1. |
2025/01/24 |
CLAHE-based fusion filter image preprocessing for enhancing YOLOv8l accuracy in autonomous driving(30th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics and 10th International Symposium on BioComplexity)
2. |
2025/01/23 |
Design of Stabilizing Controller Using Neural Network for Nonlinear Output Feedback Systems(30th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics and 10th International Symposium on BioComplexity)
3. |
2025/01/23 |
Unknown Input Observer for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Bilinear System with Input and Output Disturbances(2025 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration)
4. |
2025/01/22 |
CLAHE-based fusion filter image preprocessing for enhancing YOLOv8l accuracy in autonomous driving(30th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics and 10th International Symposium on BioComplexity)
5. |
2024/11/24 |
6. |
2024/11/17 |
Observer Design for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy Descriptor System Using a Lyapunov Function with Integrals of the Membership Functions(2024 Joint 13th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligene Systems and 25th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems)
7. |
2024/10/18 |
Unknown Input Observer for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Bilinear System with Input Disturbance(2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS))
8. |
2024/09/03 |
Effects of Insole-Type Device with Controllable Ankle Joint Angle on the Peroneus Longus Muscle During Foot Stomping Motion(IEEE RAS EMBS 10th International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2024))
9. |
2024/07/10 |
Output Feedback Control with Angle Estimation for Four-Wheeled Vehicles(IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics 2024)
10. |
2024/07/03 |
Observer Designs for a General Class of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy System with Unmeasurable Premise Variables(World Congress on Computational Intelligence 2024)
11. |
2024/03/18 |
Accelerated Unet Semantic Segmentation Preprocessing of Medical Images Based on Bilateral Filters(SICE International Symposium on Control Systems 2024)
12. |
2024/03/18 |
Chained Form を用いた四輪車両の出力フィードバック制御(第11回計測自動制御学会制御部門マルチシンポジウム)
13. |
2024/03/18 |
14. |
2024/03/07 |
15. |
2024/03/04 |
Monocular Camera and Line Laser-Based Real-Time Multi-Obstacle Distance Measurement System(The 10th IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization)
16. |
2024/03/04 |
Sound Source Distance Estimation Using Two Microphones for People with Hearing Loss(The 10th IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization)
17. |
2024/01/09 |
360° Sound Localization Support System for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People Using Smartglasses Equipped with Two Microphone(2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII))
18. |
2024/01/09 |
Discrimination of lifted object weight using a triaxial accelerometer when lifting an object of unknown weight by the stoop lifting(2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII))
19. |
2024/01/09 |
Distinguishing Between Stooping and Squatting Using Difference in Angular Velocity of Upper Body Forward Tilt(2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII))
20. |
2024/01/09 |
Sound Localization Support System for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People Using Smartglasses Equipped with Two Microphone(2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII))
21. |
2024/01 |
Sound Source Proximity Detection System for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People Using Smartglasses Equipped with Microphone(29th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics)
22. |
2023/12/16 |
23. |
2023/12/15 |
24. |
2023/12/14 |
25. |
2023/12 |
Dynamic Inversion/Eversion of the Ankle Angle Measurement Device with Inertial Sensor and Ultrasound Echo(2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics)
26. |
2023/12 |
Knee Joint Support Mechanism that Can Switch between Four Patterns Using Compression and Tension Springs(2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics)
27. |
2023/12 |
Robotic prosthetic hand with a mechanism for wrist rotation using the center of grasping force of the fingers(2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics)
28. |
2023/10/07 |
29. |
2023/10 |
