
A study of visual odometry for mobile robots using omnidirectional camera(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.2957-2959, Aug. (2010))
490. |
2010/08 |
A study on efficient power generation by utilizing temperature difference(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.2949-2952, Aug. (2010))
491. |
2010/08 |
A study on efficient power generation by utilizing temperature difference(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.2949-2952, Aug. (2010))
492. |
2010/08 |
A study on gait analysis by measuring axis rotation based on 3D magnetic and acceleration sensors(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.2518-2522, Aug. (2010))
493. |
2010/08 |
A study on gait analysis by measuring axis rotation based on 3D magnetic and acceleration sensors(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.2518-2522, Aug. (2010))
494. |
2010/08 |
Detection of a person hiding in an automobile by using human-generated microvibrations(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.1701-1704, Aug. (2010))
495. |
2010/08 |
Detection of a person hiding in an automobile by using human-generated microvibrations(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.1701-1704, Aug. (2010))
496. |
2010/08 |
Development of a Time-sharing-based Color-assisted Vision System for Persons with Color-vision Deficiency(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.2499-2503, Aug. (2010))
497. |
2010/08 |
Development of a Time-sharing-based Color-assisted Vision System for Persons with Color-vision Deficiency(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.2499-2503, Aug. (2010))
498. |
2010/08 |
Development of cellular phone based JAUS-compliant unmanned system controller(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.3520-3522, Aug. (2010))
499. |
2010/08 |
Development of cellular phone based JAUS-compliant unmanned system controller(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.3520-3522, Aug. (2010))
500. |
2010/08 |
Development of contact-type alcohol checking system(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.3299-3302, Aug. (2010))
501. |
2010/08 |
Development of contact-type alcohol checking system(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.3299-3302, Aug. (2010))
502. |
2010/08 |
Development of path planning algorithm using potential field based on two fixed-angle laser scanners(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.892-895, Aug. (2010))
503. |
2010/08 |
Development of path planning algorithm using potential field based on two fixed-angle laser scanners(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.892-895, Aug. (2010))
504. |
2010/08 |
Measurement and analysis of tennis swing motion using 3D gyro sensor(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.274-277, Aug. (2010))
505. |
2010/08 |
Measurement and analysis of tennis swing motion using 3D gyro sensor(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.274-277, Aug. (2010))
506. |
2010/08 |
Measurement of static electricity generated by human walking(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.278-281, Aug. (2010))
507. |
2010/08 |
Measurement of static electricity generated by human walking(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.278-281, Aug. (2010))
508. |
2010/08 |
Mobile phone application for ecodriving(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.2424-2427, Aug. (2010))
509. |
2010/08 |
Mobile phone application for ecodriving(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.2424-2427, Aug. (2010))
510. |
2010/08 |
Mobile phone application for safe driving at an intersection(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.2428-2431, Aug. (2010))
511. |
2010/08 |
Mobile phone application for safe driving at an intersection(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.2428-2431, Aug. (2010))
512. |
2010/08 |
Noncontact Measurement of Sleep Depth by Using Pressure Sensors(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.1555-1558, Aug. (2010))
513. |
2010/08 |
Noncontact Measurement of Sleep Depth by Using Pressure Sensors(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.1555-1558, Aug. (2010))
514. |
2010/08 |
Noninvasive biosignal measurement of a subject in bed using ceramic sensors(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.1559-1562, Aug. (2010))
515. |
2010/08 |
Noninvasive biosignal measurement of a subject in bed using ceramic sensors(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.1559-1562, Aug. (2010))
516. |
2010/08 |
Visualizing similar text documents based on 3D dendrogram(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.1285-1288, Aug. (2010))
517. |
2010/08 |
Visualizing similar text documents based on 3D dendrogram(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.1285-1288, Aug. (2010))
518. |
2010/08 |
Walking control of a four-legged machine(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.1815-1818, Aug. (2010))
519. |
2010/08 |
Walking control of a four-legged machine(SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.1815-1818, Aug. (2010))
520. |
2009/08 |
A Study on Spin-rate Measurement Using a Uniquely Marked Moving Ball(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.3439-3442, Aug. (2009))
521. |
2009/08 |
A Study on Spin-rate Measurement Using a Uniquely Marked Moving Ball(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.3439-3442, Aug. (2009))
522. |
2009/08 |
Body Twist Estimation Algorithm Using 3-axis Acceleration Sensor and Magnetic Sensor(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.3447-3450, Aug. (2009))
523. |
2009/08 |
Body Twist Estimation Algorithm Using 3-axis Acceleration Sensor and Magnetic Sensor(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.3447-3450, Aug. (2009))
524. |
2009/08 |
