(Last updated : 2024-04-01 20:31:44)
  YAZAWA Kenichi
   Department   Aoyama Gakuin University  Department of Business Administration, School of Business
   Position   Professor
■ Specialization and related fields
financial accounting, text analysis in accounting (Key Word:accounting, auditing, corporate governance, financial reporting, business reporting, text mining, machine learning)  Link
■ Business career
1. 2005/04~2009/03 Aoyama Gakuin University School of Business Department of Business Administration
2. 2009/04~2017/03 Aoyama Gakuin University School of Business Department of Business Administration Associate Professor
3. 2017/04~ Aoyama Gakuin University School of Business Department of Business Administration Professor
■ Belonging society
1. 2010/04~ American Accounting Association
2. 2010/04~ European Accounting Association
■ Official position and committee in Univ.
1. 2022/04/01~2024/03/31 Aoyama Gakuin University Chair
■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 2008/04~  The Study of Audit Pricing Model  (Key Word : )
2. 2010/04~  The Study of Auditor Independence  (Key Word : )
■ Book and thesis
1. Article The Relationship between Audit Team Composition, Audit Fees and Quality Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 36(3) (Collaboration) 2017/08
2. Article The incentive factors for the (non-) disclosure of material weakness in internal control over financial reporting: Evidence from J-SOX mandated audits International Journal of Auditing pp.103-116 (Single) 2015/07
3. Article The study on audit pricing model: evidence from Japan   (Single) 2009/12
4. Article audit fee and quality of earnings  pp.89-102 (Single) 2008/09
5. Article relationship between audit and non-audit fee accounting progress pp.93-105 (Single) 2007/09