Insole-Type Walking Assist Device Capable of Inducing Inversion-Eversion of the Ankle Angle to the Neutral Position(2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS))
30. |
2023/10 |
Stability Conditions and Control Designs Via Improved Lyapunov Function for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Descriptor Systems(2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC))
31. |
2023/09/16 |
32. |
2023/09/16 |
33. |
2023/09/06 |
不確かさを含む高木・菅野ファジィシステムに対する制御器の設計(第 39 回ファジィシステムシンポジウム)
34. |
2023/09 |
Control Design of Four-Wheeled Vehicle via Chained Form(2023 SICE Annual Conference (SICE))
35. |
2023/09 |
Obstacle detection system using light intensity for manual wheelchair users(2023 SICE Annual Conference (SICE))
36. |
2023/09 |
Pose estimation of sprint form from the front using super-resolution(2023 SICE Annual Conference (SICE))
37. |
2023/09 |
Shoe-Type Walking Assist Device with Controllable Subtalar Joint Alignment at Heel Contact(2023 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR))
38. |
2023/08/16 |
An Improved Fuzzy Controller Design via Higher Order Derivatives of Lyapunov Function for TakagiSugeno Fuzzy System,(2023 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems)
39. |
2023/07/18 |
A Prototype Body-powered Prosthetic Hand Using Self-weight for Upper Limb Amputees in Return to Work(IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics)
40. |
2023/07 |
New Control Design Via Switching Approach with Higher Order Derivatives of Lyapunov Function for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(22nd IFAC World Congress)
41. |
2023/06 |
42. |
2023/06 |
Autonomous Mobile Robot Equipped with a Monocular Camera and Crossed Laser that can Measure Obstacle Distance in Real Time Independent of Brightness(31st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED))
43. |
2023/06 |
44. |
2023/03/28 |
Guaranteed Cost Control Problem for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Descriptor Systems(第50回知能システムシンポジウム)
45. |
2023/03/28 |
46. |
2023/03/10 |
47. |
2023/03/09 |
Shoe-Type Device to Estimate Body Balance Focusing on the Relationship between CoM and BoS Estimated from CoP(2023 SICE International Symposium on Control Systems)
48. |
2023/01/22 |
49. |
2023/01/19 |
Twisting posture detection using triaxial accelerometers to prevent low back pain in nurses and caregivers(The 2023 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integrations)
50. |
2023/01 |
A Body-Powered Prosthetic Hand Using the User's Body Weight of a Forearm Amputee(AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2023)
51. |
2023/01 |
Automatic Tracking by Semantic Segmentation for Measurement of Lumbar Muscle Thickness during Grasping a Heavy Object(AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2023)
52. |
2022/12/01 |
Membership Function Independent Global Stability Condition for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems)
53. |
2022/11/26 |
54. |
2022/11/26 |
55. |
2022/09/23 |
56. |
2022/09/14 |
57. |
2022/09/07 |
Fuzzy Controller Design Via Higher Order Derivatives of Lyapunov Function for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy System(SICE Annual Conference 2022)
58. |
2022/09/07 |
Realtime Distance Measurement Algorithm with Automatically Determinable Threshold Value Using a Monocular Camera and Line Laser(SICE Annual Conference 2022)
59. |
2022/08/21 |
60. |
2022/07/01 |
An Improved Observer Design for Fuzzy Systems with Unknown Inputs(International Council on Electrical Engineering 2022)
61. |
2022/07 |
Stabilizing Dynamic Output Feedback Control for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(6th International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis)
62. |
2022/06/03 |
63. |
2022/05/04 |
An improved unknown input observer design for fuzzy bilinear systems(13th Asian Control Conference)
64. |
2022/03/15 |
65. |
2022/03/15 |
66. |
2022/03/09 |
Bone surface extraction and dynamic tracking from ultrasound images by semantic segmentation(SICE International Symposium on Control Systems)
67. |
2022/03/08 |
68. |
2022/01/27 |
Real-time dynamic obstacle detection using a line laser and camera in the dark(AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2022)
69. |
2022/01/25 |
Smart device for measuring twisting motion in order to estimate low back load during nursing and care operations(AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2022)
70. |
2022/01/11 |
