(Last updated : 2024-04-11 13:06:38)
   Department   Aoyama Gakuin University  Department of History, College of Literature
   Position   Professor
■ Specialization and related fields
Historical studies in general, Cultural anthropology and folklore 
■ Academic background
1. Graduate School, University of Tokyo〔Master Course〕 Completed MA in literature
2. Graduate School, University of Tokyo〔Doctorial Course〕 Unfinished course
■ Business career
1. 2004/04~2007/03 Aoyama Gakuin University College of Literature Department of History
2. 2007/04~2009/03 Aoyama Gakuin University College of Literature Department of History Associate Professor
3. 2009/04~ Aoyama Gakuin University College of Literature Department of History Professor
■ Belonging society
1. 1995/06~ Historical Science Society of Japan
2. 2010/06~2011/05 ∟ vice research director
3. 2010/06~2013/05 ∟ editor
4. 2011/06~2012/05 ∟ research director
■ Official position and committee in Univ.
1. 2020/04/01~2022/03/31 Aoyama Gakuin University Chair
2. 2022/04/01~2024/03/31 Aoyama Gakuin University Chair
■ Book and thesis
1. Book An inquiry into the history of the terms 'Latin America', 'Iberoamerica' and 'Hispanoamerica'   (Single) 2021/01
2. Book Reconsidering the history of Latin American historiography: From the perspective of thick reading of the ego-documents  pp.45-74 (Single) 2020/03
3. Book Reconsidering the recent historiography on gender and colonialism by the Japanese scholars  pp.128-142 (Single) 2017/05
4. Book Cortes and Pizarro   (Single) 2016/11
5. Book Granada,Nebrija,and the New World: Rithinking Sixteen-Century Spanish language policy as a historical context for the experiments of the Jesuits in Spanish America" Beyond Borders: A global perspective of the Jesuit mission history pp.364-387 (Single) 2009/10
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