Development of Electric Wheelchair Interface Based on Laser Pointer(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.1148-1151, Aug. (2009))
525. |
2009/08 |
Development of Electric Wheelchair Interface Based on Laser Pointer(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.1148-1151, Aug. (2009))
526. |
2009/08 |
Development of Safety System for Electric Wheelchair with Thermography Camera(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.1629-1632, Aug. (2009))
527. |
2009/08 |
Development of Safety System for Electric Wheelchair with Thermography Camera(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.1629-1632, Aug. (2009))
528. |
2009/08 |
Experimental Study on Electric Motor as a Sound Device(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.435-438, Aug. (2009))
529. |
2009/08 |
Experimental Study on Electric Motor as a Sound Device(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.435-438, Aug. (2009))
530. |
2009/08 |
Experimental Study on Reactive Switch by Using Piezoelectric Devices(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.5605-5608, Aug. (2009))
531. |
2009/08 |
Experimental Study on Reactive Switch by Using Piezoelectric Devices(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.5605-5608, Aug. (2009))
532. |
2009/08 |
Experimental Study on Wind-based Vehicle Speedometer Applying the Whistle Principle(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.5600-5604, Aug. (2009))
533. |
2009/08 |
Experimental Study on Wind-based Vehicle Speedometer Applying the Whistle Principle(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.5600-5604, Aug. (2009))
534. |
2009/08 |
Motion Control of Multi-legged Machines(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.2700-2704, Aug. (2009))
535. |
2009/08 |
Motion Control of Multi-legged Machines(ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.2700-2704, Aug. (2009))
536. |
2008/08 |
Analysis of Human Walking by 3-D Acceleration Sensor and Its Application(SICE Annual Conference 2008, pp.1723-1726, Aug. (2008))
537. |
2008/08 |
Analysis of Human Walking by 3-D Acceleration Sensor and Its Application(SICE Annual Conference 2008, pp.1723-1726, Aug. (2008))
538. |
2008/08 |
Measurement of Infrasound Generated by Wind Turbine Generator(SICE Annual Conference 2008, pp.5-8, Aug. (2008))
539. |
2008/08 |
Measurement of Infrasound Generated by Wind Turbine Generator(SICE Annual Conference 2008, pp.5-8, Aug. (2008))
540. |
2008/08 |
Measurement of Vital Signs of a Person on Concrete Flooring(SICE Annual Conference 2008, pp.1823-1826, Aug. (2008))
541. |
2008/08 |
Measurement of Vital Signs of a Person on Concrete Flooring(SICE Annual Conference 2008, pp.1823-1826, Aug. (2008))
542. |
2006/10 |
A Multi-variable Detecting Sensor and its Application(SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, pp.4134-4137, Oct. (2006))
543. |
2006/10 |
A Multi-variable Detecting Sensor and its Application(SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, pp.4134-4137, Oct. (2006))
544. |
2006/10 |
Evaluation system of swallowing function using by optical sensor in-home nursing(SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, pp.1485-1488, Oct. (2006))
545. |
2006/10 |
Evaluation system of swallowing function using by optical sensor in-home nursing(SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, pp.1485-1488, Oct. (2006))
546. |
2006/10 |
Sleep stage Estimation by Non-invasive Bio-measurement(SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, pp.1494-1499, Oct. (2006))
547. |
2006/10 |
Sleep stage Estimation by Non-invasive Bio-measurement(SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, pp.1494-1499, Oct. (2006))
548. |
2006/10 |
Unconstrained Measurement of Heartbeat of a Driving Person by Dual Pneumatic Sensing System(SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, pp.3702-3705, Oct. (2006))
549. |
2006/10 |
Unconstrained Measurement of Heartbeat of a Driving Person by Dual Pneumatic Sensing System(SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, pp.3702-3705, Oct. (2006))
550. |
2006 |
Feasibility of the Pneumatic Biosensing Bed as a Terminal Device for Network Health Monitoring and Medical Care in Ubiquitous Society(第2回ユビキタス医療シンポジウム)
551. |
2006 |
Feasibility of the Pneumatic Biosensing Bed as a Terminal Device for Network Health Monitoring and Medical Care in Ubiquitous Society(第2回ユビキタス医療シンポジウム)
552. |
2006 |
バランスボードにおける脳血管障害患者の座位姿勢反応の検討(日本理学療法学術大会,Vol. 2005)
553. |
2006 |
バランスボードにおける脳血管障害患者の座位姿勢反応の検討(日本理学療法学術大会,Vol. 2005)
554. |
2005 |
片麻痺症例における座面傾斜時の姿勢反応分析(日本理学療法学術大会,Vol. 2004)
555. |
2005 |
片麻痺症例における座面傾斜時の姿勢反応分析(日本理学療法学術大会,Vol. 2004)
556. |
2004 |
バランスボードを用いた座位立ち直り反応の分析 ~斜面台傾斜との相違~(日本理学療法学術大会, Vol. 2003)
557. |
2004 |
バランスボードを用いた座位立ち直り反応の分析 ~斜面台傾斜との相違~(日本理学療法学術大会, Vol. 2003)
558. |
2003/03 |
Evaluation of Efficacy Nursing Intervention to Prevent Patients with C.V.A. from Falling into a Bedridden State(Symposium of the International Society for Postural and Gait Research, pp.140-141, Mar. (2003))
559. |
2003/03 |
Evaluation of Efficacy Nursing Intervention to Prevent Patients with C.V.A. from Falling into a Bedridden State(Symposium of the International Society for Postural and Gait Research, pp.140-141, Mar. (2003))
560. |
2002/09 |
Measurements of the 3-D kinematical motion in sports(The Engineering of Sport 4th International Conference, pp.119-122, Sep. (2002))
561. |
2002/09 |
Measurements of the 3-D kinematical motion in sports(The Engineering of Sport 4th International Conference, pp.119-122, Sep. (2002))
562. |
2002 |
看護におけるジャイロを用いた姿勢変化評価システム ― ベッドからの起き上がり―(第17回リハビリテーション工学カンファレンス)
563. |
2002 |
看護におけるジャイロを用いた姿勢変化評価システム ― ベッドからの起き上がり―(第17回リハビリテーション工学カンファレンス)
564. |
2002 |
車椅子からの立ち上がり動作の3次元解析(第17回リハビリテーション工学 カンファレンス)
565. |
2002 |
車椅子からの立ち上がり動作の3次元解析(第17回リハビリテーション工学 カンファレンス)