Algorithm for detecting moment before heel strike using only acceleration in the direction of travel(IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2022))
71. |
2021/12/15 |
72. |
2021/09/18 |
73. |
2021/09/15 |
74. |
2021/09/15 |
75. |
2021/09/14 |
76. |
2021/09/13 |
Guaranteed Cost Control for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems via Static Output Feedback Controller(第37回ファジィシステムシンポジウム)
77. |
2021/09/13 |
78. |
2021/09/03 |
79. |
2021/08/18 |
Static Output Feedback Stabilizing Control for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(10th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics, and Vision)
80. |
2021/06/08 |
看護動作時の腰痛予防を目的とした3軸加速度センサによるひねり検出(ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2021)
81. |
2021/06/07 |
セマンティックセグメンテーションを用いた超音波画像からの骨表面抽出(ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2021)
82. |
2021/06/07 |
ラインレーザーとOpenCV を用いたリアルタイムでの障害物検出(ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2021)
83. |
2021/03/24 |
84. |
2021/03/09 |
Chained Formを利用した四輪車両の移動経路を考慮した安定化制御(第53回計測自動制御学会北海道支部学術講演会)
85. |
2021/03/09 |
86. |
2021/03/06 |
87. |
2021/03/06 |
88. |
2021/01/25 |
Evaluation of the stability limit of static walking in the elderly by considering the relationship between a projected point of a centroid and the base of support(The 26th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics)
89. |
2021/01/25 |
Robust Path Planning Combined Persistent Homology with H2 Augmented Graph in 2.5D Environment(The 26th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics)
90. |
2020/10/16 |
91. |
2020/10/11 |
New Conditions for Admissibility and Control Design of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Descriptor Systems(The 16th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation)
92. |
2020/08/28 |
Static Output Feedback Control Design for Takagi-Sugeno Descriptor Fuzzy Systems(9th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision)
93. |
2020/03/11 |
Chained Formによる二輪車両の最短時間制御(令和2年電気学会全国大会)
94. |
2019/11/23 |
二足歩行システムの安定性と効率の評価(計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門 学術講演会 2019)
95. |
2019/11/18 |
Unknown Input Observer for Discrete-Time Fuzzy Bilinear Systems(9th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and the 9th IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM))
96. |
2019/11/15 |
Chen-Fliess seriesを利用した運動計画の障害物回避への応用(第326回計測自動制御学会 東北支部 研究集会)
97. |
2019/11/15 |
有限時間整定制御によるUAVの位置制御のホバリングへの応用(第326回計測自動制御学会 東北支部 研究集会)
98. |
2019/11/15 |
移動ロボットの到達時間を考慮した動的障害物回(第326回計測自動制御学会 東北支部 研究集会)
99. |
2019/09/04 |
100. |
2019/06/12 |
Improved Control Design of Discrete-Time Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(The 12th Asian Control Conference)
101. |
2019/03/12 |
102. |
2019/03/05 |
新たなリアプノフ関数を用いた離散時間高木・菅野ファジィモデル に対するオブザーバ設計(第29回ソフトサイエンス・ワークショップ)
103. |
2019/01/14 |
Coverage Control of Moving Regions with Multicopters(2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integrations)
104. |
2018/12/17 |
Laplace Estimator for Linear Scalar Systems(The 57th IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control)
105. |
2018/12/15 |
106. |
2018/12/15 |
107. |
2018/12/15 |
108. |
2018/12/14 |
109. |
2018/12/13 |
110. |
2018/11/25 |
リー代数を用いた一輪車型移動ロボットの障害物回避を考慮した運動計画(計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門 学術講演会2018)
111. |
2018/11/25 |
有限時間整定制御によるUAV の位置制御(計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門 学術講演会2018)
112. |
2018/10/10 |
New Observer Design Conditions for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics)
113. |
2018/09/06 |
114. |
2018/09/06 |
115. |
2018/07/12 |
H∞ Filter Design for Fuzzy Bilinear Systems with Unknown Inputs and Disturbances(The 2018 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems)
116. |
2018/06/15 |
Laplace One-Step Controller for Linear Scalar Systems(European Control Conference 2018)
117. |
2018/06/09 |
移動ロボット動力学モデルに対する到達時間を考慮した駐車手法(2018年 電子情報通信学会 NOLTAソサイエティ大会)
118. |
2018/06/09 |
領域の移動を考慮した被覆制御(2018年 電子情報通信学会 NOLTAソサイエティ大会)
119. |
2018/03/21 |
カーネル法によるブロックチェーンの難易度決定手法の検討(2018 年 電子情報通信学会総合大会)
120. |
2018/03/21 |
車両型ロボットの極座標表現に基づいた障害物回避(2018 年 電子情報通信学会総合大会)
121. |
2017/12/20 |
New conditions for stability and stabilization of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems(The 11th Asian Control Conference)
122. |
2017/11/29 |
Control Design of Nonlinear Networked Control Systems via Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Model(The 2017 IEEE Series of Symposium on Computational Intelligence)
123. |
2017/11/27 |
