サタケ ヨシホ   SATAKE Yoshiho
  佐竹 由帆
   所属   青山学院大学  経済学部 共通教育・外国語科目
   職種   教授
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2024/03
形態種別 大学・研究所等紀要
標題 Implementation of Data-Driven Learning (DDL) in a Course for English Reading and Writing
執筆形態 共同
掲載誌名 Journal of Multilingual Pedagogy and Practice
出版社・発行元 立教大学外国語教育研究センター
巻・号・頁 4,pp.1-17
総ページ数 17
著者・共著者 Aika Miura & Yoshiho Satake
概要 This study examines the impact of data-driven learning (DDL) on English language acquisition at the university level in Japan, specifically in first-year English Reading and Writing courses at Rikkyo University. It focuses on developing DDL tasks based on coursebook vocabulary and inductive learning, analyzing their effect on vocabulary, collocations, and grammar mastery. The results indicate that DDL improves lexical understanding, especially with tasks targeting specific linguistic features. However, issues such as DDL's time-consuming nature and variable effects on language application were noted, suggesting a need for more effective task design and further investigation into DDL's applicability in various learning contexts. The research highlights DDL's potential in English teaching and promoting independent learning.
ISSN 2436-2204
PermalinkURL https://fler.rikkyo.ac.jp/en/journal/index.html
researchmap用URL https://fler.rikkyo.ac.jp/en/journal/index.html