(Last updated : 2024-03-30 11:51:28)
  LAMBACHER, Stephen G.
   Department   Aoyama Gakuin University  Department of Social Informatics, School of Social Informatics
   Position   Professor
Integrated Englsih, Business English, Current English, Technical Writing
■ Specialization and related fields
第二言語教育, 認知科学, TESOL, CALL, American Studies (Key Word:Cognitive Science, TESOL, CALL, American Studies) 
■ Academic background
1. Chukyo University PhD (Cognitive Science)
■ Business career
1. 1993/04~2008/03 University of Aizu School of Science and Engineering, Center for Language Research Associate Professor
2. 2008/04~2014/03 Aoyama Gakuin University School of Social Informatics Department of Social Informatics
3. 2014/04~2019/03 Aoyama Gakuin University School of Social Informatics Department of Social Informatics Associate Professor
4. 2019/04~ Aoyama Gakuin University School of Social Informatics Department of Social Informatics Professor
■ Belonging society
1. 1993/04~2015/03 Phonetic Society of Japan
2. 1993/04~2016/04 Japan Association of College English Teachers
3. 1993/09~2003/03 International Phonetic Association
4. 1993/09~2006/03 Acoustical Society of America
5. 1993/09~2006/03 Acoustical Society of Japan
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■ Winning science prize
1. 1984 Distinguished Professor Scholarship (1984-85)
2. 1986 Evan's Latin Prize
3. 1986 Phi Betta Kappa (honorary society)
■ Committee and society
1. 2019/08~ Eurocall Conference Reviewer
2. 2019~ Emerald Group Publishing Reviewer
3. 2019~ John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reviewer
4. 2018/08~ The 2nd International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh2018) Reviewer
■ Book and thesis
1. Book Exploring the impact of AI on EFL teaching in Japan. In J. Colpaert, & G. Stockwell (Eds.), Smart CALL: Personalization, contextualization, & socialization  pp.101-125 (Collaboration) 2022/03 Link
2. Book Knowledge, learning, and skills in software systems development (chapter in Enterprise & Business Management book series)  Tectum Verlag, Germany,pp.37-107 (Collaboration) 2017
3. Book Monitoring of emotion to create adaptive game for children with mild autistic  pp.326-333 (Collaboration) 2007
4. Article Altering Fish Behavior by Sensing Swarm Patterns of Fish in an Artificial Aquatic Environment Using an Interactive Robotic Fish Sensors 23(3) (Collaboration) 2023/02
5. Article Individualized identification training aids in the pronunciation of American English vowels for native speakers of Japanese PROCEEDINGS of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics  (Collaboration) 2022/10
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2023/12/06 Identification training adapted to the learner’s vowel space aids in improving native Japanese speakers’ pronunciation of American English vowels (Acoustics 2023 Sydney)
2. 2022/10/24 Individualized identification training aids in the pronunciation of American English vowels for native speakers of Japanese (ICA2022)
3. 2022/07/10 Exploring the impact of AI on EFL teaching in Japan (The XXIst International CALL Research Conference)
4. 2021/03/12 Introducing the Basics of Xreading for Extensive Reading (Aoyama CALL Workshop 2021)
5. 2020/11/22 Using AI/VR to improve the EFL skills of Japanese (JALT 2020 International Conference)
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