多指ロボットハンドによる物体の計測誤差を考慮した物体把持(計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門 学術講演会2017)
124. |
2017/11/25 |
BMI問題解法を用いたファジィシステムに対する H∞ 動的出力フィードバック制御則設計(計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門 学術講演会2017)
125. |
2017/07/10 |
Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Networked Control Systems Via Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Model(IFAC World Congress 2017)
126. |
2017/03/17 |
127. |
2017/03/09 |
128. |
2017/03/07 |
129. |
2017/03/07 |
130. |
2017/02/23 |
131. |
2017/02/23 |
132. |
2016/11/11 |
133. |
2016/11/11 |
134. |
2016/11/10 |
135. |
2016/09/23 |
Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems Via Fuzzy System Approach(SICE Annual Conference 2016)
136. |
2016/09/21 |
Homogeneous Feedback Laws for Driftless Input-Affine Systems with Tunable Convergence Rates(SICE Annual Conference 2016)
137. |
2016/09/09 |
Stability Analysis and Symthesis for Nonlinear Networked Systems(6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Netowrked Systems)
138. |
2016/07/29 |
A Novel Non-Fragile Output Feedback Controller Design for Uncertain Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(2016 World Congress on Computational Intelligence)
139. |
2016/07/29 |
Output Feedback Stabilization of Discrete-Time Fuzzy Systems(2016 World Congress on Computational Intelligence)
140. |
2016/07/05 |
Generalized Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Model Based Control Design(International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2016)
141. |
2016/05/26 |
142. |
2016/05/25 |
143. |
2016/03/19 |
144. |
2016/03/08 |
Extremum Seekingのリアプノフ型安定解析(第3回制御部門マルチシンポジウム)
145. |
2016/03/08 |
146. |
2016/03/01 |
147. |
2015/12/05 |
Non-Fragile Control for Fuzzy Stochastic Systems(The 47th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications)
148. |
2015/11/14 |
149. |
2015/11/14 |
同次フィードバック制御則によるArtstein circleの漸近安定化(第58回自動制御連合講演会)
150. |
2015/11/11 |
Non-Fragile Static Output Feedback Control Design with Guaranteed Cost of Uncertain Systems with Application to Helicopter System(41st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society)
151. |
2015/09/21 |
Stabilization of Artstein's Circle by Continuous Stochastic Feedback(2015 IEEE Multi-Conference on System and Control)
152. |
2015/09/03 |
153. |
2015/08/28 |
154. |
2015/08/28 |
155. |
2015/08/28 |
156. |
2015/06/23 |
リアプノフ型安定解析によるExtremum Seekingの収束性解析(第14回「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム(MoViC 2015))
157. |
2015/06/16 |
Static Output Feedback Control Design for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Descriptor Systems(4th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision)
158. |
2015/06/02 |
Non-Fragile Static Output Feedback Control Design with Guaranteed Cost of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Descriptor Systems(10th Asian Control Conference)
159. |
2015/05/22 |
Design of Output Feedback Controllers for Discrete Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(International Conference on Applied System Innovation)
160. |
2015/03/05 |
161. |
2015/03/05 |
162. |
2014/12/17 |
Non-Fragile Output Feedback Control Design of Uncertain Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(The 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control)
163. |
2014/12/05 |
Output Feedback Control Design with Guaranteed Cost of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(Joint 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 15th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems)
164. |
2014/11/27 |
Static Output Feedback Control Design with Guaranteed Cost of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems,(14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications)
165. |
2014/09/05 |
166. |
2014/09/05 |
167. |
2014/09/05 |
168. |
2014/09/02 |
169. |
2014/08/05 |
Output Feedback Control Design for Nonlinear Systems Based on a Generalized Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(2014 World Automation Congress)
170. |
2013/11/16 |
171. |
2013/11/16 |
172. |
2013/10/16 |
Guaranteed Cost Control Design Based on Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems with Nonlinear Subsystems,(2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics)
173. |
2013/09/26 |
離散時間システムに対するNon-fragile 制御系設計(第23回インテリジェントシステムシンポジウム)
174. |
2013/09/11 |
175. |
2013/09/11 |
176. |
2013/09/11 |
177. |
2013/07/08 |
