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2024/12/07 |
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2024/06/15 |
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2021/12/19 |
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2021/08/07 |
A Study of Fifteenth-Century English: Discourse Markers in The Works of Sir Thomas Malory(English Research Association of Hiroshima)
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2019/07/13 |
‘Figures of Speech in Religious Prose, with Special Reference to Directive Speech Acts in Middle and Early Modern English’(Poetics and Linguistics Association)
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2019/03/28 |
イギリス宗教散文における指示的発話行為の変遷(HiSoPra*(HIstorical SOciolinguistics and PRAgmatics)歴史社会言語学・歴史語用論研究会)
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2017/08/08 |
Interface between the History of the English Language and English Education: How Japanese Teachers can Utilize the Knowledge in the Classroom.(English Research Association of Hiroshima)
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2017/07/21 |
Speech acts and metacommunicative expressions for instruction from Middle to Modern English(The Poetics and Linguistics Association)
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2016/07/29 |
Repetition, variation, and word pairs in the discourse of Middle English Devotional Prose(The Poetics and Linguistics Association)
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2016/04/09 |
中英語散文における魂と身体のワードペア(The Japanese Association for Studies in the History of the English Language (英語史研究会))
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2013/10/20 |
シンポジウム「英語史におけるPoliteness研究の可能性」(日本英文学会中国四国支部 第66回大会)
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2013/10/12 |
中世キリスト教神秘主義者にみられるPoliteness の表現(English Research Association of Hiroshima)
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2013/05/18 |
Metadiscourse in the language of medieval mystics(English Research Association of Hiroshima)
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2012/08/05 |
Comparative Studies of Repetition and Word Pairs in the Shorter and Longer Versions of Julian of Norwich.(The 53rd SummerSeminar of the English Research Association of Hiroshima)
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2012/02/18 |
Speech Acts in Medieval Mystical Prose.(The English Research Association of Hiroshima)
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2011/08/06 |
Figures of Speech in the Language of Medieval Mystics.(The English Research Association of Hiroshima)
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2010/12/05 |
中英語における反復表現の修辞的効果(日本中世英語英文学会 第26回全国大会)
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2010/10/06 |
Repetition and Variation in Middle English Prose.(The English Research Association of Hiroshima)
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2010/08/12 |
Stylistic Effects of Repetition in Middle English(ERA(The English Research Association of Hisoshima))
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2010/05/28 |
MEからModEにおける説得の技法―反復表現、ワードペア、談話標識を中心に(近代英語協会 第27回大会)
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2010/04/17 |
MEからModEにおける説得の技法(ERA(The English Research Association of Hisoshima))
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2009/11/21 |
ME神秘主義散文のワードペアにおける説得への効果(ERA(The English Research Association of Hisoshima))
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2009/03/28 |
ME神秘主義散文におけるword pairs(英語史研究会第19回大会)
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2006/12/09 |
サー・トマス・マロリー『アーサー王物語』における談話標識(日本中世英語英文学会 第22回全国大会)
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2005/06/25 |
Julian of Norwich, A Revelation of Loveの現在分詞構文(日本中世英語英文学会 東支部第21回研究発表会)
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2005/06/04 |
A Revelation of Loveにおける現在分詞構文(東京都立大学中世英語英文学研究会)
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2002/11/30 |
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1996/11/30 |
Sir Thomas Maloryの作品における非人称動詞についての一考察(第29回青山学院大学英文学会大会)