(最終更新日:2024-03-30 11:51:27)
  フクダ, スーズィー E.
  FUKUDA, Suzy E.
   所属   青山学院大学  法学部 法学科
   職種   教授
■ 基幹教員
■ 担当科目
■ 専門分野及び関連分野
言語学 (キーワード:音韻論、心理言語学、言語の生物学的基盤) 
■ 学歴・学位
1. University of Vermont Double Major: AIS Europe & French卒業
2. McGill University Department of French M.A. 修了
3. McGill University Department of Linguistics all Ph.D. coursework, requirements completed
4. McGill University M.A.(French)
■ 職歴
1. 1987/06~1990/07 The World Language Institute, Department of Foreign Languages, English/French Language Instructor
2. 1992/09~1996/03 McGill University Department of Linguistics,Research Assistant
3. 1996/04~1999/03 Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Administration, Language Center, English Lecturer
4. 2001/04~2003/03 青山学院大学 法学部 専任講師
5. 2003/04~2007/03 青山学院大学 法学部 助教授
■ 所属学会
1. 1996~ Japanese Association of Language Teachers (JALT)
2. 1996~ Linguistic Society of America(LSA)
3. 1996~ 日本英語学会
4. 1996~ 日本音韻論学会
5. 2002~ 日本音声学会
1. 1981 The J. Wilfred Anctil Foundation Scholarship(J.Wilfred Anctil Foundation)
2. 1993 Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research at McGill University International Graduate Student Fee Waiver
3. 1997 NUCB/Koryo NUCB/Koryo Annual Award Achievement in Research,Teaching and Administration
4. 1998 NUCB/Koryo NUCB/Koryo Annual Award Outstanding Excellence in Teaching
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
1. 2010/04~2013/03  「特異的言語発達障害児等の補助ストラテジーに関する心理言語学的研究」 日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C) 
2. 2014/07~2017/03  「発話における流暢性の発達モデルの開発」 日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C) 
3. 2018/04~2023/03  「発話における流暢性の発達と幼児期における吃音の自然回復」 日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C) 
■ 社会的活動
1. 1997/04~2001/03 Research Project(心の発達 : 認知的成長の機構,領域代表者:桐谷 滋(東京大学),領域幹事:今泉 敏(東京大学),(1999年4月以降はカナダ在住のため海外研究協力者として活動)
2. 1994/09~1999/06 Research Project(Linguistic,Genetic and Neurological Properties of Familial Language Impairment),研究代表者 : Myrna Gopnik(McGill University),(1996年4月以降は日本在住のため海外研究協力者として活動)
3. 1993/09~1996/06 Research Project(Linguistic Properties of Genetic Language Impairment), 研究代表者:Myrna Gopnik(McGill University), (1996年4月以降は日本在住のため海外研究協力者として活動)
■ 研究業績(著書・論文等)
1. 著書  "Grammatical deficits in Japanese children with specific language impairment" Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics  (共著) 2015
2. 論文  "Grammatical case-marking in Japanese children with SLI" Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 31(7-9),pp.711-723 (共著) 2017
3. 論文  "Onset of speech disfluency and the syntax spurt in Japanese non-stuttering children" Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Fluency Disorders (19) (共著) 2012
4. 論文  "Trends in specific language impairment: A linguistic perspective" Journal of Psychological Science of Health Sciences University of Hokkaido (7),pp.39-53 (共著) 2012
5. 論文  "Atypical development of the passive construction in a Japanese child with specific language impairment" Ars Linguistica (18),pp.152-163 (共著) 2011
■ 研究業績(学会発表)
1. 2016/06/17 Difficulty with grammatical case-marking in Japanese children with SLI.(The 16th International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association Conference)
2. 2014/06/12 The development of verbal morphology in Japanese typically developing children at 2 years of age(The 15th International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association Conference.)
3. 2013/11/15 Phonological development before and after the syntax spurt in Japanese non-stuttering children(The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2013 Convention)
4. 2012/07/03 Is stuttering likely to occur on the first words of sentences?: A comparison between the first and remaining words(The 7th World Congress on Fluency Disorders)
5. 2011/07/22 Creative errors in spontaneous speech in Japanese specific language impairment: A case study(The 12th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language)