Nonlinear Control Design Based on Generalized Discrete-Time Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(2013 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems)
178. |
2013/03/20 |
179. |
2013/03/15 |
180. |
2013/03/08 |
181. |
2012/11/22 |
Non-Fragile Control for Discrete Fuzzy Descriptor Systems(Joint 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems)
182. |
2012/11/13 |
Classification of Emotional Onomatopoeias Based on Questionnaire Surveys(International Conference on Asian Language Processing)
183. |
2012/10/16 |
Non-Fragile Control for Uncertain Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Bilinear Systems with Delays(2012 International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics)
184. |
2012/09/14 |
185. |
2012/09/12 |
186. |
2012/09/05 |
離散時間ディスクリプタシステムに対するH∞ non-fragile制御(平成24年度電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会)
187. |
2012/09/04 |
188. |
2012/08/31 |
189. |
2012/08/31 |
190. |
2012/08/21 |
Non-Fragile Control for Fuzzy Bilinear Systems(SICE Annual Conference 2012)
191. |
2012/07/11 |
Non-Fragile Output Feedback Control Design for Descriptor Systems with Delay(International Conference on Electrical Engineering)
192. |
2012/07/11 |
Observer-Based Stabilization of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Bilinear Systems(International Conference on Electrical Engineering)
193. |
2012/06/11 |
Output Feedback Stabilization of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Bilinear Time-Delay Systems,(2012 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems)
194. |
2012/03/21 |
不確かなディスクリプタむだ時間システムに対するH∞ non-fragile制御則の設計(電気学会全国大会)
195. |
2012/03/05 |
196. |
2011/09/16 |
Non-Fragile Controller Design for Descriptor Delay Systems(SICE Annual Conference 2011)
197. |
2011/09/14 |
Output Feedback Stabilization of Sampled-Data Systems by First-Order Hold Input(SICE Annual Conference 2011)
198. |
2011/09/13 |
199. |
2011/09/08 |
200. |
2011/09/08 |
201. |
2011/09/07 |
202. |
2011/09/07 |
不確かさとむだ時間を含むディスクリプタシステムに対するロバストH∞ non-fragile制御則の設計(電気学会C部門大会)
203. |
2011/09/07 |
204. |
2011/06/28 |
Output Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems)
205. |
2011/03/16 |
206. |
2011/03/08 |
207. |
2011/03/02 |
208. |
2010/12/12 |
Robust Sampled-Data Stabilization for Fuzzy Systems with Nonlinear Perturbation by First-Order Hold Input(Joint 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 11th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems)
209. |
2010/10/12 |
Output Feedback Control Design for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Bilinear Time-Delay Systems(2010 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics)
210. |
2010/09/25 |
211. |
2010/09/25 |
212. |
2010/09/15 |
Sampled-Data Stabilization of Fuzzy Systems by First-Order Hold Input(第26回ファジィシステムシンポジウム)
213. |
2010/09/08 |
Stabilization of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Bilinear Time-Delay Systems(2010 IEEE Multi-Conference Systems and Control)
214. |
2010/07/22 |
LMI Approach to Output Feedback Control for Fuzzy Systems(2010 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems)
215. |
2010/07/20 |
H∞ Control for Fuzzy Sampled-Data Systems with Discrete and Distributed Delays(2010 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems)
216. |
2010/03/17 |
217. |
2010/03/17 |
218. |
2010/03/17 |
219. |
2010/03/17 |
220. |
2009/12/11 |
H∞ Filtering for Sampled-Data Systems(2009 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation)
221. |
2009/08/28 |
Robust Stability and Stabilization for Uncertain Discrete-Time Fuzzy Systems with Time-Varying Delay(7th Asian Control Conference)
222. |
2009/08/23 |
Output Feedback Control for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems with Immeasurable Premise Variables(2009 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems)
223. |
2009/07/16 |
224. |
2009/07/08 |
H∞ Filtering of Sampled-Data Fuzzy Systems(2009 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control)
225. |
2009/03/19 |
Stabilization of Discrete-Time Delay Systems(平成21年電気学会全国大会)
226. |
2008/09/20 |
Sampled-Data Stabilization of Fuzzy Systems with Multiple Time-Delays(Joint 4rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 9th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems)
227. |
2008/09/06 |
Robust Stabilization of Fuzzy Systems under Sampled-Data Control(2008 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems)
228. |
2008/09/03 |
Filtering for Sampled-Data Fuzzy Systems(第24回ファジィシステムシンポジウム)
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2008/08/28 |
Uncertain Fuzzy System Approach to Mechanical System Control(3rd Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics)
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2008/08/20 |
New Robust Stability Conditions for Uncertain Discrete-Time Systems with Time-Varying Delay(SICE Annual Conference 2008)
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2008/07/07 |
Sampled-Data Control for Time-Delay Systems(International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2008)
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2007/09/05 |
Stabilization for Sampled-Data Systems with Input Delay(第36回制御理論シンポジウム(計測自動制御学会))
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2007/08/29 |
Filtering for Fuzzy Systems with Immeasurable Premise Variables(第23回ファジィシステムシンポジウム(日本知能情報ファジィ学会))
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2007/03/08 |
Delay-dependent Conditions for Robust Filtering for Time-Delay Systems(第7回制御部門大会(計測自動制御学会))
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2006/09/08 |
Output Feedback Stabilization of Discrete-Time Fuzzy Systems with Immeasurable Premise Variables(第22回ファジィシステムシンポジウム(日本知能情報ファジィ学会))
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2006/03 |
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2005/10 |
Robust Stability for Uncertain Discrete-time Systems with Time-Delay(第34回制御理論シンポジウム(計測自動制御学会))
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2005/09 |
Fuzzy Time-Delay Systems and Their Stability(第21回ファジィシステムシンポジウム(日本知能情報ファジィ学会))
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2004/11 |
H∞ Tracking with Preview by State Feedback for a Linear Jump System(第33回制御理論シンポジウム((社)計測自動制御学会))
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2004/05 |
An Approach to an Anti-Windup Compensator Design for a Nonlinear Tracking Control System(第4回制御部門大会((社)計測自動制御学会))
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2004/03 |
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2004/03 |
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2004/03 |
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2004/03 |
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2003/11 |
Necessary Conditions on H∞ Control for Nonlinear Jump Systems(第32回制御理論シンポジウム((社)計測自動制御学会))
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2002/09 |
Robust Output for Uncertain Time-Delay Systems(平成14年度電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会(電気学会))
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2002/08 |
Robust Control for Uncertain Systems with Application to Helicopter Model(第41回計測自動制御学会学術講演会(計測自動制御学会))
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2002/08 |
Robust H∞ Stabilization of Fuzzy Systems with Time-Varying Uncertainty(第18回ファジィシステムシンポジウム(日本知能情報ファジィ学会))
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2002/05 |
Robust Output Feedback Stabilization of Jump Systems with Parameter Uncertainty(第2回制御部門大会(計測自動制御学会))
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2002/03 |
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2001/11 |
Robust Control for Uncertain Jump Systems(第44回自動制御連合講演会(計測自動制御学会))
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2001/09 |
Robust Control for Uncertain Fuzzy Systems(第11回インテリジェントシステムシンポジウム(計測自動制御学会))
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1998/07/30 |
Output Stabilization of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(計測自動制御学会)
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1998/07/29 |
H∞ Control for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems(計測自動制御学会)
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1997/11/07 |
A Game Theoretic Approach to an H∞ Control for Serial Time Delay Systems(計測自動制御学会)
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1997/10/29 |
H∞ Control for Nonlinear Systems via Fuzzy Systems(計測自動制御学会)
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1997/10/29 |
Stabilization of Sampled-Data Fuzzy Systems(計測自動制御学会)
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1997/05/28 |
Kalman Filtering for Descriptor Systems(計測自動制御学会)
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1997/01/27 |
An Optimal Regulator Problem for Discrete-Time Descriptor Systems(計測自動制御学会)
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1996/11/01 |
A Game Theoretic Apporoach to an H∞ Control Problem for Descriptor Systems(計測自動制御学会)